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GS-III Self-sufficiency in Edible Oils Economic Issues

GS-III : Economic Issues

Self-sufficiency in Edible Oils

  • To achieve self-sufficiency in the production of oilseeds, the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has adopted a multi-pronged strategy.
  • Under the strategy, the Government of India has approved an ambitious plan for the free distribution of high yielding varieties of seeds to the farmers for the Kharif season 2021 in the form of mini-kits.
  • The special Kharif programme will bring an additional 6.37 lakh hectare area under oilseeds and is likely to produce 120.26 lakh quintals of oilseeds and edible oil amounting to 24.36 lakh quintals.
  • Both area and productivity enhancement has been formulated for soybean and groundnut with a focus on high yielding varieties of seeds to be provided free of cost under the National Food Security Mission (Oil Seeds and Oil Palm) Mission.

About National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm

The Government of India through the National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm has the objective to augment the availability of edible oils and reduce the import of edible oils by increasing the production and productivity of oilseeds and oil palm. To this end a multi-pronged strategy is being adopted which includes the following:

  • Increasing the seed replacement ratio with focus on varietal replacement
  • Increasing irrigation coverage
  • Nutrient management
  • Intercropping with cereals/pulses/sugarcane
  • Productivity improvement and adoption of proven and climate-resilient technologies
  • Area expansion through diversification of low yielding food grains.
  • Targeting rice fallow areas and high potential districts
  • Promotion in non-traditional states
  • Encouraging mechanization
  • Research projects
  • Training of farmers and extension officials
  • Supporting cluster demonstrations for the adoption of good agricultural practices
  • Creation of 36 oilseed hubs with a focus on regional approach for larger availability of quality seeds
  • Post-harvest management at  farm and village level

Formation of Farmer Producer Organisations

As a result of the above efforts, the production of oilseeds has increased from 27.51 million tonnes in 2014-15 to 37.31 million tonnes in 2020-21 (2nd advance estimates), while the area has increased from 25.99 million hectares to 28.82 million hectares and yield from 1075 kg/hectares to 1295 kg/hectares during the same corresponding period.

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Source: PIB




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