
UPSC Courses

Daily MCQ Quiz

1. Which of the following are types of G-Sec (Government Securities)?
  1. Treasury bills
  2. Cash-Management bills
  3. Money bills
  4. State Development Loans
Select the correct answer.
2. Banks of which country have opened Special Rupee Vostro Accounts (SVRA), with partner banks in India?
Select the correct answer.
Select the correct answer.
4.   Which of the following reasons defining the reasons why healthy underwater is a necessity?
  1. Marine resources support just coastal dwellers.
  2. The entire maritime industry is valued at $3 trillion, or 5% of global GDP.
  3. The sea is important not only for the production of sustainable waves and tidal energy, but also for the production of commodities and medicines.
Select the correct answer.
5. With which country does India has its first P2P facility?
Select the correct answer.
6. Geographically where do we find the Prairies ?
Select the correct answer.
7. Which of the following are the steps taken to eliminate SICKLE CELL ANEMIA?
  1. Outreach program- The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) are conducting outreach programs to improve the treatment and control of disease.
  2. National Health Mission Guidelines for Hemoglobinopathies - Establish community-based services for premarital and pre-pregnancy screening supported by genetic counseling services.
Select the correct answer.

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