
UPSC Courses

Daily MCQ Quiz

1. Which country has recently recognized India as an exporter of rice?
Select the correct answer.
2. Which organization is working with UNICEF India on the Child-Focused Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
Select the correct answer.
3. Which state/UT has Flipkart signed a Memorandum of Understanding to train and support local artisans, weavers and artisans?
Select the correct answer.
4. Which country has overtaken Germany to become the fourth largest car market?
Select the correct answer.
5. Which Indian public company has announced the new Biodiversity Act 2022?
Select the correct answer.
6. What is the National Consumer Helpline (NCH) in India?
Select the correct answer.
7. ?PARIMAN?, which was recently seen in the news, is the geo-Portal for planning and management in which state/UT?
Select the correct answer.

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