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PT Pickups ATMA Scheme in Agriculture Economic Issues
National Food Security Mission (NFSM) Economic Issues

PT Pickups : Economic Issues

ATMA Scheme in Agriculture

  • Centrally Sponsored Scheme ‘Support to State Extension Programs for Extension Reforms” popularly known as ATMA Scheme in agriculture is under implemented since 2005.
  • Presently, the ATMA Scheme is being implemented in 691 districts of 28 states & 5 UTs in the country.
  • The ATMA scheme promotes a decentralized farmer-friendly extension system in the country.
  • The objectives of the Scheme is to support State Government’s efforts and to make available the latest agricultural technologies and good agricultural practices in different thematic areas of agriculture and allied areas to farmers through different extension activities viz; Farmers Training, Demonstrations, Exposure Visits, Kisan Mela, Mobilization of Farmers Groups and organizing Farm Schools, etc.
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Source: PIB



Economic Issues

National Food Security Mission (NFSM)

  • Tenure: Launched in 2007 (11th Five Year Plan) for additional production of rice, wheat and pulses.
  • The National Food Security Mission (NFSM) aims at increasing the production of rice, wheat, pulses, coarse cereals and Nutri-cereals through area expansion and productivity enhancement in the identified districts of the country; improving soil fertility, farm level productivity besides, transfer of technology through demonstrations and training, incentives on critical inputs like quality seeds, water saving devices, farm equipment and machinery etc.
  • Ministry: MoAFW
  • Funding: Centrally Sponsored Scheme. 60:40 General Category States and 90:10 for NE and Hilly States. However, the Central Agencies are funded 100% by GOI

  • Components of National Food Security Mission:
    1. NFSM aims to increase the production of rice, wheat, pulses, coarse cereals and commercial crops through area expansion and productivity enhancement and even restoring soil fertility.
    2. It further aims to augment the availability of vegetable oils and to reduce the import of edible oils.
    3. National Food Security Mission includes National Mission on Oil Seeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP).
    4. Agro-climatic zone wise planning and cluster approach for crop productivity enhancement.
  • Targets under NFSM
    1. NFSM I: In the 11th FYP, the targets were additional production of 20 MT (10 MT Rice, 8 MT Wheat and 2 MT Pulses)
    2. NFSM II: In 12th FYP, it got new targets of 25 MT (10 MT rice, 8 MT Wheat, 4 MT Pulses, 3 MT Coarse Cereals).
    3. NFSM III: Beyond 12th FYP, it is continued upto 2019-20, which is coterminous with 14th Finance Commission to achieve 13 MT of additional Foodgrains of 5 MT Rice, 3 MT Wheat, 3 MT Pulses and 2 MT Coarse Cereals and Commercial Crops.

Click here for NFSM on Oilseeds, Oilpalms and Pulses

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Source: PIB




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