
UPSC Courses

Daily MCQ Quiz

1. Consider the following statements regarding voting rights of undertrials and convicts:
  1. Representation of People Act of 1951 mandates that convicts are denied their right to vote.
  2. The provisions however exempt a person undertrial or held under preventive detention from this rigor.
Which of the given statement is correct?
2. With reference to art and archaeological history of India, which one among the following was made earliest?
3. Consider the following statements regarding Helium hydride ion (HeH+):
  1. Helium hydride ion (HeH+) is the most ancient type of molecule in our universe in space.
  2. Neutral hydrogen and ionized helium atoms reacted to form HeH+.
Which of the given statement are correct?
4. Consider the following statements regarding Genome Sequencing:
  1. A genome is an organism's complete set of DNA, including all of its genes.
  2. Genome Sequencing involves the sequencing and analysis of genomes through uses of high throughput DNA sequencing.
Which of the given statement is correct?
5. Consider the following statements regarding Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs):
  1. REC provides a basic sense of how energy efficient an electric appliance is by providing them ratings.
  2. The Issuance of RECs in India is undertaken by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency.
Which of the given statement are correct?
6. Consider the following statements regarding Line Of Control (LOC):
  1. Line of Control is the recognised international border between India and Pakistan.
  2. The Line of Control divided Kashmir into two parts and closed the Jehlum valley route.
Which of the given statement(s) is correct?
7. With reference to Lok Adalats which of the following statements is correct ?

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