
UPSC Courses

Daily MCQ Quiz

1. Which country will participate for the first time in the MILAN multilateral exercise?
Select the correct answer
2. In which meeting 100 countries have pledged to stop and reverse deforestation by 2030?
Select the correct answer
3. Which of the following is/are correct about Green Hydrogen?
  1. It is hydrogen gas produced by splitting water by electrolysis
  2. Use of electrolyser powered entirely by renewable energy.
  3. It can further decline the stock of fossils fuels.
  4. Was announced by PM Modi in the year 2020
Select the correct answer
4. India, has become the second largest importer of CONFLICT WOOD from Myanmar, what wood is called so?
Select the correct answer
5. What do you understand from the term bio computers?
Select the correct answer
6. Which of the following defines India?s status with respect to ACADEMIA FREEDOM INDIEX?
Select the correct answer
7. Which is the only state in India where forests are certified?
Select the correct answer

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