
UPSC Courses

Daily MCQ Quiz

1. With reference to South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC):
  1. Afghanistan, Vietnam, Nepal and Myanmar are the member nations of SAARC.
  2. The secretariat of SAARC is located in Kathmandu.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
2. ?Country of Particular Concern (CPC)? designation by US is related to
3. National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) hears appeals from the orders of
  1. National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)
  2. Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India
  3. Competition Commission of India (CCI)
Select the correct answer code:
4. Geographical Indication tags are typically given for
  1. Agricultural Products
  2. Foodstuffs
  3. Handicrafts
  4. Industrial Products
Select the correct answer code:
5. Consider the following statements regarding Article 32 of the Indian Constitution.
  1. Article 32 affirms the right to move the Supreme Court for the enforcement of the rights conferred in Part III of the Indian Constitution.
  2. The right guaranteed under Article 32 is absolute and shall not be suspended.
  3. An individual approaching the High Court under Article 226 for the violation of fundamental rights is itself is a fundamental right.
Which of the above statements is/are incorrect?
6. Consider the following statements regarding Radar Imaging Satellites.
  1. Radar Imaging Satellites are basically Earth observation satellites.
  2. They can be used for border surveillance, to deter insurgent infiltration and for anti-terrorist operations.
  3. One of the main disadvantages of Radar Imaging Satellites is that they are not all-weather satellites since they are affected by weather, cloud or fog.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
7. Consider the following statements regarding Global Tiger Initiative (GTI).
  1. Global Tiger Initiative (GTI) is a global alliance of governments, international organizations, civil society, the conservation and scientific communities and the private sector, with the aim of working together to save wild tigers from extinction
  2. The initiative is led by all tiger range countries (TRCs).
  3. The scope of GTI also includes Asiatic Lions.
  4. World Bank is one of the founding partners of GTI.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?

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