
UPSC Courses

Daily MCQ Quiz

1. Consider the following statements regarding the Mental Health Act, 2017
  1. It proposes solitary confinement for persons suffering from mental illness.
  2. A person committing suicide will be punished by 3 year jail term under Indian Penal Code.
  3. A recent directive of the Supreme Court and guidelines issued by the Health Ministry mandates that the period of stay in mental hospitals should not exceed six months.
Which of the above statements is/are not correct?
2. The 'Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS)', sometimes seen in the news is a permanent organ of which of the following international bodies
3. Which of the following statements is/are correct `Invest India`?
  1. It is India`s official agency dedicated to investment promotion and facilitation.
  2. It is a fully government owned company and acts as the first point of reference for investors in India.
4. The Prime Minister of India is not the chairman of which of the following bodies.
5. With reference to the religious practices in India, the ``Sthanakvasi`` sect belongs to
6. What will follow if a Money Bill is substantially amended by the Rajya Sabha?
7. Supply of money remaining the same when there is an increase in demand for money, there will be

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