
UPSC Courses

Daily MCQ Quiz

1. Which of the following statement is correct regarding Fourth Industrial Revolution:
2. Who invented the Penicillin?
3. Consider the following statements regarding stem cells:
  1. They have ability to develop into specialised cell types in the body.
  2. They can be used for medical therapies.
Select the correct statement using codes given below:
4. Consider the following statements regarding Helium-3:
  1. Helium-3 is available in abundance on the earth?s surface.
  2. It is used in additive technology.
Select the correct statement using codes given below:
5. Consider the following statements about Utkarsh 22
6. Cosider the following stements about Doha
  1. Doha is the capital of the State of Qatar
  2. It is located on the coast of the Persian Gulf in the east of the country.
7. Prosecco Hills, that recently was included in the World Heritage Sites, are located in

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