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Daily MCQ Quiz

1. Consider the following Statements regarding Pelindaba Treaty:
  1. All African Union members along with India and European union are the signatories of the Pelindaba treaty.
  2. The treaty aims to prevent nuclear proliferation in Africa and stops unchecked supply of Uranium to the nuclear powers of the world.
Select the Correct statements using the codes given below:
2. Which of the following element is known as Yellow cake
3. Under India's Nuclear Power Programme, In which of the following palces Stage-I Pressurised Heavy water Reactors are operating
  1. Narora (Himachal Pradesh)
  2. Kakrapur (Gujarat)
  3. Kalapakkam(Tamil Nadu)
Select the Correct option using Codes given below:
4. Consider the Following Statements:
  1. India's three stage nuclear power programme was devised by Dr. Homi Bhaba.
  2. SAGA 220 is a super computer built by the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology.
Select Correct statement using given codes below:
5. Consider the following statements regarding India's three stage nuclear power programme:
  1. In the first stage of the programme, natural uranium fuelled pressurized heavy water reactors(PHWR) produce electricity while generating Plutonium239 as by-product.
  2. In the second stage , fast breeder reactors would use a mixed oxide fuel.
  3. Atomic Mineral Directorate under Department of Atomic energy, has been given the responsibility to build the fast breeder reactors in India.
Select the Incorrect statements:
6. Which of the following is not a provision of Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty(CTBT)
7. India is member of
  1. NSG
  2. CTBT
  3. MTCR
Select the Incorrect option using given codes below:

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