Online Learning Portal
Prison Reforms During the annual police meeting in New Delhi, Prime Minister proposed prison reforms. What were the Prime Minister's Speech's Main Highlights? He made a point of highlighting the value of the National Data Governance Framework for facilitating smooth data interchange between agencies. Additionally, developing the police forces' sensitivity and giving them training in cutting-edge technology He discussed using technological tools like biometrics and other similar ones as well as the requirement to further improve established policing practises like foot patrols. Additionally, he emphasised the need for improved collaboration between the State Police and Central Agencies in order to take advantage…
24 January, 2023
Police reforms
Chargesheet is not a “Public Document”: SC Chargesheets are deemed to be private documents as declared by the Supreme Court bench. About the news: The Supreme Court ruled that the government is not required to post chargesheets on police or official websites in order to give the public unrestricted access to them. According to the Court, posting chargesheets for public review would be against the rights of the accused, victims, and investing agency. A chargesheet: What is it? A chargesheet is the final report created by a police officer or investigating agency following the conclusion of their investigation into a case,…
23 January, 2023
Police reforms
UNDERTRIAL PRISONERS IN INDIA The first all-India meet of District Legal Services Authorities was inaugurated in New Delhi. In this Hon. PM. urged the judiciary to speed up the release of undertrial prisoners by providing them with legal aid. Undertrial prisoners An undertrial is a person who is currently on trial or who is imprisoned on remand and awaiting trial in a court of law. The 78th Report of Law Commission also includes a person who is in judicial custody on remand during investigation in the definition of an 'undertrial' Data on undertrial The Prison Statistics India 2016 which…
03 August, 2022
Police reforms
51st Foundation Day of BPR&D Law and order is a state subject in the federal structure and to strengthen the federal structure, a link connecting the implementing agencies of all the states, that is, the police, and its federal organizations, is very important. The challenges are faced from the perspective of the country, there are governments of different parties and ideologies in states, and there are regional parties as well, apart from this, if law and order are to be ready to face the challenges, then there is a link to do that. If that link is not there, the…
06 September, 2021
Police reforms
Police Reforms in India Part of: GS-II- Governance (PT-MAINS-PERSONALITY TEST) India’s existing police system suffers a series of deficiencies from problems relating to a police organization, environment, infrastructure, and understaffing, to obsolete weaponry and intelligence gathering techniques to a shortage of manpower to corruption, the police force in the country is not in a good shape. ‘Assistance to States for Modernisation of Police ‘Police’ and ‘Public Order are State subjects under the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India. However, the Government of India supplements the efforts of the State Governments towards equipping and modernizing their police forces, by providing financial assistance…
28 July, 2021
Police reforms
Police Reforms- Appointment of Police Chief and its analysis Need for Police Chief’s operational autonomy A crucial way in which governments exercise control over the State police is through their unregulated power to decide who the chief will be. There is no independent vetting process to assess the suitability of qualified candidates, and the government’s assessment, if it is done at all, remains opaque and is an exercise behind closed doors. While the principles of democratic accountability necessitate the police chief to remain answerable to the elected government at all times. There is a need to ensure the right balance…
22 April, 2021
Police reforms
India’s torture culture needs to end now By, Ajit Prakash Shah is retired Chief Justice, Delhi and Madras High Courts Context # By now, everyone has heard of the tragic deaths of P. Jayaraj and J. Benicks, a father-son duo in a small town in Thoothukudi. Jayaraj, 58, was arrested by the police following an altercation with them on keeping his son’s mobile phone shop open in violation of lockdown rules. After Benicks was also taken into custody, the two were mercilessly thrashed to death. # Being found guilty of the ‘offence’ of keeping a shop open during the lockdown…
03 July, 2020
Police reforms
Police reform and the crucial judicial actor By, Abhinav Sekhri is a lawyer practising in New Delhi Context # From my vantage point as someone working in the criminal justice system, the only emotion that the seemingly senseless act of violence inside a police station in Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, evokes, is of extreme weariness. # How many more times must powerless citizens suffer the blows of a lathi or a baton, the kicks of patent leather boots, be violated by the “wooden rollers” around their private areas, not to mention spending hours inside a police lockup, all as a part…
02 July, 2020
Police reforms
Legal principles to reduce custodial deaths Part of: GS-II- Governance POLICE REFORMS (PT-MAINS-PERSONALITY TEST) Understanding the background of the problem In wake of custodial deaths in Tamil Nadu, the debate on the Roman dilemma: “Who will guard the guardians” rises again. Torture is anathema to democracy and cannot be tolerated in a civilized society. Answer to the prevention of torture can be found in multiple sources like Royal Commission in the UK, Law Commission reports and Police Commission reports in India and also Supreme Court’s progressive case law, like Joginder Kumar (1994) and Nilabati Behera (1993). However, the basic loophole…
02 July, 2020
Police reforms
Need for Police reforms in India Part of: GS-II- Governance POLICE REFORMS (PT-MAINS-PERSONALITY TEST) Context: The Police system in India and its sorry state once again came to the fore recently when a father-son duo, namely P Jeyaraj (58) and Fenix (31) respectively, died in Police custody in Tamil Nadu. The relatives and protestors fear this to be a case of police brutality. The reason for their arrest was that they kept their shop open beyond the permitted time (restrictions placed in the light of COVID-19). Historical Background The Police System is a colonial legacy. The first Police commission was…
02 July, 2020
Police reforms