
UPSC Courses

Daily MCQ Quiz

1. Consider the following statements regarding removal of Supreme Court Judge.
  1. The procedure for the removal of Supreme Court judge including CJI is laid down in Article 124(4) of the constitution.
  2. The Impeachment notice of an SC judge or CJI can be moved only in the LokSabha.
Select the Incorrect statement using codes given below:
2. Which of the following Articles in the Indian Constitution emphasizes the separation of powers:
3. What is the aim of the programme 'Unnat Bharat Abhiyan'?
4. Which of the following Organisation launched the global campaign 'Every Child ALIVE' to promote Breastfeeding?
5. Which ofthe following cyclone recently (November, 2018) hits Tamil Nadu Coast?
6. Consider the following statements regarding UTS on Mobile.
  1. Ministry of Railways has introduced Unreserved Mobile Ticketing with a view to promote Cashless transactions, Contact less ticketing and Customer convenience and experience.
  2. The UTSONMOBILE app developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC).
Select the Correct statement using codes given below:
7. Which of following statement is true regarding Vehicle Location Tracking System(VLT)?

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