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Social issues

Social issues

Pakadwa Vivah

Pakadwa Vivah is a tradition in Bihar where a boy is kidnapped or coerced and then married to a girl. In this practice, the wishes of the boy and girl are not considered. The practice is illegal and prevalent in several parts of Bihar.

14 December, 2023 Social issues

Rat Hole Mining

Rat hole mining is being done to rescue the workers in collapsed Silkyara-Barkot tunnel in Uttarakhand. Rat hole – It refers to the narrow pits dug into the ground, typically just large enough for 1 person to descend using ropes or bamboo ladders to reach the coal seams. Rat hole mining – It is a method of extracting coal from narrow, horizontal seams, typically around 3-4 feet depth. They are prevalent in Meghalaya due to challenging terrain and the coal seam here are very thin (less than 2 m) in most cases. Types – There are 2 types of rat hole mining. Side cutting – Narrow tunnels are excavated into the…

28 November, 2023 Social issues

Rohini Nayyar Prize

The 2nd edition of Rohini Nayyar Prize was presented to Deenanath Rajput, for his work on empowering tribal women in Bastar, Chhattisgarh. It is a prize to recognize the exemplary contributions of young Indians, under the age of 40 years, towards improving the lives of people in rural India. The prize was presented in memory of late economist-administrator Dr Rohini Nayyar.

02 November, 2023 Social issues


Adultery •    The Supreme Court was questioned by the Union of India over how the ruling against Adultery applied to the military forces. Background While declaring that the decriminalisation of adultery does not apply to the Armed Forces, the Supreme Court has determined that armed forces can punish their commanders for adulterous activities. Is Adultery Crime in India? The SC invalidated Section 497 of the (Adultery IPC), which made adultery a Crime in India, in September 2018 after determining that it was unconstitutional and violated women's equality rights by treating them less favourably than their spouses. This decision is known as…

28 March, 2023 Social issues

World Bank Loan to Indian Health Sector

World Bank Loan to Indian Health Sector The World Bank and the Government of India have agreed on two complimentary loans totaling $1 billion to assist and improve India's healthcare system. Highlight The World Bank is providing two complementary loans totalling $500 million to assist India to upgrade its health infrastructure and get ready for upcoming pandemics. The loan will be utilised to fund India's premier Pradhan Mantri-Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure Mission (PM-ABHIM), which will enhance the public healthcare infrastructure throughout the nation and was launched in October 2021. India's surveillance system will be prepared to find and report epidemics…

11 March, 2023 Social issues

Sex Ratio at Birth

Sex Ratio at Birth Image Source - Newsclick In India, "son bias" is reportedly declining as the sex ratio at birth normalized from 111 boys to every 100 girls in 2011 to 108 boys to every 100 girls in 2019–21, according to a recent study. Findings of the Report    National Statistics: From roughly 4.8 lakh in 2010 to 4.1 lakh in 2019, India's average annual number of infant girls reported as "lost" decreased. If there had been no female-selective abortions throughout this time, then there would have been a greater number of female births. The sex ratio at birth in…

26 August, 2022 Social issues

TAPAS Initiative

TAPAS Initiative TAPAS (Training for Augmenting Productivity and Services) is the initiative of the National Institute of Social Defence (NISD), Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, to provide access to lectures by subject experts, study material and more, but in a manner that it supplements the physical classroom without compromising on the quality of teaching. The main objective of introducing the course modules is to impart training and enhance the knowledge and skills for the capacity building of the participants. It can be taken up by anyone who wishes to enhance his or her knowledge on the topics and there…

15 August, 2021 Social issues

National Commission for Minorities

National Commission for Minorities Why in news? The Delhi High Court on Thursday extended the deadline given to the Centre to nominate persons to all the vacant positions in the National Commission for Minorities by two months. The High Court had earlier directed that the nomination of all the vacant positions be filled on or before July 31 in order to ensure that the commission functions efficiently and the purpose of the commission as envisaged under the National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992 is also fully given effect to. The Centre had sought the extension on the account of the…

13 August, 2021 Social issues

Minorities in India

Minorities in India Introduction The Government has made every section of the society an equal partner of progress with the commitment to “Development with Dignity” “Empowerment without Appeasement” and “Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas” ensuring equal benefits to all sections of the society. Irrespective of his or her caste, religion, region and community are at the centre of welfare schemes of the Government. The Government has been treating all sections of the society including the Muslims as an equal partner in the development process. Hence the Minorities in India are flourishing equally with all the other sections of the…

30 July, 2021 Social issues

The Ills of Patriarchy

The Ills of Patriarchy Patriarchy generally refers to the hierarchical power relation in which men are dominant and women are subordinate. The subordination of women is explicit in many ways, in both private and public spheres, where women are denied rights and access to many things that are easily available to men. Patriarchy as a concept/tool helps in the critical understanding of the status of women in any society. In India, this nexus between patriarchy and the caste system has been found to be historically exploitative and mutually feeding off each other. Caste in India Caste divisions in India dictate…

08 June, 2021 Social issues

Initiatives for the welfare of Transgender community

Initiatives for the welfare of the Transgender community The Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment is the nodal ministry for Transgender Welfare has decided to provide a subsistence allowance of Rs.1500 to each Transgender person as immediate support to meet their basic requirements. This financial assistance will help the Transgender community to meet their day-to-day needs. NGOs and Community-based Organisations(CBOs) working for Transgender Persons have been asked to spread awareness about this step. How to apply? Any Transgender Person or CBOs on behalf of the Transgender Person can apply for financial assistance after providing basic details, Aadhar, and Bank Account…

24 May, 2021 Social issues

A Bullet Train to Hunger

A Bullet Train to Hunger The monthly report from the Finance Ministry in October stated, “From a trickle in not so distant past to now a sea of humanity coming out on the streets, the people of India have embraced the new normal where self-protection is inseparable from economic activity.” It attempts to poetically celebrate the spirit of resilience among the people by alluding to “self-protection shying away from the government’s responsibility of social protection. The experience for the poor is a kind of syndemic: a juxtaposition of the healthcare crisis due to the pandemic and the daily precarity of…

13 May, 2021 Social issues

Stages of Communalism

Stages of Communalism What is communalism? Bipan Chandra, in his book, “Communalism in Modern India”, defines as “Communalism is an ideology based on the belief that Indian society is divided into religious communities, whose economic, political, social and cultural interests diverge and are even hostile to each other because of their religious differences.” 3 stages of communalism In this context, it is important to be aware of the three important phrases which the great historian, Bipan Chandra, mentioned in his book, “Communalism in Modern India”. 1. First Stage-Communal Consciousness The 1st stage of communalism, according to Bipan Chandra, originated mainly…

16 March, 2021 Social issues

Initiatives for Transgender persons

Initiatives for Transgender persons This is the first-of-its-kind gender-inclusive community policing initiative in the country, the Cyberabad police inaugurated a ‘Transgender Community Desk’ at Gachibowli Police Station. The desk will be managed by a police liaison officer and a transgender person who is designated as a community coordinator. It will be the focal point for all grievance redressal among the transgender community in the Cyberabad Commissionerate. The desk will provide support to file cases in offences related to violence or discrimination against any transgender person. Among other services, the desk will also provide counselling, legal aid, life skills, soft skills…

07 March, 2021 Social issues

A conspiracy against inter-faith love

A conspiracy against inter-faith love Context The article talks about interfaith marriages. Judicial observations: In the Hadiya case, the Supreme Court ruled: “The right to marry a person of one’s choice is integral to Article 21 (right to life and liberty) of the Constitution”. “The choice of a partner whether within or outside marriage lies within the exclusive domain of each individual. Intimacies of marriage lie within a core zone of privacy, which is inviolable”. The Supreme Court held that a person’s right to choose a religion and marry is an intrinsic part of her meaningful existence. Neither the State…

24 November, 2020 Social issues

A losing proposition

A losing proposition Context: The recent announcement by the Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister that only those domiciled in the state would be eligible for government jobs in the State. India has been witness to many versions of the ‘sons of the soil’ argument over decades. Some states are trying to introduce various types of domicile eligibility for job seekers, in private and government jobs. Some states are pushing measures to give priority to locals in employment in the private sector while some states are pushing for reservation of government jobs for the locals. Issues: The developments seem to denote a…

21 August, 2020 Social issues

Rollback the distrust, remember the core values

Societal relations Introduction Societal relations are fragile and need constant nursing; social peace is a pre-requisite for progress Sanity(the ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner), said a line in an old movie, exists in every contract. Sanity is so in every social contract that precedes the establishment of any society or social grouping. Foundational values The basic values of India’s Constitution assert the principles of justice, equality and fraternity and are reiterated by all sections of social and political leadership. We have in recent weeks witnessed social debates and contestations, normal in a democracy, derail…

27 April, 2020 Social issues

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