
UPSC Courses

Daily MCQ Quiz

1. What is the importance of the term ?Interest Coverage Ratio? of a firm in India?
  1. It helps in understanding the present risk of a firm that a bank is going to give loan to.
  2. It helps in evaluating the emerging risk of a firm that a bank is going to give loan to.
  3. The higher a borrowing firm?s level of interest coverage ratio, the worse is its ability to service its debt.
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2. 125th birth anniversary celebrations of the iconic freedom fighter, Subhas Chandra Bose, were held recently. Consider the following statements with reference to Subhas Chandra Bose:
  1. He formed an army, named ?Indian Legion? with help of Hitler in Germany.
  2. He authored the book ?The Indian Struggle?, which was later banned by the British government.
  3. He formed the All India Forward Bloc in 1939 as a faction within the Congress.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
3. Consider the following statements with reference to WHO?s financing:
  1. WHO gets its funding from assessed contributions and voluntary contributions from its member states.
  2. Assessed contributions (AC) cover more than 75% of the total budget of WHO.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
4. Which of the following is not true about historically significant Yerawada Jail, where the Maharashtra government has decided to launch ?jail tourism??
5. Which of the statements given below is/are true with regard to Flash droughts?
  1. They occur very quickly, with soil moisture depleting rapidly.
  2. They occur mainly due to atmospheric anomalies and anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions.
Choose correct answer:
6. Exercise Kavach? is related to-
7. Which of the following factors/policies were affecting the price of rice in India in the recent past?
  1. Minimum Support Prices
  2. Government's Trading
  3. Government's Stockpiling
  4. Consumer Subsidies
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