
UPSC Courses


Paper Topics Subject
GS-II National Hydrology Project Government policies and interventions
GS-III Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) Economic Issues
Government efforts for Manufacturing sector Economic Issues

GS-II : Government policies and interventions

NWIC (National Water Informatics Center) to maintain comprehensive water resources data.

  1. Under Ministry of Jal Shakti - Headed by Joint Secretary Level Officer.
  2. Data will come through India - WRIS (Water Resource Information System).
  3. It is a component of the National Hydrology Project (NHP) and in consonance with National Water Mission. 
  4. National Hydrology Project, Ministry of Water Resources.
    1. It is a Central Sector Scheme. At State, Dist & Village access.
    2. Hydro-meteorological data will be stored and analysed on a real-time basis for efficient water management, management, NWIC etc. 
    3. 1st International Conference under NHP on the theme "Sustainable Water Management" at Mohali organised by Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB) as Indian School of Business, Mohali.

To read about Jal Jeevan Mission: click here

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GS-III : Economic Issues

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana

  • 65 out of 141 million hectares of net area sown is presently covered under irrigation. If irrigation is assured, farmers tend to invest more in farming technology and inputs.
  • PMKSY was initiated in 2015 with an aim to enhance physical access to water on farms and expand cultivable areas under assured irrigation, improve on-farm water use efficiency, introduce sustainable water conservation practices, etc.
  • It is an umbrella scheme, consisting of two major components being implemented by this Ministry, namely, Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP), and Har Khet Ko Pani (HKKP).
  • HKKP, in turn, consists of four sub-components, being
    1. Command Area Development (CAD),
    2. Surface Minor Irrigation (SMI),
    3. Repair, Renovation and Restoration (RRR) of Water Bodies, and
    4. Ground Water (GW) Development component.4
  • In addition, PMKSY also consists of two components being implemented by other Ministries.
    1. Per Drop More Crop (PDMC) component is being implemented by the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare.
    2. The Watershed Development component (WDC) of PMKSY is being implemented by the Department of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural Development.
  • A vision of PMKSY = To ensure access to irrigation to all agricultural farms in the country, to produce 'per drop more crop'.
  • Tenure: 5 years from 2015-16 to 2019-20.
  • Mission is administered by Jal Shakti Ministry in a mission mode. Per Drop More Crop component will be administered by Dept of Agri, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW).
  • Funding50000 crore. PMKSY funds will be provided to the State Governments as per the pattern of assistance of Centrally Sponsored Schemes decided by Ministry of Finance and NITI Aayog. 
  • For AIBP as well as CAD component of HKKP, funding arrangements are being made through Long Term Irrigation Fund (LTIF) with borrowings from NABARD.  Central assistance is released through LTIF as and when eligible proposals are received from States.
  • PMKSY has amalgamated 3 ongoing schemes viz.
    1. Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) of Ministry of Water Resources;
    2. Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) of Department of Land Resources (Ministry of Rural Development)
    3. On Farm Water Management (OFWM) component of NMSA of Dept of Agriculture and Cooperation (Ministry of AFW)
  • Objectives
    1. Convergence of investments in irrigation at the field level (prepare district and sub district level water use plans).
    2. Har Khet Ko Pani: Enhance physical access of water on the farm and expand cultivable area under assured irrigation.
    3. More Crop Per Drop: Enhance the adoption of precision - irrigation and other water saving technologies.
    4. Integration of water source, distribution and its efficient use, to make best use of water through appropriate technologies and practices.
    5. Improve on - farm water use (OFWU) efficiency to reduce wastage and increase availability both in duration and extent.
    6. Enhance recharge of aquifers and introduce sustainable water conservation practices.
    7. For rainfed areas, use watershed approach towards soil and water conservation, arresting runoff, providing livelihood etc.
    8. Explore the feasibility of reusing treated municipal waste water for peri - urban agriculture.
    9. Attract greater private investments in irrigation.
    10. It uses area development approach, adopting decentralized state level planning i.e. States can make their irrigation development plans and take up projects.
  • Components: It has 4 components
    1. Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP): Faster completion of Major and Medium irrigation projects.
    2. Har Khet Ko Pani: Minor irrigation, repair of water bodies, rainwater harvesting, Command area development, Groundwater development, improve water distribution system, supplement MGNREGA, IWMP and create traditional water storage systems.
    3. Per Drop More Crop: Preparation of State/ District Plan, Jal Sinchan (sprinklers, rainguns in farms), Jal Sanrakchan (moisture conservation),, , ICT Interventions through NeGP - A for water use efficiency, precision irrigation technologies etc.
    4. Watershed Development: ridge area treatment, in situ conservation, converging with MGNREGA.
  • CoverageAll the States and UTs including North Eastern States are covered under the programme.
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Economic Issues

Government efforts for the Manufacturing sector

  • Production Linked Incentive scheme: Keeping in view India’s vision of becoming Aatamnirbhar and enhancing India’s Manufacturing capabilities and exports, an outlay of Rs 1.97 lakh crore has been announced in Union Budget 2021-22 for production linked incentive scheme(PLI schemes) for 13 key sectors for 5 years starting from fiscal year 2021-22.On 12th May, 2021, MHI has approved a production linked incentive scheme (PLI scheme) for Advance Chemistry Cell(ACC) in the country.  The total outlay of the scheme is Rs. 18,100 Crore for five years.  The scheme envisages to establish a competitive ACC battery manufacturing set up in the country (50 GWh).  Additionally 5 GWh of niche ACC technologies is also covered under the scheme.  The scheme proposes a production linked subsidy based on applicable subsidy per KWh and percentage of value addition achieved on actual sales made by the manufacturers who set up production units.
  • Ease of doing business and compliance burden: To translate the Aatamnirbhar Bharat vision into a reality, Government is working to reduce compliance burden on businesses and citizens. Initiatives taken for compliance reduction are focused on simplifying and digitizing various processes, reduction in documents in documents to be submitted along with applications, reduction in frequency of inspections, third party inspections, auto renewals, decrease in frequency of return fillings and digital maintenance of registers/records.
  • Startup India: A Fund of Funds ForStartup Schemes (FFS) with corpus of Rs 10,000 crores to meet the funding needs of startups. Start-up India Seed Fund scheme approved with an outlay of Rs 945 Crore. The scheme shall provide financial assistance to startups for proof of concept, market entry, commercialization etc. It will support an estimated 3600 entrepreneurs through 300 incubators in the next 4 years.
  • Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) : As per the extant FDI policy, 100% FDI is permitted in the manufacturing sector under an automatic route.
  • Public Procurement: Public procurement is a sizeable share of the Indian economy. To promote domestic investment and usage of made-in-India products by the government, the public procurement(Preference to Make in India ) order has been revised on 16.09.2020
  • Industrial Corridor: The National Corridor Program(NICP) has been conceived to promote world-class manufacturing facilities and develop futuristic industrial cities in India. Eleven(11) industrial corridors have been identifying with 32 nodes/projects proposed to be developed in 4 phases until 2024-25.
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