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Daily MCQ Quiz

1. Tuberculosis disease is caused by
2. Consider the following statements regarding ASHA workers:
  1. To be ASHA workers the minimum qualification is degree pass
  2. ASHA workers conducts the Institutional deliveries.
  3. They are brand ambassadors for Swatch Bharat Abhiyan in rural areas.
Select the Incorrect statements using given codes below:
3. Mission Indradhanush is a health mission of the government of India. In this context consider the following statements:
  1. It was launched in 25th December 2015.
  2. It aims to vaccinate all the children by 2025.
  3. It covers against seven vaccine preventable diseases.
Select the Incorrect statements using given codes below:
4. DPSP are Constitutional instructions to which of following authorities :
  1. Central Government (legislative & Executive)
  2. State Government (Legislative & Executive)
  3. All local authorities
  4. All other public authorities in our country
Select the correct answer using codes given below:
5. Which of the following Directive Principles is based on Gandhian ideology?
6. Which of the following Directive Principles not added to the constitution through the 42nd Amendment Act?
7. To Prohibit the Slaughter of cows, calves and other milch and draught cattle and to improve their breeds is
8. As per Directive Principles in Part IV of the constitution, the state shall direct its policy towards securing that the ownership and control of the material resources of the community so that
  1. Concentration of wealth is avoided
  2. Means of production are nationalized
  3. Private ownership is gradually discouraged
Select the correct answer using the codes below
9. Which of the following is NOT a ?Directive Principle of State Policy??
  1. Free legal aid to poor
  2. Public assistance in cases of unemployment
  3. Secure the participation of workers in the management of industries
Select the correct answer using the odes below.
10. Which of the following is/are implicitly/explicitly both a fundamental Right and a Directive principle of state policy (DPSP)?
  1. Protecting children from forcible abuse.
  2. The right to adequate means to livelihood.
  3. Early childhood care.
Select the correct answer using the codes below.
11. To get just and humane conditions for work and maternity relief is a
12. Which article un der DPSP proposes for the separation of the Judiciary from executive?

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