
UPSC Courses

Daily MCQ Quiz

1. Consider the following statements regarding the Electoral Bonds Scheme
  1. The scheme is opened exclusively for the Lok Sabha elections.
  2. The Election Commission of India had promoted the scheme calling it a step towards electoral transparency.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
2. Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)?
  1. The treaty defines nuclear-weapon states as those that have built and tested a nuclear explosive device before 1 January 1967.
  2. All United Nations member countries are signatories to it.
3. `Global Investment Trend Monitor Report` is published by which of the following bodies?
4. The `Democracy Index`, recently seen in the news, is released by which of the following bodies?
5. Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the recent Coronavirus outbreak?
  1. It does not cause life-threatening diseases.
  2. It affects humans only.
  3. Scientists have already developed a vaccine for it.
  4. The virus can spread via human-to-human contact and can also spread via respiratory transmission.
Select the correct option from the codes given below
6. `Amnesty International`, often in the news, is
7. Who among the following was/were associated with the introduction of Ryotwari Settlement in India during the British Rule?
  1. Lord Cornwallis
  2. Alexander Read
  3. Thomas Munro
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
8. In the context of mitigating the impending global warming due to anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide, which of the following can be potential sites for carbon sequestration?
  1. Abandoned and uneconomic coal seams
  2. Depleted oil and gas reservoirs
  3. Subterranean deep saline formations
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
9. Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the `Monetary Policy Committee (MPC)`?
  1. It decides the RBI's benchmark interest rates.
  2. It is a 12-member body including the Governor of RBI and is reconstituted every year.
  3. It functions under the chairmanship of the Union Finance Minister.
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
10. In the context of India, which one of the following is the correct relationship between Rights and Duties?

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