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Unutilised Budgetary Funds in Education-Right to Education

Unutilised Budgetary Funds in Education The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Human Resource Development’s (HRD) report on the 2020-2021 demand for grants for school education submitted to the Rajya Sabha. Details: Budget allocations and expenditure: The Standing Committee has expressed concerns over the fact that the budgetary allocations have observed a 27% cut over the budgetary proposals made by the School Education Department. For

Alternative Academic Calendar for classes 6 to 8

Alternative Academic Calendar for classes 6 to 8 Part of: GS-II- Education (PT-MAINS-PERSONALITY TEST) Human Resource Development Minister released the Alternative Academic Calendar for the upper primary stage, Classes 6 to 8 in New Delhi. The alternative academic calendars at the primary and upper primary stages have been developed by the NCERT under the guidance of the MHRD to engage students meaningfully during their stay at home due to COVID-19. Imp Points This Calendar

UGC to suggest academic calendar

UGC to suggest academic calendar Part of: GS-III- Education (PT-MAINS-PERSONALITY TEST) Panels set up by the University Grants Commission (UGC) have submitted recommendations on the revised academic calendar and suggestions for holding examinations at a time when the country is under lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Commission’s members are likely to discuss the recommendations via video-conferencing and issue advisory guidelines for institutions of higher education

Digital Learning Resources

Digital Learning Resources Context: The Class Central (a free online course aka MOOC aggregator from top universities like Stanford, MIT, Harvard, etc.) has released the list of best 30 online courses of 2019 out of which 6 courses are from SWAYAM. ICT in Education: About SWAYAM SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active–Learning for Young Aspiring Minds) is a programme initiated by Government of India and designed to achieve the three cardinal principles of Education Policy viz., acce

ITI makes low-cost aerosol box, face shields-Vocational Education in India

ITI makes the low-cost aerosol boxes, face shields-Vocational Education in India The government-run Industrial Training Institute (ITI) in Odisha’s Berhampur has prepared low-cost ‘aerosol boxes’ and ‘face shields’ for the medical staff involved in the treatment of COVID-19 patients. At the request of the Ganjam district administration, ITI-Berhampur successfully created cost-effective ‘aerosol boxes’ and ‘face shields’. The market pric

Swayam Prabha

Swayam Prabha The Swayam Prabha is a group of 32 DTH channels devoted to telecasting of high-quality educational programmes on a 24X7 basis using the GSAT-15 satellite. The channels cover higher education, and school education and assist the students (class 11th & 12th) prepare for competitive exams. The contents are provided by IITs, UGC, IGNOU, NCERT and NIOS. Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET), an autonomous Inter-University Centre (IUC) of UGC maintains the web portal

Operation Digital board

Operation Digital Board The Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) recently passed a resolution to take steps toward Operation Digital Board. The idea of Operation Digital Board is aimed at providing better digital education in all schools. These steps will be on the lines of Operation Blackboard of 1987, which was started with the purpose of providing minimum basic facilities to all primary schools. This will offer new opportunities and ways of teaching and learning in schools. CABE i

National Institutional Ranking Framework

National Institutional Ranking Framework The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) was approved by the MHRD and launched in 2015. This framework outlines a methodology to rank institutions across the country. The methodology involves various parameters for ranking universities and institutions such as Teaching, Learning and Resources. Research and Professional Practices. Graduation Outcomes. Outreach and Inclusivity. Perception.

CBSE to release reduced syllabus in a month

CBSE to release reduced syllabus in a month Part of: GS-III- Education  (PT-MAINS-PERSONALITY TEST) The aim is to adapt to a shorter academic session and the loss of classroom time The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will release a cut-down syllabus within a month to adapt to a shorter academic session and the loss of classroom time because of the COVID-19 pandemic, CBSE chairman Manoj Ahuja.  “There will definitely have to be some rationali

Digital Gender Atlas

Digital Gender Atlas Digital Gender Atlas has been developed to identify the low-performing geographic pockets for girls, on specific gender-related education indicators. The Pockets are particularly from marginalized groups such as scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and Muslim minorities. The Atlas is placed on the MHRD website and is available and ready to use by States/Districts/Blocks education administrators. The Atlas is designed around the two broad areas of performance of girls&


YUKTI 2.0 About YUKTI 1.0 Union Minister for HRD Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal “Nishank” has launched a web-portal YUKTI (Young India Combating COVID with Knowledge, Technology and Innovation) . It’s a unique portal and dashboard  to monitor and record the efforts and initiatives of MHRD. The portal intends to cover the different dimensions of COVID-19 challenges in a very holistic and comprehensive way. In the wake of COVID-19 threat, our primary aim is to keep o

The problem of being over-reliant on one revenue stream

The problem of being over-reliant on one revenue stream By, Karthik Manickam is a Research Scholar at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning at Jawaharlal Nehru University working on Higher Education Financing and the Privatisation of Universities Context * The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s regulations regarding student visas have thrown U.S.-based international students into turmoil. * The regulation adds a new dimension to the pandemic-riddled academic yea

NISHTHA Programme

NISHTHA Programme GS-Paper-3 Education Recently, the National Initiative for School Heads and Teachers Holistic Advancement (NISHTHA) programme has been launched for the first time in online mode in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Imp Points Initially, the NISHTHA programme was launched in 2019 in face-to-face mode to improve learning outcomes at the elementary level in the country. The covid-19 pandemic situation and lockdown hav

ASPIRE Portal for Automotive Industry

ASPIRE Portal for Automotive Industry GS-PAPER-3 Economy (PT-MAINS) The International Centre of Automotive Technology (ICAT) is developing a technology platform for the automotive industry called ASPIRE - Automotive Solutions Portal for Industry, Research and Education. The Portal is expected to help in developing a strong and self-reliant automotive industry in India which is in tune with the vision of Make in India and Atmanirbhar 

A long road: On National Education Policy 2020

A long road: On National Education Policy 2020 Context The National Education Policy 2020 announced by the Ministry of Human Resource Development sets for itself the goal of transforming the system to meet the needs of 21st Century India. NEO,2020 In a federal system, any educational reform can be implemented only with support from the States, and the Centre has the giant task of building a consensus on the many ambitious plans. The policy, inter alia, aims to eliminate p

India Report on Digital Education, 2020

India Report on Digital Education, 2020 GS-paper-3 Education (Mains) Recently, the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) launched India Report on Digital Education, 2020. Recently the MHRD has been renamed as the Ministry of Education. The Report: It has been prepared by the digital education division of MHRD in consultation with education departments of the states and union territories. It elaborates on the innovative methods adopted by the M

A policy with many a right intention

A policy with many a right intention Context: The approval of the new National Education Policy by the Union Cabinet. News: A majority of the path-breaking proposals submitted by the K. Kasturirangan Committee, in the 2019 draft National Education Policy, have been approved while a few important proposals that figured in the draft have been ignored in the final policy. The article notes that the National Education Policy, 2020 though has several innovative and bold proposal

Books, not bullets in J&K

Books, not bullets in J&K By, Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ is Union Minister for Education, Government of India Context The most adversely affected during the periods of proxy war in J&K among all sections of society have been the children and youth of the region. Young minds which were supposed to be aspirational, educated, skilled and equipped to face the challenges of the 21st century were instead initiated into violence, terrorism, indoctrination and anti-nat

National Education Policy (NEP) 2020

National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 GS-PAPER-3 Education reforms (Mains) Recently, the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 was announced by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (soon to be called the Ministry of Education). The policy is aimed at transforming the Indian education system to meet the needs of the 21st Century. The new policy seeks rectification of poor literacy and numeracy outcomes associated with primary schools, reduction in dropout levels in mi

Can the NEP aid access to universal education?

Can the NEP aid access to universal education? By, Anita Rampal, is a former Dean, Faculty of Education at Delhi University; Leena Chandran Wadia was a senior consultant in the Kasturirangan Committee Context The new National Education Policy (NEP), approved by the Union Cabinet last week, seeks to align itself with the Sustainable Development Goal of ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education for all in the next 20 years. The policy has brought into its ambit children in

Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA)

Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) It is an initiative of the Ministry of Education, Government of India to systematically rank all the major higher education institutions and universities in India on indicators related to “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development” amongst students and faculties. More than quantity, ARIIA focuses on the quality of innovations and tries to measure the real impact created by these innovations nationally and inter

Digital India is not prepared for digital education

Digital India is not prepared for digital education Context Owing to the coronavirus pandemic, the education sector is in crisis at the moment. Educational institutes are closed and most probably, they will remain closed through 2020 due to an increasing number of Covid-19 cases. This could even extend to 2021. In this situation online education has come to the rescue of the cause of education. However there are several challenges of online education and the same needs to be fixed.

How good is the New National Education Policy 2020?

National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 Education and National Education Policy 2020 is important for UPSC Mains Paper II and Paper III. New Education Policy is highly important for Mains and Essay Writing for IAS Mains Examination. Recently, the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 was announced by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (soon to be called the Ministry of Education). The policy is aimed at transforming the Indian education system to meet the needs of the 21st Ce

Monash case study: Foreign universities in India

Monash case study: Foreign universities in India One of the recommendations of the National Education Policy 2020 was to allow universities in the top 100 categories of the World University Rankings to operate in India. Although this recommendation has generated a lot of discussions, one major gap is the inadequate focus on the potential role and suitability of international branch campuses (IBC) in the Indian environment. An IBC is an entity owned, partly by a foreign higher education pro

Coding for children

Coding for children GS Paper III - Education (PT-Mains)  Education is one of the most important topics of the UPSC Examination 2021. Every year in Prelims, Mains and Essay Education is being asked. Hence it is one of a highly important topics. The New Education Policy allows students to choose to code from class 6th onwards. What is Coding? Computers have their own language called programming language which tells them what to do. Coding is the process of using a progr

NEET Examination, merging with JEE (Mains)

Ease the exam pressure About NEET: The National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET), formerly the All India Pre-Medical Test (AIPMT), is the qualifying test for MBBS and BDS programmes in Indian medical and dental colleges. It is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA). The NEET exam is conducted online and in 11 languages — English, Hindi, Marathi, Odia, Tamil, Marathi, Urdu Bengali, Telugu, Kannada, and Assamese. The duration of the examination is three hours and a candi

T. S. R. Subramanian Committee Report on Education

T. S. R. Subramanian Committee Report on Education The T.S.R. Subramanian committee was entrusted with preparing a new education policy for India. The major recommendations are An Indian Education Service (IES) should be established as an all-India service with officers being on a permanent settlement to the state governments but with the cadre controlling authority vesting with the Human Resource Development (HRD) ministry. The outlay on education should be raised to at least 6% of G

Education Reforms

Education Reforms Context: UPSC Mains GS III Education (Prelims Mains Interview) The Directorate of Education has issued a circular asking school to follow the new ‘School Bag Policy, 2020’ released by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT). According to the circular, schoolteachers should inform the students in advance about the books and notebooks to be brought to school on a particular day and frequently check their bags to ensure that they ar

Status of Education in India during COVID-19

Status of Education in India during COVID-19 On January 24, we celebrated the third edition of the International Day of Education, a day proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly to honour education and its value to humanity and sustainable development. Our theme for 2021, ‘Recover and Revitalize Education for the COVID-19 Generation’, places an emphasis on the way the pandemic has negatively affected learning outcomes for students globally and how we should innovate

Too many IITs, unrealistic expectations

Too many IITs, unrealistic expectations Without question, the Indian Institutes of Technology, or the IITs, are the crown jewels of Indian higher education. They are world-renowned for the quality of their graduates and for their academic programmes in a range of fields in technology and engineering — and in the past decade, in research and innovation through research parks as well. They are among the few Indian higher education institutions that do reasonably well in the globa

Indian Institutes of Technology(IITs) - Danger of sinking into mediocrity

Indian Institutes of Technology(IITs) - Danger of sinking into mediocrity Introduction The Indian Institutes of Technology or the IITs are world-renowned for the quality of their graduates and for their academic programmes in a range of fields in technology and engineering — and in the past decade, in research and innovation through research parks as well. They are among the few Indian higher education institutions that do reasonably well in the global rankings. Expansion

Draft UGC Regulations

Draft UGC Regulations Draft UGC (Academic Collaboration between Indian and Foreign Higher Education Institutions to offer Joint Degree, Dual Degree and Twinning Programmes) Regulations, 2021 was put for public review. It may effectively implement the Higher Education Institutions (HEI) aspect of National Education Policy, 2020. Joint Degree programme - The curriculum shall be designed jointly by the collaborating Indian and foreign HEIs. The degree shall be awarded by both the instit

Learning Outcomes-based Curriculum Framework (LOCF)-Revival of Indian Past (A boon or a bane)

Learning Outcomes-based Curriculum Framework (LOCF)-Revival of Indian Past (A boon or a bane) Introduction The latest policy document on undergraduate education presents an incomplete and ill-judged view Learning Outcomes-based Curriculum Framework (LOCF) The University Grants Commission (UGC) document on Learning Outcomes-based Curriculum Framework (LOCF), 2021 for undergraduate education in history begins with the declaration: “History, as we all know, is a vital sour

IITs- How to promote quality education

IITs- How to promote quality education Introduction Excellence in education depends on the quality of mentorship; not on the size or location of campuses. To improve, faculties should be made bigger, and recruitment yardsticks should focus on quality and not quantity. Core functions The core functions of an engineering school are to: guide students along as they inquire and discover their interests in science and engineering; engage students with the interactions betw

AICTE's “Lilavati Awards” 2020

AICTE's “Lilavati Awards” 2020 Union Minister of Education has presented the AICTE Lilavati Awards 2020 on women empowerment to the winners. About Lilavati Awards: Lilavati Award is an initiative of the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). It aims to recognise efforts by AICTE-approved institutions to treat women with equality and fairness. The award has got its name after the 12th-century book called “Lilavati”. The Mathematician Bhaska

Digital Education- EdTech needs an ethics policy

Digital Education- EdTech needs an ethics policy Introduction The lack of a regulatory framework in India along the lines of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe could impinge on the privacy of students who now use educational technology (EdTech) apps for learning. The dominance of online education Since the onset of the pandemic, online education has replaced conventional classroom instruction. This has spawned several EdTech apps which have become pop

Performance Grading Index (PGI)- Analysis

Performance Grading Index (PGI)- Analysis Introduction High-performing States with good schools can nudge others if they have the political will Performance Grading Index (PGI) The Union Education Ministry has been attempting to get States into a competitive mode in upgrading their school education system by recognising progress with a Performance Grading Index (PGI) that assigns them a score. It can be argued that countries and State governments use school educatio

Rajasthan to start a Vedic Education Board

Rajasthan to start a Vedic Education Board Months after announcing a major overhaul of India’s education system through the National Education Policy (NEP 2020), the Centre is mulling setting up a Vedic education board for schools apart from the already existing CBSE board. In this connection, it is important to note that in January 2019, the education ministry had already permitted the Baba Ramdev-run Patanjali group to set up a Bhartiya Shiksha Board (BSB) on ‘Indian knowl

Performance Grading Index for 2019-20

Punjab, T.N. and Kerala top education index ranking Punjab, Tamil Nadu and Kerala have all scored higher than 90% in the Education Ministry’s Performance Grading Index for 2019-20, which was released. Gujarat dropped from second to the eighth rank in the index, while Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh are the only States which have seen actual regression in scores over this period. The index monitors the progress that the States and Union Territories have made in school educatio

PRAGYATA': Guidelines on Digital Education

PRAGYATA': Guidelines on Digital Education Union HRD Ministry released ‘PRAGYATA’: Guidelines on #DigitalEducation for school heads, teachers, parents, and students. The guidelines are based on four guiding principles, stipulating that all resources must be perceivable, operable, understandable and robust for disabled students. Provisions: The ministry has recommended a cap on the screen time for students. As per the guidelines, online classes for pre-primary stude

NIPUN Bharat

NIPUN Bharat NIPUN stands for National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy (NIPUN Bharat) The vision of NIPUN Bharat Mission is to create an enabling environment to ensure the universal acquisition of foundational literacy and numeracy, so that every child achieves the desired learning competencies in reading, writing and numeracy by the end of Grade 3, by 2026-27. NIPUN Bharat will be implemented by the Department of School Education and Literacy and

Welfare schemes of the Government promoting girls education

Welfare schemes of the Government promoting girls' education Department of School Education and Literacy (DoSEL), Ministry of Education is implementing various welfare schemes for incentives for girls' education. Under the Samagra Shiksha, there is a provision of Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas (KGBVs). KGBVs are residential schools from class VI to XII for girls belonging to disadvantaged groups such as SC, ST, OBC, Minority and Below Poverty Line (BPL). A total

Government efforts to promote IT based education

Government efforts to promote IT-based education A comprehensive initiative called PM eVIDYA has been initiated as part of Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan on 17th May 2020, which unifies all efforts related to digital/online/on-air education to enable multi-mode access to education. The initiative includes: DIKSHA (one nation, one digital platform)is the nation’s digital infrastructure for providing quality e-content for school education in states/UTs and QR-coded Energized

NISHTHA programme for continuous professional development of the teachers during Covid

NISHTHA programme for continuous professional development of the teachers during Covid Due to COVID-19 challenges and in order to provide continuous professional development opportunities to the teachers at the elementary level, this Department has launched NISHTHA online using DIKSHA platform in October 2020. Around 24 lakh teachers have completed NISHTHA online training at the elementary level by June 2021. Under NISHTHA, a module on integrating ICT in teaching, learning and assess

Steps taken by the government to improve learning levels

Steps were taken by the government to improve learning levels Education is in the concurrent list of the Constitution and the majority of the schools are under the domain of respective State and UT Governments. The Department has shared a COVID Action Plan with the States and UTs which includes tracking of children and their learning levels. States and UTs have been advised to develop effective home learning program which includes access to grade appropriate textbooks; content identific

Academic credit bank in National Education Policy

National Education Policy turns one On the first anniversary of the National Education Policy (NEP), the Centre plans to officially roll out some initiatives promised in the policy, such as a credit transfer system that will allow multiple entries and exit options in higher education, as well as engineering programmes in regional languages. However, other promised reforms such as the Higher Education Commission of India (HECI), the four-year undergraduate degree, and the common universi

Samagra Shiksha Scheme revised for 5 years from 2021 to 2026

Samagra Shiksha Scheme revised for 5 years from 2021 to 2026 Background  Union Budget, 2018-19 has announced that school education would be treated holistically and without segmentation from pre-primary to class XII. It is, in this context, that the Department launched the Integrated Scheme for School Education, Samagra Shiksha in 2018 by subsuming the erstwhile Centrally Sponsored Schemes of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) an

Government efforts for Education in Northeast India

Government efforts for Education in Northeast India University Grants Commission (UGC) is implementing schemes, awards, fellowships, chairs and programmes under which financial assistance is provided to institutions of higher education as well as faculty members working in the North Eastern States to undertake quality research covering areas of knowledge across disciplines. Some of the initiatives taken for improving quality of higher education are Choice Based Credit System (CBCS);

INSPIRE Awards - MANAK scheme

INSPIRE Awards - MANAK scheme MANAK stands for Million Minds Augmenting National Aspiration and Knowledge. The INSPIRE Awards - MANAK scheme is aligned with the ‘Start-up India’ initiative launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India. The scheme aims to motivate students in the age group of 10-15 years and studying in classes 6 to 10 to become future innovators and critical thinkers. It believes that once the original ideas and innovations rooted in Science and

India Rankings 2021 NIRF

India Rankings 2021 NIRF India Rankings 2021 is instituted by National Institutional Ranking Framework. This is the sixth consecutive edition of India Rankings of HEIs in India.'' During its maiden year in 2016, rankings were announced for the University category as well as for three domain-specific rankings, namely Engineering, Management and Pharmacy institutions. Over the period of six years, three new categories and five new subject domains were added. Now t

K Kasturirangan panel for National Curriculum Framework (NCF)

K Kasturirangan panel for National Curriculum Framework (NCF) The Centre has started the process to revise school textbooks by appointing former Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) chairman K. Kasturirangan as the head of a 12-member steering committee responsible for developing a new National Curriculum Framework (NCF). Dr. Kasturirangan also chaired the drafting committee for the National Education Policy, 2020 which recommended the development of a new NCF. The steering commi

‘Padhe Bharat’: 100 days reading campaign

‘Padhe Bharat’: 100 days reading campaign What is the ‘Padhe Bharat’ campaign? Padhe Bharat is a 100 Days Reading Campaign which is in alignment with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. It emphasises on the promotion of joyful reading culture for children by ensuring the availability of age-appropriate reading books for children in local/mother tongue/regional/tribal Language. There is a need to create an enabling environment in which students rea

National Educational Alliance for Technology (NEAT)3.0

National Educational Alliance for Technology (NEAT)3.0 What is National Educational Alliance for Technology (NEAT) 3.0? National Educational Alliance for Technology (NEAT) is an initiative to provide the use of best-developed technological solutions in the education sector to enhance the employability of the youth on a single platform for learners' convenience. These solutions use Artificial Intelligence for a personalized and customized learning experience for better learning ou


PERFORMANCE GRADING INDEX FOR DISTRICT Department of School Education and Literacy under the Ministry of Education has released the Centre’s first-ever Performance Grading Index for the district (PGI-D) for the year 2018-2019 and 2019-2020. Ministry of education approve the release of the Performance Grading Index 2019-20 for the state and union territories. ALL ABOUT PGI-D: PGI-D evaluates the performance of the school education system mainly at the district level by creati


NIRF RANKING 2022 The Indian Institution of Technology, Madras is yet again the top Higher Educational Institute in the county followed by the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, and IIT Bombay according to the Ministry of Education’s National Institution Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2022. This is the seventh consecutive edition of NIRF which rank colleges, university, and research institutions. It also provides an overall ranking of all of them. The highlight of NIRF 2022

National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC)

National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC) & Higher Education The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda's National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) ratings recently sparked controversy since the institution's grade increased from A to A+ as a result of improvements across all areas. What is India's Accreditation Status for Institutions? The All-India Survey on Higher Education's portal lists 42,343 colleges and 1,043 universities. Th

Times World University Rankings 2022

Times World University Rankings 2022 The 2022 Times Higher Education (THE) rankings were recently made public. The QS World University Ranking for 2022 was previously published. What are the Ranking's Key Highlights? Teaching (30%), research (30%), citations (30%), international outlook (7.5%), and industrial output (2.5%) are the criteria used to rank the institutes. 15% of the weight given to teaching and research is based on reputational surveys.

National Credit Framework

National Credit Framework A document "National Credit Framework" (NCrF) has recently been made public by the Ministry of Education with the intention of integrating the entire educational system—from elementary schools to universities—under the "credit" system. About The National Credit Framework (NCrF) : The National Education Policy includes the new framework. The framework states that the quantity of hours a student works will be used to

Performance Grading Index 2020-21

Performance Grading Index 2020-21 The Ministry of Education recently released its Performance Grading Index (PGI). About the Index: Previous Editions: The PGI report for 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20 has been released by the department. Objective: PGI's primary goal is to promote evidence-based policymaking and emphasize course correction to ensure quality education for all. PGI 2020-21 graded the states/UTs into ten categories: Level 1 is the highest

Foreign Higher Educational Institutes In India: UGC 

Foreign Higher Educational Institutes In India: UGC  The proposed UGC (Setting up and Operating of Campuses of Foreign Higher Educational Institutions in India) Regulations 2023 were published by the University Grants Commission (UGC). About the draft regulation: It aims to permit international universities to establish campuses in India. Determine the admissions procedure, the reasonableness of the cost structure, etc. Must transfer money back to their parent

National Medical Commission & NExT 

National Medical Commission & NExT  The National Exit Test would be administered by a fifth autonomous agency, the Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences, that will fall under the country's top medical education regulator, according to the draft National Medical Commission (NMC) bill 2022.  The National Exit Test is what?         A medical licence test called the NExT is used to evaluate medical graduates

Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2022

Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2022 ASER, a comprehensive citizen-led household survey, has been published. It offers a picture of children's education and learning in rural India. The pandemic's effects on education are highlighted in the NGO Pratham's 17th Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2022. Findings of report:      Enrollment overall: For the past 15 years, the enrollment rate for students aged 6 to 14 y

Schools of Eminence Project

Schools of Eminence Project The Schools of Eminence were recently introduced by the Punjab Chief Minister. Major Points: With a focus on grades 9 to 12, the project will improve 117 state-run schools in 23 districts. Along with using cutting-edge teaching techniques, students will receive coaching for professional tests in addition to career-related counseling. Aim: Rethinking education in public schools, focusing on kids' overall development and training them to

All India Higher Education Survey

All India Higher Education Survey According to the most recent All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE), significant progress made in bridging the gender gap across several undergraduate programs suffered a setback in the current year. The poll also found that enrollment in distant education programs increased by 7% in 2020–21, the year the Covid–19 epidemic started. The major highlight of the survey: From 3.85 crores in 2019–20, the total number of stud

Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Report

Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Report Dr. Bibek Debroy, Chairperson of Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister (EAC-PM) announced the publication of the Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) report's second edition. Regarding the FLN report: It is the capacity of a young child (between the ages of 3 and 8 years old) to read and solve simple addition and subtraction mathematical equations. The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 includes it as one of its primary

National Assessment and Accreditation Council

National Assessment and Accreditation Council The National Assessment and Accreditation Council has recently come under fire from the office of the Comptroller and Auditor General for errors in its assessment procedures. About NAAC The University Grants Commission (UGC) established the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) in 1994 as an independent organisation with its headquarters in Bengaluru. In accordance with the UGC Act 1956, the Department of Higher

India Literacy Programme

India Literacy Programme The "New India Literacy Programme" (NILP), a new centrally sponsored scheme that would be implemented across five years from the FYs 2022–2023 to 2026–2027, has been established by the government. About The program's target population of 5.00 crore nonliterates aged 15 and over  The Program consists of five parts: (i) Foundational Reading and Numeracy, (ii) Crucial Life Skills, (iii) Development of Vocati

Institution Of Eminence Scheme

Institution Of Eminence Scheme Many institutes that were chosen for Institution of Eminence (IoE) Status are still waiting for the IOE designation after more than three years have passed. Background UGC (Institutions of Eminence Deemed to be Universities) 2017 regulations allowed for the creation of the Institute of Eminence Programme. Ten Universities - ten Public and ten Private - were chosen for the programme. To aid in their development as Teaching and Research Institute


Performance Assessment, Review, and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development (PARAKH) is India's first national assessment regulator. PARAKH was established in 2020 as a standard-setting body in line with the National Education Policy (NEP). It will create standards and criteria for student assessment and evaluation for all nationally recognized educational boards. It aims to help remove disparities in scores of students enrolled with diff

SATHEE(Self Assessment Test and Help for Entrance Exam

SATHEE is an open learning platform to help students prepare for competitive exams at no cost. It has been launched by the Ministry of Education and IIT-Kanpur. The preparation material will be available in English, Hindi and other regional languages

Global Initiative for Academic Networks (GIAN)

After COVID break, Centre approves 4th phase roll-out of GIAN scheme as recommended by the National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA). It was launched in 2015-16 by Ministry of Education (MoE). Objectives – To increase the footfalls of international faculty in the Indian academic institutes and to create avenue for possible collaborative research. To develop high quality course material in niche areas, both thro

Guidelines for Regulation of Coaching Center 2024

The Ministry of Education's Department of Higher Education recently introduced the "Guidelines for Registration and Regulation of Coaching Center 2024." Guidelines for Registration and Regulation of Coaching Center 2024 According to the guideline, a ‘coaching center’ includes a center established, run, or administered by any person to provide coaching for any study programme, competitive examinations, or academic support to students at

Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2023

The Annual Status of Education Report 2023 has been published recently by Pratham, a civil society organisation. What is ASER? It is a nationwide citizen-led household survey that provides a snapshot of the status of children’s schooling and learning in rural India. Conducted by- Pratham, a non-governmental organisation. Launched- 2005 Published- It was conducted annually until 2014 and switched to alternate year cycle in 2016. Basic ASER

IInvenTiv 2024 – Showcasing India’s Top R&D Innovation

The 2nd edition of the Ministry of Education’s flagship R&D Innovation Fair, IInvenTiv-2024 was inaugurated by Union Education Minister recently. It aims to showcase the holistic impact of the research and innovation carried out by the country's top higher education institutes.

International Education Day

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) declared January 24 as the International Day of Education in 2018. The day celebrates the role of education in peace and development and aims to raise awareness of the value and impact of quality education. In 2024, UNESCO is focusing on promoting anti-racist guidelines and addressing racism in textbooks with the theme - ‘learning for lasting peace’.


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