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Issues related to women

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A greater impact on women-COVID-19

A greater impact on women-COVID-19 Part of: GS-I- Social issue-Women (PT-MAINS-PERSONALITY TEST) Introduction Early signs are that SARS-CoV-2 poses a greater direct health risk to men, and particularly older men. But the pandemic is exposing and exploiting inequalities of all kinds, including gender inequality. In the long term, its impact on women’s health, rights and freedoms could harm us all. Problems of women during lockdowns Women are already suffering the deadly im

Victory in a long battle for equal opportunities

Victory in a long battle for equal opportunities Context: The granting of permanent commission for women in the Indian Army. In a landmark judgment, the Supreme Court of India had ruled allowing women to serve as permanently commissioned (PC) officers in 10 combat support arms and services of the Indian Army and had also directed the Central Government to consider removing the embargo on command appointments for women officers. The government issued formal sanction offering PC to wo


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