
UPSC Courses


Indian Heritage & Culture
Indian Art Forms
  • Indian Paintings
  • Classical Dance Forms
  • Folk Dance Forms
  • Classical Music
  • Puppetry
  • Pottery
  • Drama/Theatre
  • Martial Arts
Indian Art Forms
  • Ancient Indian Literature
  • Classical Sanskrit Literature
  • Literature in Pali and Prakrit
  • Early Dravidian Literature
  • Medieval Literature
  • Women Poets of Bhakti
  • Trends in Medieval Literature
  • Modern Indian Literature
  • Harappan Architecture
  • Temple Architecture
  • Cave Architecture
  • Indo-Islamic Architecture
  • Medieval Architecture
  • Modern Architecture
  • Contribution of Buddhism & Jainism to the Development of Indian Architecture
  • Rock Cut Architecture
  • Colonial Architecture & the Modern Period
Modern Indian History
Middle of the Eighteenth Century Until The Present
  • Socio-economic Condition of People
  • European Penetration of India
  • British Conquest of India
  • British Policies & Their Impact – Economic, Administrative & Socio-cultural
  • Socio-cultural Reform Movements
  • Uprisings Against British Pre-1857
The Freedom Struggle
Revolt of 1857
Growth of Nationalism in India (1858-1905)
  • Political, Economic & Administrative Unification of the Country
  • Role of Western Education
  • Role of Press
  • Rediscovery of India’s Past
  • Early Political Movements
  • Formation of INC
  • Era of Moderates
Growth of Militant Nationalism & Revolutionary Activities (1905-1918)
  • Swadeshi & Boycott Movement
  • Surat Split
  • International Influence
  • Morley – Minto Reforms
  • Growth of Communalism
Beginning of Mass Nationalism (1919-1939)
  • Mahatma Gandhi – His Ideas & Leadership
  • Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms
  • Rowlatt Act, Satyagrah and Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
  • Non-cooperation & Khilafat Movement
  • Swarajists & No-Changers
  • Emergence of New Forces – Socialistic Ideas, Youth & Trade Unionism
  • Revolutionary Activity
  • Simon Commission & Nehru Report
  • Civil Disobedience Movement
  • Round Table Conferences
  • Communal Award & Poona Pact
  • Participation in Elections to Central Legislature (1934) & Provincial Assemblies (1937)
  • Government of India Act, 1935
Towards Freedom & Partition (1939-1947)
  • National Movement During World War II
  • August Offer
  • Individual Satyagraha
  • Growth of Communalism
  • Peasant Movements
  • State People’s Struggle
  • Cripps Mission
  • Quit India Movement
  • Wavell Plan
  • INA & Subhash Chandra Bose
  • Cabinet Mission
  • Nationalist Upsurge Post-World War II
  • Independence with Partition
Post-independence Consolidation
Nation Building
  • Partition and Its Aftermath
  • Integration of Princely States
  • Reorganisation of States
  • Issue of Official Language
  • Tribal Consolidation
  • Regional Aspirations
Foreign Policy
  • Non-Aligned Movement
  • Panchsheel
  • Wars with Pakistan & China
  • Nuclear Policy
  • Planned Development
  • Green Revolution, Operation Flood & Cooperatives
  • Agrarian & Land Reforms
  • Industrial Reforms
  • LPG Reforms
  • Era of One-Party Dominance
  • Emergence of Opposition Parties
  • Emergency: Crisis of Democratic Order
  • Rise of Regional Parties
  • Coalition Era
  • Popular Movements
  • Communalism
  • Indian Women Since Independence
  • Naxalism
History of the World
Industrial Revolution
  • Renaissance
  • Discovery of Sea Routes
  • Reformation
  • Counter Reformation
  • European Nations Settle North America
  • Rise of Slave Trade
  • American War of Independence
  • French Revolution
  • Nationalism in Europe
  • Rise of Capitalism, Colonialism & Imperialism
World War I
  • Causes of the War
  • Scope & Course of the War
  • Russian Revolution
  • End of the War & Peace Treaties
  • Consequences of the War
  • League of Nations
World Between the Two Wars
  • Europe After the War – Fascism & Nazism
  • The Great Depression
  • Emergence of Soviet Union
  • Nationalist Movements in Asia & Africa
  • US as a Strong Power
World War II
  • Fascist Aggression & Response of Western Democracies
  • Outbreak of the War
  • Theatres of the War
  • US Entry into the War
  • Global Nature of the War
  • The Holocaust
  • Resistance Movements
  • After-effects of the War
Decolonialisation & Redrawal of National Boundaries
  • Europe after World War II
  • Cold War
  • Rise of Asia & Africa
  • Developments in West Asia & North Africa
  • Spread of Communism
  • Korean War
  • Vietnam War
  • Cuban Crisis
  • Collapse of Soviet Union
Concept, Types & Social Impact of Political Philosophies
  • Communism
  • Capitalism
  • Socialism


Salient Features of Indian Society
  • Diversity (Types – caste, linguistic, social and religious, race, tribe and ethnicity, culture)
  • Challenges posed by Diversity
  • Unity
  • Pluralism
  • Unity in Diversity
  • Inequality and Exclusion
  • Family System
  • Examples of above.
Role of Women and Women's Organization
  • Women's Organisations – Empowerment through Action
  • 19th Century Social Reform Movements and Early Women's Organisations – (1) Agrarian Struggles and Revolt, (2) Participation in Freedom Struggle
  • Women's Organisations Post – 1947
  • Resurgence of Women's Movement in the 70s: (1) Emergence of New Organisations, (2) Approaches and Issues
  • Contemporary Women's Issues & Organisation Response
  • Women's Organisations and SHGs
  • Challenges faced by Women's Organisations
Population and Associated Issues
  • Basic Demography of India
  • Population Trends in India and their Implications
  • Causes and Effects of Over Population
  • Challenges of Population Explosion
  • Changing Age Structure of Indian Population
  • Demogarphic Dividend: Boon or Bane for India
  • Population Aging in India
  • India's Population Policy & Initiatives
Poverty and Developmental Issues
  • Concept of Development and Poverty
  • Types of Poverty
  • Measurement of Poverty – Poverty Line
  • Causes of Poverty
  • Poverty as a Social Problem
  • Socio-economic Spread of Poverty
  • Consequences of Poverty –
    • Inequality
    • Continuation of Vicious Cycle
    • Who are worst affected by poverty?
  • Problem of Rising Urban Poverty
  • Poverty Alleviation Initiatives
  • Policy shift from “Trickle Down” Economics to Inclusive or Pro-poor Development to Reduce Poverty
  • Relation between Poverty Reduction and Development: Poverty-Inequality-Development Nexus
Population and Associated Issues
  • Basic Demography of India
  • Population Trends in India and their Implications
  • Causes and Effects of Over Population
  • Challenges of Population Explosion
  • Changing Age Structure of Indian Population
  • Demogarphic Dividend: Boon or Bane for India
  • Population Aging in India
  • India's Population Policy & Initiatives
Population and Associated Issues
  • Basic Demography of India
  • Population Trends in India and their Implications
  • Causes and Effects of Over Population
  • Challenges of Population Explosion
  • Changing Age Structure of Indian Population
  • Demogarphic Dividend: Boon or Bane for India
  • Population Aging in India
  • India's Population Policy & Initiatives
Population and Associated Issues
  • Basic Demography of India
  • Population Trends in India and their Implications
  • Causes and Effects of Over Population
  • Challenges of Population Explosion
  • Changing Age Structure of Indian Population
  • Demogarphic Dividend: Boon or Bane for India
  • Population Aging in India
  • India's Population Policy & Initiatives
Population and Associated Issues
  • Basic Demography of India
  • Population Trends in India and their Implications
  • Causes and Effects of Over Population
  • Challenges of Population Explosion
  • Changing Age Structure of Indian Population
  • Demogarphic Dividend: Boon or Bane for India
  • Population Aging in India
  • India's Population Policy & Initiatives
Population and Associated Issues
  • Basic Demography of India
  • Population Trends in India and their Implications
  • Causes and Effects of Over Population
  • Challenges of Population Explosion
  • Changing Age Structure of Indian Population
  • Demogarphic Dividend: Boon or Bane for India
  • Population Aging in India
  • India's Population Policy & Initiatives
Population and Associated Issues
  • Basic Demography of India
  • Population Trends in India and their Implications
  • Causes and Effects of Over Population
  • Challenges of Population Explosion
  • Changing Age Structure of Indian Population
  • Demogarphic Dividend: Boon or Bane for India
  • Population Aging in India
  • India's Population Policy & Initiatives
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