
UPSC Courses

Sociology optional

Sociology optional

The urban migrant and the ‘ritual’ tug of home

The urban migrant and the ‘ritual’ tug of home By, Dipankar Gupta is Retired Professor of Sociology, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi Context This article is important purely for Mains GS Paper 1-Social issues. It is also very important for Sociology Optional students. It talks about the sociological reasons for reverse migration of the workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The reverse migration of the migrant workers to their villages in not because their family will support them monetarily, but in the fear of dying alone with nobody to perform the rites for him. Unemployment as part of life The Indian…

06 August, 2020 Sociology optional

Police terror and the theatre of law

Police terror and the theatre of law By, Rajeev Bhargava is Professor, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), Delhi Context * The murder of Jayaraj and Benicks at the hands of the local police in Sattankulam, Tamil Nadu has provoked national outrage. The bare bones of the incident are widely known. A small shopkeeper is picked up for a trivial offence, taken to the local police station. His son too is detained. Both are mercilessly thrashed. The hospital to which they are taken, admits that they have blood clots all over their body but gives false certificates of…

08 July, 2020 Sociology optional

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