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Aim - To help people with disabilities, especially women and youth with disabilities, become active participants. Implemented by - The ILO and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), in collaboration with the Women’s Development Corporation in Maharashtra. Through this project, persons with disabilities were trained as Disability Inclusion Facilitators (DIFs). International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is a United Nations agency that works to eradicate poverty and hunger in developing countries.
16 December, 2023
Anubhuti Divyang Park The foundation stone for Nagpur, Maharashtra's Anubhuti Inclusive Park, the largest and most distinctive Divyang Park in the world, was recently set by the Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways. More On the News: On the Pardi campus of Nagpur, Anubhuti Inclusive Park is being constructed for both impaired children and regular citizens. The goal is to spread the idea of inclusiveness throughout the nation and the entire planet. Features: The park is the first of its kind for disabled people. Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. The park will offer accommodations for all…
24 February, 2023
Suicides in India- NCRB 2019 Report Each suicide is a personal tragedy that prematurely takes the life of an individual and has a continuing ripple effect, dramatically affecting the lives of families, friends and communities. Every year, more than 1,00,000 people commit suicide in our country. There are various causes of suicides like professional/career problems, sense of isolation, abuse, violence, family problems, mental disorders, addiction to alcohol, financial loss, chronic pain etc. Suicide Rates in Youth A total of 1,39,123 suicides were reported in the country during 2019 showing an increase of 3.4% in comparison to 2018 and the rate…
01 August, 2021
Disability identity and COVID-19 GS-Paper-1: Social issues and inclusion– UPSC PRELIMS – Mains Application Persons with disabilities (PWD) are those who have long-term impairment in terms of physical, mental, sensory and psychological conditions which can stop their equal participation in all aspects of society if met with various barriers. As per Census 2011, in India, out of the total population of 121 crores, about 2.68 Cr persons are ‘Disabled’ (2.21% of the total population) Out of 2.68 crores, 1.5 crores are males and 1.18 crore are females Majority (69%) of the disabled population resided in rural areas Constitutional Frameworks for Disabled…
11 May, 2021
Data on Disability Disability Less than 7% of public buses in the country were fully accessible to wheelchair users as of December 2020, with the target of 25% of buses being accessible by June 2022 under the Accessible India Campaign. Only 0.2% of 1.02 lakh intercity buses are when chair accessible. Upto 45000 buses operating in urban areas, only 22.3% are fully wheelchair accessible. Data by: The Social Justice and Empowerment Ministry’s Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities(DEPwD) via a Ministry of Road Transport and Highways report in January,2021.
21 February, 2021
Indian Sign Language Dictionary Launched Prepared by the Indian Sign Language Research and Training Centre under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. To give deaf people the constitutional right to speech and opportunity of freedom of expression.
18 February, 2021
Assistance to Disabled Persons (ADIP) Camp GS-Paper-1 Social Issue (Mains-essay) Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment has virtually inaugurated an Assistance to Disabled Persons Camp for free distribution of assistive aids and devices to Divyangjan or Divyang. These are Hindi word meaning the ‘one with a divine body’. The Prime Minister decided that persons with disabilities should no longer be referred to as disabled persons or viklang (someone with non-functional body parts). Facts: The camp was organized by the **Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALIMCO), Kanpur. ALIMCO is a not-for-profit Central Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) established in 1972 and it works under the aegis of the Department of Empowerment of Person with Disability (DEPwD). Assistance to Disabled Persons Scheme: It is in…
01 December, 2020
Reservations for Divyangjan- Persons with Disability GS-PAPER-1 Social issue (MAINS- IV) The Supreme Court, in a significant decision, confirmed that persons with disabilities are also socially backward. The decision highlighted that Divyangjan are entitled to the same benefits of relaxation as Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates in public employment and education. SC upheld a 2012 judgment of the Delhi High Court in Anamol Bhandari vs. Delhi Technological University. Constitutional provisions on reservations Article 15 (4) empowers the State to make special provisions for the advancement of the SCs and the STs. E.g. providing fee concession in admission to any educational institution, building…
18 July, 2020
Equal treatment Context: - Supreme Court judgment on entitlements for the disabled people. Delhi High Court judgment of 2012: - In 2012, a university had allowed a 10% concession in the minimum eligibility requirement for SC/ST candidates, and 5% concession for disabled applicants. This was challenged in the Delhi High Court. - In its 2012 judgment in the Anamol Bhandari (minor) through his father/Natural Guardian v. Delhi Technological University, the High Court ruled against this differential treatment, terming it discriminatory. - The major principle behind this judgment was that without imparting proper education to those suffering from disabilities, there…
17 July, 2020
A new era of accessibility: on persons with disabilities in the post-COVID world By , Shubha Nagesh works with The Latika Roy Foundation, Dehradun; Sara Rotenberg is a graduate of Georgetown University and Rhodes Scholar-elect based in Toronto. Views are personal Context # During the lockdown, a father, left with no choice but to steal a bicycle, transported his disabled son from rural Rajasthan to Uttar Pradesh. A professor and wheelchair user in West Bengal, with no means of transport, has no access to medical care during this period, even in an emergency. # In the wake of the pandemic…
30 June, 2020