
UPSC Courses

Daily MCQ Quiz

1. The Geological Survey of India has declared 32 geo-heritage sites. Which of the following are correct with respect to it?
Select the correct answer.
2. Who has been appointed as the first FUTURE GENRATIONS COMMISSIONER OF THE WORLD?
Select the correct answer.
3. Which of the following statements are correct with respect to Western Disturbances?
Select the correct answer.
4. Which of the following resonate correctly with Kilonova phenomena.
Select the correct answer.
5. LAVANI folk art is associated with which state?
Select the correct answer.
6. Which of the following are correct with respect to DELIMITATION?
  1. The Delimitation Commission Act was passed in 1952.
  2. The Constitution of India requires that the distribution of seats in the Lok Sabha be as equal as possible in the ratio of seats to population in all states based on the population of each state. It is designed so that each individual's vote is approximately equally weighted regardless of the state they reside in.
Select the correct answer.
7. Where is the KEOLADEO NATION PARK situated?
Select the correct answer.

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