
UPSC Courses

upsc facts and data
  • 19 March, 2021

  • Min Read

Data on Artificial Intelligence

Data on Artificial Intelligence

  • AI has helped increase crop yields, raised business productivity, improved access to credit and made cancer detection faster and more precise.
  • It could contribute more than $15 trillion to the world economy by 2030,adding14%to global GDP. Google has identified over 2,600 use cases of“AI for good” worldwide. A study published in Naturereviewing the impact of AI on the SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs) find that AI may act as an enabler on134 — or 79%—of all SDG targets.
  • We are on the cusp of unprecedented technological breakthroughs that promise to positively transform our world in ways deeper and more profound than anything that has come before.Yet, the study in Naturealsofinds that AI can actively hinder 59—or 35%— of SDG targets.

Source: TH

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