
UPSC Courses

Daily MCQ Quiz

1. Consider the following statements regarding Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR).
  1. ICOR is defined as ratio of investment to change in output.
  2. ICOR decreases with increasing productivity.
Select the Correct statement using codes given below:
2. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) headquarter is Situated in
3. The term Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure (RATS) is related to:
4. Which of the following Country is not a part of Golden Triangle:
5. Which of the following sets of countries are referred to as 'The Golden Crescent' the largest Opium Industry in the world?
6. Consider the following statements reagarding Qingdao Declaration:
  1. India refused to endorse Chinese ambitious OBOR project as part of Qingdao declaration.
  2. India gave slogan ?SECURE? in which 'S' stands for Sovereignty of the nations.
Select the Correct Statement using codes given below:

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