
UPSC Courses

Daily MCQ Quiz

1. The Leader of Opposition is included in the committee to investigate the charges mentioned in the motion.
  1. The removal motion must be signed by one-fourth of the total members of the House.
  2. No judge of the Supreme Court has been impeached so far.
  3. The removal motion must be signed by one-fourth of the total members of the House.
  4. No judge of the Supreme Court has been impeached so far.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
2. Consider the following statements with respect to judiciary in India
  1. Both India and the USA have integrated judicial system with Supreme Court at the top.
  2. A Supreme Court judge can resign his office by writing to the chief justice of India.
  3. The Supreme Court of India is empowered to constitute all India judicial Service.
Which of the ststements given above are not correct?
3. Which of the following are the federal features of the Indian Constitution?
  1. Division of power
  2. Bicameralism
  3. Supremacy of the constitution
  4. All India Service
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
4. Chad a landlocked country was in the news recently. It is bordered by which of the following countries?
  1. Libya
  2. Nigeria
  3. Sudan
  4. Egypt
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
5. Which of the following are the main features of a Rebublic country?
  1. The head of the state is always elected directly by the people of a fixed period.
  2. Political sovereignty vested in the people of the country.
  3. Absence of any privileged class.
  4. direct election.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
6. Which of the following conditions to the loss of Indian Citizenship of individual?
  1. Acquiring citizenship of another country.
  2. Unlawful trade with the enemy during war
  3. A citizen of India ordinarily resident of India for 5 years
Select the correct answer from the correct given below.
7. Which of the following can be amended with the simple majority of parliament?
  1. Delimitation of Constituencies
  2. Changes in the Union List
  3. Conferment of more jurisdiction on the Supreme Court.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.

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