
UPSC Courses

Daily MCQ Quiz

1. Consider the following statements.
  1. Under the Forest Conservation Act, 1980, any diversion of any forest land for any purpose, including assignment of leases, needs prior approval of the State Government.
  2. The Forest Conservation Act, 1980 had applied largely to reserve forests and national parks.
  3. In 1996, the Supreme Court had expanded the definition and scope of forest land to include all areas recorded as forest in any government record, irrespective of ownership, recognition and classification.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
2. Consider the following statements regarding Government of India Act of 1919.
  1. It introduced, for the first time, bicameralism and direct elections in the country.
  2. It relaxed the central control over the provinces by demarcating and separating the central and provincial subjects.
  3. It separated, for the first time, provincial budgets from the Central budget and authorised the provincial legislatures to enact their budgets.
Which of the above statement is/are correct?
3. With reference to pulse production in India ,consider the following statements:
  1. Black gram can be cultivated as both Kharif and rabi crop.
  2. Green-gram alone accounts for nearly half of pulse production.
  3. In the last three decades, while the production of kharif pulses has increased, the production of rabi pulses has decreased.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
4. Bleaching, or the paling of coral colour occurs due to
  1. Fall in the concentration of photosynthetic pigments within the zooxanthellae.
  2. Extreme low tides
  3. Inflow of Inorganic Nutrients
  4. Decline in the densities of zooxanthellae
Select the correct answer code:
5. Consider the following statements.
  1. Fungai gain their biomass by producing food by themselves like autotrophs do.
  2. Lichens located in tundra climates are an example of a primary producer.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
6. Consider the following statements.
  1. The Government of India (GoI) Act of 1935 provided for a three-fold enumeration, viz., federal, provincial and concurrent subjects for legislation.
  2. In the GoI Act 1935, residuary powers were given to the Central legislature.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
7. In which one of the following groups are all the four countries members of G20?

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