
UPSC Courses

Daily MCQ Quiz

1. Which are the only states in India to have enacted a law preventing mob-lynching?
Select the correct answer.
2. What is the Global Methane pledge?
Select the correct answer.
3. What is the common name for Hippocampus kelloggi?
Select the correct answer.
4. Which of the following is/are true with regard to GAC?
  1. The GAC aims to ensure a safe, secure and responsible Internet for users in India.
  2. GAC is accessible through the Common Service Centers (CSCs)
  3. Users may appeal to the GAC within 15 days of receiving the communication from the Intermediate Grievance Officer.
Select the correct answer.
5. SAUBHAGYA YOJANA is a scheme related to which facility?
Select the correct answer.
6. When was the GREEN STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP launched?
Select the correct answer.
7. Which of the following is not a part of Indian Ocean Rim Association?
  1. Pakistan
  2. China
  3. Thailand
  4. Madagascar
Select the correct answer.

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