
UPSC Courses

Daily MCQ Quiz

1. With reference to Consumer Protection Bill 2019, Consider the following statements:
  1. It mandates deterrent punishment to check misleading advertisements and adulteration of products.
  2. It set ups Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) for providing access to justice to consumer.
  3. It incorporates Product liability provision to deter manufacturers and service providers from delivering defective products or deficient services.
Which among the above statements is correct?
2. Which among the following is technologies used under PRAGATI platform?
  1. Digital data management.
  2. Video-conferencing .
  3. Geo-spatial technology.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
3. Which of the following statements with respect to 'CPGRAMS' is true?
4. Which of the following statements is correct?
  1. Methane can be synthesised with water and carbon dioxide in space.
  2. Methane burns on its own upon coming in contact with oxygen.
Select the correct statements:
5. With reference to the International Charter 'Space and Major Disasters',consider the following statements:
  1. It is a non-binding charter.
  2. It provides for the charitable and humanitarian related acquisition of and transmission of space satellite data to relief organizations in the event of major disasters.
  3. It is initiated by NASA.
Which among the above statements is correct?
6. With reference to renaming of states, consider the following statements:
  1. It can initiated by the Parliament only.
  2. The renaming of a state requires Parliamentary approval under Article 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
  3. The views of the state assembly are not binding neither on the President nor on the Parliament.
Which among the above statements is correct?
7. Consider the following statements regarding Biometric Seafarer Identity Document (BSID).
  1. India became the first country in the world to issue Biometric Seafarer Identity Document (BSID),capturing the bio-metric data of seafarers.
  2. Biometric Seafarer Identity Document (BSID) is based on finger and iris-based bio-metric data.
  3. BSID will give a foolproof identification to Indian seafarers which will facilitate their movement and help in identifying them from any location in the world.
Which of the above statements is correct?

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