Online Learning Portal
As many of the Indian rivers are reported to be polluted, it is essential to ramp up the conservation initiatives. With 14 major river systems and more than 600 rivers, almost 80% of the subcontinent’s population is dependent on these resources for their sustenance. According to a 2022 report by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), there are about 311 Polluted River Stretches (PRS – stretches in rivers where BOD>3mg/L) in 279 rivers (out of 603 rivers assessed). There are about 1,631 Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) with a total capacity of 36,668 MLD but only 20,236 MLD of installed capacity is actually utilised, while the…
08 November, 2023
Environmental Pollution
Magnetic Pollution Magnetite pollution has recently been discovered by some geologists in Kolkata's roadside dust. In regions with considerable vehicular traffic and other polluting sources, pollutants occur more frequently. The quantity of magnetite varies with the volume of traffic on a particular road. The method exposes the existence of several magnetic components, and by linking them to particular pollution sources, the researchers were able to determine which sources predominate in which locations. Their research is in the field of environmental magnetism, which employs magnetism to illustrate the effects of pollution, climatic change, and environmental footprints on magnetic minerals found in…
09 February, 2023
Environmental Pollution
E-WASTE In India India is now considering a switch to two standard chargers for all mobile phone brands and portable electrical gadgets, which will aid in the fight against e-waste. Similarly, the European Union (EU) has mandated that the USB-C port be standard on all devices by mid-2024, including Apple's iPhone, which now utilizes its own standard. Consumers in the European Union would no longer need to buy new charging devices and cables every time they bought a new phone under the new rule. What is E-Waste? E-Waste is an abbreviation for Electronic-Waste, and it refers to old,…
10 January, 2023
Environmental Pollution
Plastic's Life Cycle According to a recent document titled "The Plastic Life-Cycle," India is not properly collecting and recycling its polymer waste. The document emphasized that the problem will not be solved unless the entire life cycle of plastic, from source to disposal, is considered as the root cause of the pollution it causes. What is plastic waste? Unlike other forms of waste, such as paper, food peels, and leaves, which are biodegradable (capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms) in nature, plastic waste persists in the environment for hundreds (or even thousands) of years. The Most…
06 December, 2022
Environmental Pollution
Lead Poisoning in India According to a report by Niti Aayog and the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), lead poisoning causes the greatest health and financial burden in India. Principal Points of the Report Global Results: Blood lead levels (BLL) in children of up to 800 million worldwide are at or above 5 micrograms per deciliter (g/dL). Lead poisoning of children is an enormous and previously ignored global problem. Over 900,000 premature deaths per year are related to lead exposure since lead has such a significant negative effect on individuals. Many nations don't have enough official recycling infrastructure…
13 October, 2022
Environmental Pollution
Fly Ash The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has emphasised the urgent need for Chhattisgarh to increase the use and disposal of fly ash. ??????? About 15 state, national, and privately owned electricity generating units are concentrated in Korba, Chhattisgarh, makes the situation much more dire. What is Fly Ash? Burning pulverised coal in thermal power plants produces fly ash as a byproduct. Clay, feldspar, quartz, and shale, mineral impurities in coal, fuse in suspension during combustion and float out of the combustion chamber with the exhaust gases. Fly ash, which are spherical glassy particles, are formed as the fused material…
26 September, 2022
Environmental Pollution
Breakthrough Agenda Report 2022 The UN Climate Change High-Level Champions, the International Energy Agency (IEA), and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) have launched The Breakthrough Agenda Report 2022, which focuses on international cooperation to accelerate greenhouse gas emission reductions. What are the Report's Key Points? It evaluates the status of efforts to cut emissions in five important industries: steel, agriculture, road transportation, hydrogen, and power. The world's top leaders asked for this first-of-its-kind annual progress report during the UN Climate Change Conference COP26 in November 2021 as part of the introduction of the Breakthrough Agenda. The Breakthrough Agenda, which…
24 September, 2022
Environmental Pollution
Forever Chemicals In a recent investigation, researchers discovered that per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAs) are present in rainwater from various locations throughout the world. They are also known as "Forever Chemicals" due to their propensity to persist for extended periods of time in soil, precipitation, and the environment. Additionally, PFAs are included in the Stockholm Convention. Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances They are synthetic chemicals used to create nonstick cookware, clothing that repels water and oil, materials that resist stains, cosmetics, firefighting gear, and several other goods. During their creation and use, they may travel to the air, water, and soil.…
23 August, 2022
Environmental Pollution
Marine Pollution What is Marine Pollution? Marine pollution is a combination of chemicals and trash, most of which comes from land sources and is washed or blown into the ocean. This pollution results in damage to the environment, the health of all organisms, and to economic structures worldwide. Marine pollution is a part of Water pollution. Click here to read the Water pollution topic. Sources of Marine Pollution: Land-Based Activities: Dumping of hazardous waste, heavy discharges from industry, the inflow of fertilizers and pesticides from Agri fields. Pollution from Open exploration: Offshore drilling. Marine debris: Sunken ships (w their cargo…
03 December, 2021
Environmental Pollution
Water Pollution: Yamuna Project The Centre accused Delhi of being a “habitual offender” in polluting the waters of the Yamuna due to which Water Pollution is on rising. The State of Haryana, on the other hand, objected to Delhi’s accusations about it releasing untreated effluents into the river due to faulty treatment plants, saying the “problem is not with Haryana, but within Delhi”. A three-judge Bench led by Chief Justice Sharad A. Bobde gave Haryana a week’s time to file its affidavit. The Centre has also been asked to place on record its views. The Bench was hearing an urgent…
30 November, 2021
Environmental Pollution
Reuse of wastewater: TADOX Technology by TERI New technology may soon enhance the reuse of wastewater in an affordable and sustainable manner. The technology which uses UV-Photocatalysis can treat municipal sewage and highly polluting industrial wastewater streams and increase its reuse as a technological option in industrial as well as municipal wastewater treatments. With the ever-increasing Water crisis and Water pollution, it becomes imperative for industries & utilities to reuse ‘treated water. However, the current treatment practices are inefficient because of their high dependence on biological treatment systems, which are unable to bear shock loads. This is followed by tertiary treatment…
26 August, 2021
Environmental Pollution
Sundarbans Plastic pollution First, watch this lecture by Ankit Sir on Plastic pollution in India and then read this news, your retention level will increase exponentially. The unregulated inflow of relief to the Sunderbans has resulted in a new crisis in the cyclone-battered region: plastic waste. Several NGOs, experts, and even officials of the District Police and the Forest Department have pointed out that the plastic accumulating on the isolated islands of the fragile ecosystem is cause for great concern. Ecologist Diya Banerjee has been pointing out the issue from as early as June, days after Cyclone Yaas inundated large…
08 August, 2021
Environmental Pollution
Government efforts to clean river Cleaning and rejuvenation of rivers is an ongoing activity. It is the responsibility of the States/Union Territories (UTs) and local bodies to ensure the required treatment of sewage and industrial effluents to the prescribed norms before discharging into rivers and other water bodies, coastal waters or land to prevent and control of pollution therein. For the conservation of rivers, this Ministry has been supplementing efforts of the States/UTs by providing financial and technical assistance for the abatement of pollution in identified stretches of rivers in the country through the Central Sector Scheme of Namami Gange…
04 August, 2021
Environmental Pollution
Yamuna River Pollution Read the complete topic about Water pollution and then read this news for the most retention. The 22 km stretch of Yamuna from Wazirabad to Okhla in Delhi, which is less than 2% of the river length, accounts for about 80% of the pollution load in the river. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, an environmental flow is the water provided within a river, wetland or coastal zone to maintain ecosystems and their benefits where there are competing water uses and where flows are regulated. Levels of fecal coliform (microbes from human and animal…
27 July, 2021
Environmental Pollution
National Ganga River Basin Authority, 2009 It was established in 2009 under Environment Protection Act, 1986 (which also declared Ganga as a 'National river'). It is financing, planning, implementing, monitoring, and coordinating authorities for Ganga under Jal Shakti Ministry. In 2014, it is transferred from MoEF to the Ministry of Jal Shakti. PM is the Chairperson. In 2016, it was changed to National Ganga Council (NGC). NMCG (National Mission on Clean Ganga), 2016 It is the implementation wing of NGC set up in 2016 under River Ganga Authority Order 2016 (which dissolved NGRBA). It has 2 tier management structure (Governing Council & Executive Committee - 1000 crore approval). It has 5 tier structure at the National, State & Dist levels: NGC (PM), Empowered…
06 July, 2021
Environmental Pollution
Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index The comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) is a rational number to characterise the quality of the environment at a given location following the algorithm of source, pathway and receptor. An increase in the CEPI score denotes adverse effects on the receiving environment. A Delhi-based think-tank Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) did an assessment of Tamil Nadu’s CEPI scores. Groundwater is becoming more polluted in Tamil Nadu’s industrial areas and Vellore is the state’s most polluted district in terms of river pollution. According to the CEPI water score 2018, five industrial clusters in Tamil Nadu were…
02 April, 2021
Environmental Pollution
Fly Ash Definition: It is a byproduct of the burning of coal in electric power generating plants. It is called fly ash because it is transported from the combustion chamber by exhaust gases. It is collected from the exhaust gases by electrostatic precipitators or bag filters. Composition: Fly ash includes substantial amounts of silicon dioxide (SiO2), aluminium oxide (Al2O3), ferric oxide (Fe2O3) and calcium oxide (CaO). Properties: Exhibit cement like properties. Uses: It is used in concrete and cement products, road base, metal recovery, and mineral filler among others. Harmful Effects: Fly ash particles are toxic air pollutants. They can trigger heart disease, cancer, respiratory diseases and stroke. …
13 February, 2021
Environmental Pollution
Biomethanation plants Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his first Mann Ki Baat address for the year, made mention of the garbage-to-power plant being commissioned inside the Dr B.R. Ambedkar Agriculture Market in Bowenpally, Telangana. Vegetable and fruit waste is used to generate power to the extent of 500 units a day and 30 kilos of green manure at the plant. This is being done by making use of 10 tonnes of leftover market waste. The power generated is being used to light up the market and also run the canteen on the premises enabling the market committee to make substantial…
01 February, 2021
Environmental Pollution
Gujarat River Pollution The unchecked flow of untreated industrial effluent into rivers in Gujarat has led to increasing pollution in the Sabarmati, Mahisagar, Narmada, Vishwamitri and Bhadra. According to data from the Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF), the Sabarmati is among the most polluted rivers in the country. Gujarat ranks fourth among the top five States with highly polluted rivers, with as many as 20 rivers in the critically polluted category. Recently, a thick froth on the Mahisagar, along a stretch of several kilometres, raised serious concern, prompting the Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) to constitute a high-level committee…
17 January, 2021
Environmental Pollution
Pink Phenomenon In Avalapandi, a village in Kerala, an aquatic plant forked fanwort has painted the water bodies pink, which led to the ‘pink phenomenon’. This plant comes from the family of Red Cabomba (Cabomba furcata). Cabomba is a submerged perennial aquatic plant that grows in stagnant to slow-flowing freshwater. It is an invasive species that belongs to Central and South America. It requires a huge amount of oxygen to grow and that could badly affect freshwater biodiversity. It has a high natural dispersal potential due to its ability to readily fragment and spread. Invasive Species: Invasive alien species are…
17 December, 2020
Environmental Pollution