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Daily MCQ Quiz

1. Consider the following :
  1. Amphere - electroral current
  2. Kelvin - Thermodynamic temperature
  3. Mole - Mass
Select the correct matching from the above:
2. Recently, Kilogram(Kg) got a new definition. In this context consider the following statements:
  1. The old definition of Kg is the mass of a cylinder of Platinum-silver alloy kept in a high-security vault in France.
  2. Now, the Kilogram will be defined in terms of a tiny but unchanging value called the 'Planck constant'.
Select the correct statement using codes given below:
3. Consider the following statements regarding Submarines:
  1. A nuclear submarine is fuelled by an onboard nuclear reactor, which allows it to operate under water for long periods of time.
  2. Conventional diesel submarine uses batteries to operate underwater and periodically recharges its batteries using the ocean-thermal energy conversion process.
Select the correct statement using codes given below:
4. Who among the following Personalities Posthumously honoured with 'Future of Life' Prize in 2017?
5. Columbia ?class submarine is designed by
6. Consider the following Statements:
  1. District Judges are appointed by the Governor in consultation with State Public Service Commision.
  2. Other Subordinate Judicial officers are appointed as per rules framed by the concern State law ministry in consultation with the High Court.
Select the Incorrect statements using codes given below:

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