
UPSC Courses

Daily MCQ Quiz

1. Which of the following water bodies are connected by the Strait of Hormuz?
2. Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the recently passed Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019?
  1. It is applicable only to Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Buddhist, Parsi and Christian foreigners, who have migrated from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan.
  2. It takes into account the persecution due to the religion only.
Choose the correct options from the codes below.
3. Consider the following statements regarding the FAME -India Scheme
  1. It is part of the National Electricity Mobility Mission Plan
  2. It is being implemented by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
Choose the correct options from the codes below.
4. Consider the following statements:
  1. Light is affected by gravity.
  2. The Universe is constantly expanding.
  3. Matter warps its surrounding space-time.
Which of the above is/are the prediction/predictions of Albert Einstein`s General Theory of Relativity?
5. With reference to the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS), consider the following statements:
  1. IRNSS has three satellites in geostationary and four satellites in geosynchronous orbits.
  2. IRNSS covers entire India and about 5500 sq. km beyond its borders
  3. India will have its own satellite navigation system with full global coverage by the middle of 2019.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
6. With reference to the circumstances in Indian agriculture, the concept of ``Conservation Agriculture`` assumes significance. Which of the following fall under the Conservation Agriculture?
  1. Avoiding the monoculture practices
  2. Adopting minimum tillage
  3. Avoiding the cultivation of plantation crops
  4. Using crop residues to cover soil surface
V. Adopting spatial and temporal crop sequencing/crop rotations
7. The terms 'WannaCry, Petya and EternalBlue' sometimes mentioned in the news recently are related to

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