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PT Pickups Tele Law Programme under Department of Justice Governance
Matsya Setu App and Fisheries sector Economic Issues
Cabinet creates a new and separate “Ministry of Cooperation” Governance

PT Pickups : Governance

Tele Law Programme under the Department of Justice

  • Tele–Law began its humble journey in 2017 by covering 170 districts in 11 States through 1800 CSCs. In 2019, 115 Aspirational Districts were added taking the number of CSCs to 29,860.
  • The tele-Law programme is presently operational in 633 districts (including 115 Aspirational Districts) across 34 States/UTs through a network of 50,000 CSCs. 
  • The programme connects the disadvantaged and needy seeking legal advice from Panel Lawyers through an e-interface platform available in Common Service Centres(CSC).
  • Tele-Law saw a surge of 369% growth in the number of beneficiaries seeking legal advice during the last one year.
  • This medium was extensively used by common citizens for asserting their rights and entitlements during the Covid Pandemic.
  • We have touched a new milestone in June 2021 with more than 9.5 lakh citizens being benefited by Tele-Law.
  • Tele-Law is rightly moving in the direction of legal empowerment and in connecting the last mile through technology which is well documented in the booklet “Voices of the Beneficiaries”.
  • New Signboard for CSCs providing Tele-Law service was released that has been rechristened as “?????? ???? ????? ??????".
  • Even though the Tele-law programme is technology-driven, its success is dependent on the working of field functionaries comprising Village Level Entrepreneurs(VLEs), Para Legal Volunteers (PLVs), State Coordinators and Panel Lawyers. The event also marked the felicitation of twenty best-performing field functionaries under these categories in five zones of the country.
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Source: PIB



Economic Issues

Matsya Setu App and Fisheries sector

  • The app was developed by the ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (ICAR-CIFA), Bhubaneswar, with the funding support of the National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB), Hyderabad.
  • The online course app aims to disseminate the latest freshwater aquaculture technologies to the aqua farmers of the country.
  • Matsya Setu app has species-wise/ subject-wise self-learning online course modules, where renowned aquaculture experts explain the basic concepts and practical demonstrations on breeding, seed production and grow-out culture of commercially important fishes like carp, catfish, scampi, murrel, ornamental fish, pearl farming etc.
  • Better Management Practices to be followed in maintaining the soil & water quality, feeding and health management in aquaculture operations were also provided in the course platform.
  • The modules are divided into small video chapters for the convenience of the learners, along with additional learning materials. In order to motivate the learners and provide a lively learning experience, Quiz/Test options were also provided for self-assessment.
  • Upon successful completion of each course module, an e-Certificate can be auto-generated. Farmers can also ask their doubts through the app and get specific advisories from experts.

Click here: to read complete news about the Fisheries sector in India

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Source: PIB




Cabinet creates a new and separate “Ministry of Cooperation”

  • In a historic move, a separate ‘Ministry of Co-operation’ has been created by the Modi Government for realizing the vision of ‘Sahkar se Samriddhi’.
  • This ministry will provide a separate administrative, legal and policy framework for strengthening the cooperative movement in the country.
  • It will help deepen Co-operatives as a true people-based movement reaching up to the grassroots.
  • In our country, a Co-operative based economic development model is very relevant where each member works with a spirit of responsibility.
  • The Ministry will work to streamline processes for ‘Ease of doing business for co-operatives and enable the development of Multi-State Co-operatives (MSCS).
  • The Central Government has signalled its deep commitment to community-based developmental partnership. The creation of a separate Ministry for Co-operation also fulfils the budget announcement made by the Finance Minister.

Cooperatives – Inserted in Part 9-B by 97th Constitutional Amendment, 2011

  • It gave Constitutional status and protection to Cooperative societies.
  • It made 3 changes to the Constitution

1. Art 19: It made the Right to form cooperative societies an FR.

2. It included a new DPSP on the promotion of cooperative societies (Art 43 B)

3. It added a new Part 9 B (Art 243 ZH to Art 243 ZT)

  • State Legislatures (SL) may make a law on the incorporation, regulation, and winding up of cooperatives based on principles of voluntary formation, democratic member control, member-economic participation and autonomous functioning.
  • Tenure = 5 years (re-election within 6 months) and


  • SL may provide for the directors but the max no. of directors should be less than 21. 1 seat for SC or ST and 2 seats for women.
  • SL shall make provisions for co-option of persons having experience in banking, management, finance, etc. but it should be ≤ 2 in addition to 21. Plus, they won’t have the Right to vote in any election of cooperatives society or be eligible to be elected as office bearers of the Board.
  • Functional directors of cooperative society shall also be member of the board. They won’t be counted in 21.
  • Election of Members of Board: Shall be vested in a body as provided by SL.
  • SL may make provisions for the maintenance of accounts and auditing of such accounts. Shall be audited within 6 months of the close of FY.
  • This part shall apply to UTs. But Prez may direct that provisions may or may not apply to UTs.
  • These provisions shall also apply to multi-state cooperatives.
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Source: PIB




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