
UPSC Courses

Daily MCQ Quiz

1. Warsaw International Mechanism' is associated with
2. Which of the following is correctly matched?
  1. Kobani ? Syria
  2. Deir ez-Zor - Yemen
  3. Raqqa - Palestine
Select the correct code:
3. Which one of the following national parks lies completely in the Temperate alpine zone?
4. The acronyms LDPE, HDPE, PP,EPS, PS are often used in the context of:
5. Consider the following statements about Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas:
  1. It is prepared by United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).
  2. India is among countries whose soil biodiversity faces the highest level of risk.
  3. Soil biodiversity encompasses the presence of micro-organisms, micro-fauna and macro-fauna.
Which of the above statements is correct?
6. Consider the following statements regarding Economic capital framework.
  1. Economic capital framework refers to sources where RBI earns its income.
  2. RBI had constituted a panel on economic capital framework headed by Sunil Mehta.
  3. RBI earns income from investment in foreign currency assets.
Which of the above statements is incorrect?

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