
UPSC Courses

Daily MCQ Quiz

1. 1,300-year-old stupa found in the mining area of which state?
Select the correct answer.
2. Which country reportedly enforced force shut down of internet for the maximum number of times for the fifth time in a row?
Select the correct answer.
3. Which state ranked fist across all four dimensions of clean electricity transition?
Select the correct answer.
4. What are mantle rocks composed of?
Select the correct answer.
5. Which of the following are true?
  1. The Governor cited Article 167 of the Constitution, which deals with the duty of the Chief Minister to provide information to the Governor.
  2. Pursuant to Section 174, the Governor can summon the House of Representatives at such time and place as he deems fit.
Select the correct answer.
6. Which Indian state is being affected by an unprecedented ADENOVIRUS epidemic?
Select the correct answer.
7. When is World NGO DAY celebrated?
Select the correct answer.

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