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Hansa Jivraj Mehta

Hansa Jivraj Mehta Hansa Jivraj Mehta a social activist who served in the constituent assembly from 1946-1949, was a Padma Bhushan awardee. She was a member of the Fundamental rights sub-committee, the advisory committee and the provincial constitutional committee. Hansa Mehta’s most significant contribution to the constituent assembly debates was in trying to make the Uniform Civil Code(UCC) a justiciable part of the constitution. She also served as a member of the UN sub-committ

Credit scores

Credit scores A credit score determines how creditworthy a person is and helps banks and financial institutions decide on loans. In India, the scores are issued by credit reporting agencies such as CIBIL, Equifax, Experian, Etc. These agencies are regulated by the RBI and collect data from banks on their loans and come up with credit scores through use of algorithms. The data is updated frequently. Credit scores in India range from 300-900. A credit report may be obtained for free once a y

NASA’s Kilopower Project

NASA’s Kilopower Project NASA has invented a small nuclear reactor Kilopower, It can generate a reliable power supply by using the uranium-235 reactor core. This power system could provide up to 10 kilowatts of electrical power enough to run two average households continuously for at least 10 years. This reactor will be used for electronic propulsion systems and for providing safe and plentiful energy for future robotic and human missions to Mars and beyond.

5G technology

5G technology Union telecom ministry had announced that 5G technology will be rolled out in 2020. 5G promises ultra-reliable, very fast speeds and high bandwidth mobile connectivity and supports massively interconnected devices spread across wide areas like the Internet of things (IoT). This would entail accelerating the BharatNet programme for deploying connectivity infrastructures.

Appointment of Chief Election Commissioner (CEC)

Appointment of Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) At present, the Election Commission of India (ECI) is a three-member body, with one Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) and two Election Commissioners (EC). Under Article 324(2) of the Constitution of India, the President of India is empowered to appoint the CEC and the ECS. Article 324(2) also empowers the President of India to fix from time to time the number of Election Commissioners other than the CEC. When any other election commis

Automated ocean pollution observation system

Automated ocean pollution observation system The Union government has planned to set up an automated ocean pollution observation system. These systems will be installed in coastal areas of West Bengal, Goa, Mumbai, Kochi, Vishakhapatnam and Chennai. It will help keep a tab on ocean pollution levels apart and provides insights on how the marine system is changing. It is an initiative under National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), an autonomous body under the Ministry of Eart

Accessible India Campaign (AIC)

Accessible India Campaign (AIC) It is a nationwide flagship campaign of the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD) under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. The aim of the Campaign is to make a barrier-free and conducive environment for differently abled all over the country. For creating universal accessibility for differently abled persons the campaign has been divided into three verticals: Built Environment. Transport. Information &

UN Environment Management Group (EMG)

UN Environment Management Group (EMG) The EMG is a UN system-wide coordination body on environment and human settlements. Its members include the secretariats of the multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) and other specialized agencies, programmes and organs of the UN. Representatives of intergovernmental bodies, civil society and international non-governmental organizations can be invited to contribute. The EMG works through technical meetings, Issue Management Groups and task force

Export control regime

Export control regime Australia Group Recently the Australia Group admitted (2018) India as its 43rd participant. India’s entry would contribute to international security and non-proliferation objectives. The Australia Group (AG) is an informal forum of countries which, seeks to ensure export controls over development of chemical or biological weapons. By this AG nations would fulfil their obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Biological and Toxin Weapons Conv

Central Institute of Petrochemicals Engineering & Technology (CIPET)

Central Institute of Petrochemicals Engineering & Technology (CIPET) About CIPET Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (CIPET) was established in 1968 by the Government of India with the assistance of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Chennai. The main objective of setting up this specialized institute was to develop manpower in different disciplines of Plastics Engineering & Technology as no similar institute was in existence in the c

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