
UPSC Courses

Daily MCQ Quiz

1. Which of the following are correct in respect to MARINE SOUND POLLUTION?
Select the correct answer.
2. Which of the following are true?
Select the correct answer.
3. Which of the following can/ are the benefits of TRADE UNION?
  1. Opportunities - Unions provide employees with the opportunity to achieve their goals with the support of their peers.
  2. Management participation- Employees are given the opportunity to participate in management, to express their views and to oppose any decisions that adversely affect them.
Select the correct answer.
4. CENTRAL ARMED POLICE FORCE, comes under which ministry?
Select the correct answer.
5. The Kathani Cattle, one of the ten new indigenous species of cattle is of which state?
Select the correct answer.
6. When is Shivaji Jayanti celebrated?
Select the correct answer.
7. Which of the following is true with regard to e-waste?
Select the correct answer.

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