
UPSC Courses


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GS-III Mangroves in India Biodiversity & Environment
National Fish Farmers Day Economic Issues

GS-III : Biodiversity & Environment

Mangroves in India

  1. They are evergreen forests with salt tolerant trees (halophytes). They are adapted to low oxygen (anoxic) conditions of waterlogged mud.
  2. The richest Mangrove communities occur in tropical and subtropical areas i.e.
    1. Between 30 degree North and South latitudes.
    2. Where Water temperature is > 24 degrees in the warmest month.
    3. Where Annual rainfall is > 125 cm.
    4. Where Mountain ranges > 700 m are found close to the coast.
  3. Mangroves are found almost in all continents except Europe, the Arctic and the Antarctic. The best Mangroves are found in Asia, especially in India and Bangladesh.
  4. India has 7% of the World's total area of Mangroves. Of the total Mangroves
    1. 80% are found along the East coast - Sundarbans, Bhitarkanika and Andaman and Nicobar.
    2. 20% of Mangroves are scattered on the west coast of Kutch to Kerala.
    3. Mangroves of Sundarbans
      1. They are the largest single block of tidal halophytic mangroves in the world.
      2. The major species include Herritiera fames, Rhizophora spp, Bruguiera spp, Ceriops decandra, Sonnerata spp and Avicennia spp. 
      3. Sundarbans is the largest mangrove forest in the World both in size(it is tall) as well as Biodiversity.
    4. Mangroves of Bhittarkanika are the 2nd largest in the Indian subcontinent.
    5. The largest stretch is from West Bengal to AP and in the Western area, it is in creeks and estuaries. 
    6. On the west coast, the largest mangroves are in Gujarat (Gulf of Kachch and Kori creek). Kori creek is the paleodelta of the Indus River.
    7. Kerala has minimum Mangroves. Mangroves of Pichavaram and Vedaranyam are degraded mainly due to the construction of aquaculture ponds and salt pans.
    8.  In size, the Gulf of Kachch Mangroves is dwarf while taller Mangroves are found in Sundarbans. It is present in A & N but not in Lakshadweep.
  5. Adaptation of Mangroves
    1. Mangrove plants live in hostile environmental conditions like high salinity, hypoxic (oxygen deficient) waterlogged area, tidal pressures, strong winds and sea waves.
    2. Mangroves can grow in saltwater as well as freshwater. The presence of salt is not necessary for its growth. Only 1 advantage is the lack of competition in brackish water.
      1. Species of Mangroves like Rhizophora, Ceriops, Bruguera are all salt excluders i.e. they filter out salt at root level from entering the plant.
      2. Leaves have many special salt glands for salt secretion. Examples are Avicennia, Sonneratia and Acanthus.
      3. Concentrate salt in the bark or in older leaves.
    3. Mangroves have specialized root systems
      1. Prop roots: Ex. Rhizophora spp. White Mangroves have cable roots that radiate out from the central trunk.
      2. Breathing roots are special vertical roots called Pnuematophores that form from lateral roots in the mud which allow some oxygen to reach the roots. Pneumatophores are green and contain chlorophyll.
      3. Stilt roots are the main organs for breathing especially during high tide (Rhizophora and Avicennia). The stilt roots of Rhizophora mucronata extend > 1 m above the soil surface and contain many small pores (lenticles) which at low tide allow oxygen to enter roots through aerenchyma (open passages). Aeration also occurs through lenticels in the bark of mangrove species.
  6. Reproduction of Mangroves: They reproduce through 2 strategies: Dispersal by means of water and vivipary. In Vivipary, the embryo develops continuously while attached to the parent tree and during dispersal). 
  7. Mangrove fauna can be classified as Aquatic, Semi-aquatic and Terrestrial.
    1. It hosts as a nursery habitat for fish whose adults occupy other habitats like Coral reefs and seagrass beds. Butterflies and moths are commonly found in the Mangrove ecosystem.
    2. Estuarine or Saltwater crocodile is the largest crocodile found in the World. (The other 2 are freshwater crocodiles i.e. Marsh Crocodile and Gharial).
    3. Olive Ridley Sea Turtles, Green Turtle, Hawksbill Sea Turtle, Bibron's soft shell turtle, Batagur turtle and Leatherback turtle are found in Mangroves. The last 2 are Endangered.
    4. Water Monitor Lizard is one of the largest lizards in the World. In India, it is found in association with the Saltwater crocodiles. They are a major predator of crocodile and turtle eggs. It is endangered in India.
    5. Royal Bengal Tiger (Endangered), Dugong/ Sea Cow, OttersCrab eating macaque (found only in A&N islands) etc. are found in Mangrove habitat.
  8. Role of Mangroves
    1. Mangroves protect coastal lands from tsunami, hurricanes and floods.
    2. They enhance the natural recycling of nutrients. They support flora, avifauna and wildlife.
    3. They enhance the deposition of sediment in areas, stabilize the coastal shores and provide a breeding grounds for fishes.
    4. It provides Ecosystem services like woods, firewoods, and medicinal plants.
    5. Fine anoxic sediments deposited under mangroves act as sinks for a variety of heavy (trace) metals which are scavenged from overlaying seawater by colloidal particles in the sediments.
    6. They take in CO2, store carbon in their roots, leaves and branches and release Oxygen and a little methane gas in the atmosphere.
  9. Threats to Mangroves:
    1. Mangroves are being cleared for Agricultural use, use of chemical pesticides, fertilizers and industrial purposes.
    2. Mangroves of Pichavaram and Vedaranyam are degraded mainly due to the construction of aquaculture ponds and salt pans.


What is the news?

  • Scientists at the DBT-Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar and SRM-DBT Partnership Platform for Advanced Life Sciences Technologies, SRM Institute of Science and Technology,Tamil Nadu have reported for the first time a reference-grade whole genome sequence of a highly salt-tolerantand salt-secreting true-mangrove species,Avicennia marina.
  • Mangroves are a unique group of species found in marshy intertidal estuarine regions and survive a high degree of salinity through several adaptive mechanisms.
  • Mangroves are important resources for the coastal region and are of great ecological and economic value.
  • They form a link between marine and terrestrial ecosystems, protect shorelines, provide habitat for a diverse array of terrestrial organisms.
  • Avicennia marina is one of the most prominent mangrove species found in all mangrove formations in India.
  • It is a salt-secreting and extraordinarily salt-tolerant mangrove species that grows optimally in 75% seawater and tolerates >250% seawater.It is among the rare plant species, which can excrete 40% of the salt through the salt glands in the leaves, besides its extraordinary capacity to exclude salt entry to the roots.
  • This study published in the recent issue of the Nature Communications Biology reports the assemblage of a 456.6 Mb of the estimated 462.7 Mb A. marina genome (98.7% genome coverage) in 31 chromosomes derived from 88 scaffolds and 252 contigs. The percentage of genomes in gaps was 0.26%, thereby proving it to be a high-level assembly.
  • The A. marina genome assembled in this study is nearly complete and can be considered as a reference-grade genome reported so far for any mangrove species globally and the first report from India”.
  • This study employed the latest genome sequencing and assembling technologies and identified 31,477 protein-coding genes and a “salinome” consisting of 3246 salinity-responsive genes and homologs of 614 experimentally validated salinity tolerance genes.
  • The study reported identi?cation of 614 genes, including 159 transcription factors, which are homologous to the genes that were functionally validated for salinity tolerance in transgenic systems.
  • This study assumes significance as agriculture productivity globally is affected due to abiotic stress factors such as limited water availability and salinization of soil and water.
  • Availability of water is a significant challenge to crop production in dryland areas, accounting for ~40 per cent of the world’s total land area. Salinity is prevalent in ~900 million hectares globally (with an estimated 6.73 million ha in India), and it is estimated to cause an annual loss of 27 billion USD.
  • The genomic resources generated in the study will pave the way for researchers to study the potential of the identified genes for developing drought and salinity-tolerant varieties of important crop species of the coastal region that is significant for India with 7,500m of coastline and two major island systems.
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Source: PIB



Economic Issues

National Fish Farmers Day

  • The National Fisheries Development Board celebrated the National Fish Farmers Day virtually.
  • The National Fish Farmers day is observed every year to demonstrate solidarity with all fisher folk, fish farmers and concerned stakeholders throughout the Country.
  • This annual event is celebrated to commemorate Professor Dr. Hiralal Chaudhury and his colleague Dr. Alikunhi for their contribution in achieving the successful induced breeding of major carps on 10th July,1957 at Angul in Odisha for the first time in the country.
  • This pioneering work of induced breeding over the years has transformed the growth of the aquaculture sector from traditional to intensive aquaculture practices and led to success of modern aquaculture industry.
  • The day was also celebrated as NFDB Foundation Day.
  • India is benefitted with a vast coastline on three sides with a huge potential for fisheries sector.
  • Realizing the importance of the sector, the Government has launched the PMMSY.
  • Under the scheme, financial assistance is provided to fishers/fish farmers for fish farming, creation of infrastructure facilities, seed and feed procurement, fishing activity along with training for its proper implementation.

Fisheries Sector

Fishing is one of the oldest occupations of man. Fish provides protein rich food and is also a big source of vitamins A, B and D.

There are about 30,000 species of fish in the world out of which about 18,000 are found in India.

Fish forms an important part of diet of the people living in the coastal areas.

India is the 6th largest producer of fish and 2nd largest producer of inland fish in the world. The fisheries sector provides employment to over 14 million people.

World Data

Overall, the value of frozen fish exports rose by an average 19.1% for all exporting countries since 2015. Year over year, there was a downtick in the value of global frozen fish exports falling by -2.6% from 2018 to 2019.

India is at 10th position in frozen fish exports with 2.2% of world share.

Three countries posted declines in their exported frozen fish sales: United States (down -7.2%), India (down -6.7%) and Iceland (down -0.5%).

Frozen shrimp is the top item of export of india’s fishing, accounting for 38.28% in quantity and 64.50% in earnings in dollar terms. Shrimp exports increased 16.21% in quantity and 20.33% in dollar terms.

Destination for India’s seafood products : The U.S. accounted for nearly 30% of the imports in dollar terms. South East Asia, with a share of 29.91% in dollar terms, remained the second largest. It was followed by the EU (17.98%), Japan (6.83%), the Middle East (4.78%), China (3.50%) and other countries (7.03%).

SHAPHARI Certification.:

National Residue Control Programme (NRCP) and Pre Harvest Test (PHT) initiatives implemented by MPEDA, development of Certification in Aquaculture which is named as ‘SHAPHARI’ meaning superior quality of fishery product suitable for human consumption is another milestone initiative to address the above issue on food security.

Certification of hatcheries for production of antibiotic free seed has emerged as one of the main interventions to free Indian aquaculture from the use of antibiotics.

Factors promoting Fish Production

  • Mixing of Warm and cold currents
  • Upwelling Zones

Factors affecting Fish Production

  • Water Clarity, Water Temperature, Water Depth And Water Oxygen, Nutrient

The fish catch in India is of two types:

  1. Sea or Marine Fisheries: It includes coastal, off-shore and deep sea fisheries mainly on the continental shelf upto a depth of 200 metres.
  2. Inland or Fresh Water Fisheries: Rivers, lakes, canals, reservoirs, ponds, tanks, etc. contain fresh water and provide fresh water fisheries. Inland fisheries also include those obtained from estuaries, delta channels, back-waters, lagoons and coastal lakes.

Inedible fish

  • Rich source of animal protein for livestock feeding.
  • Fish scales and fishery wastes are also a source of organic manure.

Marine Fisheries

India has a coastline of over 7,517 km and its continental shelf spreads over 3,11,680 sq km. This entire area is suitable for marine fisheries. It is estimated that of all the marine fish landings, 75%  are on the West coast and only 25% is contributed by East coast.

The important fish caught along the coast are shark, sardine, herring. anchovies, Mumbai duck, fly fish, ribbon fish, mackerel and Indian salmon.

Mackerel accounts for about one-third of the total catch.

India's offshore and deep sea fish catch is very poor considering the marine potential of 20-25 million tonnes annually. Only 10-12% is caught at present. Only 11 per cent of the potential fishing grounds are more than 200 metres deep.

Following are the reasons for sad state of affairs(Mains)

  1. India has tropical climate in which fish cannot be preserved for a long time. Heavy expenditure on refrigeration and deep freezing increases the market price of the fish.
  2. Indian coast does not have many gulfs, bays, estuaries and backwaters as is the case with Norway. As such, it lacks good fishing grounds.
  3. Marine fishing in India is a seasonal phenomenon. Strong winds during the monsoon season accompanied by tropical cyclones often hinder fishing operations.
  4. Majority of Indians are vegetarians and do not eat fish. Rest eats less compared to global average. As against a global average of 25 kg per annum, Indian’s fish protein intake is less than 5 kg per year among non vegetarians.
  5. About 60% of the fishermen still use small non-mechanised boats.

Fishing in India is a major industry employing 14.5 million people. India ranks second in aquaculture and third in fisheries production.

There has been a continuous increase in fish production over the past five years from 2013-14 to 2019-20.

  • As per available government data, the contribution of fisheries to Gross Value Added (GVA) is around 1.07% of the GVA and 5% to agriculture GDP.
  • The export value of fisheries in 2019-20 was ?47,618 crores.
  • India’s share in world fishing exports is 4.4%.
  • Fish production stood at 14.07 million tonnes in 2019-20.
  • State wise data (2017-18): The best performing states in terms of fish production are AP> WB> GJ> OD> TN> UP> Mah.
  • Even though the production is 2nd highest in West Bengal, the production is almost half of that in Andhra Pradesh which accounts for the largest production in India. Andhra Pradesh accounted for 27% of the fish production in India in 2017-18.
  • Production in Andhra Pradesh and Odisha have increased by 71% and 65% over the eight-year period 2013-14 to 2019-20
  • Inland fishes contribute to almost two-thirds of the net fish production in the country.
  • While the marine fish production in India increased by 7.75% in the span of six years, the inland fish production increased by 58.2%. The data for 2018-19 is provisional, according to Lok Sabha answer given in February 2020.
  • The overall fish production increased by around 38.5% in these six years. contribute to almost two-thirds of the net fish production in the country.
  • While the marine fish production in India increased by 7.75% in the span of six years, the inland fish production increased by 58.2%. The data for 2018-19 is provisional, according to Lok Sabha answer given in February 2020. The overall fish production increased by around 38.5% in these six years.

Leading Fish Producing States in India

2017-18 Rank


Total Production

(in lakh metric tonnes)


Andhra Pradesh



West Bengal









Tamil nadu



Sea Weed: Tamil Nadu is the largest producer of seaweed in India producing 22 thousand tonnes followed by Gujarat, Maharashtra and Lakshadweep.

Government Measures :

Atmanirbhar package, the Central Government has announced a new scheme by name ‘Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY)’ with the objective to bring about ‘integrated, sustainable, inclusive development of marine and inland fisheries.’

Fisheries and Aquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund (FIDF) was launched, a corpus of ?10,000 crores was announced in the Union Budget in 2018 to meet the infrastructural requirements in the sector.

Government has aimed at a stable increase of around 8% in annual fish production, under blue revolution mission. The annual growth dropped to below 5% in 2015-16 and touched the highest of 10.2% in 2017-18.

Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, and Dairying was created in 2019, with two separate departments- Department of fisheries and Department of animal husbandry & dairying to focus on livestock and fisheries in the country.



  • Food and Agricultural organization ( FAO) .
  • Its released every two years.

Sl. No.

Top Import ers


Top Export ers


Top 5 Inland Fishing Countries

Top 5 Marine Fish capturing countries

Total Aqua Culture Prodn(million metric tonnes)

Total Capture Prodn







Marine- 30.8

Marine- 84.4




India(14%) -2nd


Inland- 51.3





Bangladesh (10%)

Indonesia (8%)

Total- 82.1

Total- 96.4






Total(in 2018) is 178.5mmt Capture & Aquaculture










India(4%) -6th








            A seven-member committee, headed by Dr. B. Meenakumari, Deputy Director General (Fisheries), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) was formed for comprehensive review of deep-sea fishing Policy.

Meena Kumari Committee recommendations:-

  • Sustainable exploitation of fisheries and a holistic plan for the resource consumption in the coastal areas.
  • Diversify fishing using deep buffer zones and development of technology to exploit water beyond 500 meters
  • Squid fishing to be increased.
  • Trained domestic crew on board and capacity building of the existing Indian crew.
  • Requested the Central Institute of Fisheries Nautical and Engineering Training (CIFNET) Kochi to design appropriate courses for different category of operators and conduct training programs
  • Government should consider setting up of Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) in selected places to make tuna fishing more renumerative.







The most important fishing grounds of the world are found in the regions where

  1. warm and cold atmospheric currents meet
  2. rivers drain out large amounts of freshwater into the sea
  3. warm and cold oceanic currents meet
  4. continental shelf is undulating

Ans: a


World Efforts for Sustainable Fishing

SDG 14 – Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development – and the other SDGs

United States, NOAA Fisheries is responsible for fisheries management in waters 5-321 kilometers (3-200 miles) from land.


PMMSY is a flagship scheme for focused and sustainable development of the fisheries sector in the country as a part of the Aatmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan.

It aims to:

  • Adopt ‘Cluster or Area-based Approaches’ and create fisheries clusters through backward and forward linkages.
  • Focus especially on employment generation activities such as seaweed and ornamental fish cultivation.
  • Address critical gaps in fish production and productivity, quality, technology, post-harvest infrastructure and management, modernisation and strengthening of the value chain, traceability, establishing a robust fisheries management framework and fishers’ welfare.
  • Consolidate the achievements of the blue revolution and bring new interventions such as fishing vessel insurance, support for new/up-gradation of fishing vessels/boats, integrated aqua parks, e-trading/marketing, etc.


  • Enhance fish production by an additional 70 lakh tonne and increase fisheries export earnings to Rs.1,00,000 crore by 2024-25.
  • Double the incomes of fishers and fish farmers.
  • Reduce post-harvest losses from 20-25% to about 10%.
  • Generate an additional 55 lakhs direct and indirect gainful employment opportunities in the fisheries sector and allied activities.


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