
UPSC Courses

Daily MCQ Quiz

1. Which of the following best use of Non-pneumatic Anti-shock Garment(NASG)?
2. "Find the Incredible You" campaign is launched by?
3. Chundan vallam, recently seen in news :
4. Consider the following statements:
  1. President of the Servants of the People Society.
  2. Participated in the non-cooperation movement and the Salt Satyagraha.
  3. Promoted the White Revolution.
  4. Signed Tashkent Declaration with Pakistan.
The above statements are related to:
5. Consider the following statements regarding the Judges of International Court of Justice (ICJ).
  1. Like other organs of international organizations,the Court is composed of representatives of governments.
  2. No Member of the Court can be dismissed unless,in the unanimous opinion of the other Members,he/she no longer fulfils the required conditions.
Which of the above statements is correct?
6. Consider the following statements about Atal Bimit Vyakti Kalyan Yojna.
  1. The Employee's State Insurance (ESI) has approved this scheme for Insured Persons (IP) covered under the Employees'State Insurance Act,1948.
  2. This scheme is a relief payable in cash directly to the Bank Account in case of unemployment and while insured persons search for new job.
  3. Those who opt for voluntary retirement are also eligible.
Which of the above statements is correct?
7. Agreement on Reciprocal Logistics Support (ARLS)'is associated with India and:

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