
UPSC Courses

Daily MCQ Quiz

1. Which is/are the process to develop LAB GROWN DIAMONDS?
Select the correct answr.
2. What is the name of the initiative taken by GOI to provide psychological support to students, families and teachers?
Select the correct answr.
3. Which university is set to be world?s first LIVING HERITAGE UNIVERITY
Select the correct answr.
4. Where is India?s first industrial corridor being set up?
Select the correct answr.
5. Which of the following resonate correctly with PARIS CLUB?
Select the correct answr.
6. Which of the following correctly resonates with WATER TOWER OF ASIA
Select the correct answer.
7. Which of the following re correct in respect with INDIA- UAE relations?
  1. Both are members of I2U2 grouping
  2. India and the UAE are discussing how to increase the rupee's non-oil trade, which will help internationalize the rupee.
  3. The UAE is India's second largest export destination (after the US).
  4. Desert Eagle II is a joint combat exercise between the Indian Air Force and the United Arab Emirates.
Select the correct answer.

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