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22 March, 2021
7 Min Read
Recent developments in Crops- Economic Survey
Food Grains
Crops |
Conditions of growth |
T/R/H |
Other |
Significance |
Trade |
Tropical 8-30°N Kharif Crop
Sea level to 2500m |
High Heat Mean monthly- 24°C. sowing- 20°-22°C growth- 23°-25°C harvesting-25-30°C |
West Bengal: Aus, Aman, Boro
1/4th of TCA
World prodn : China30%> India24%> Bangladesh= Indonesia7%> Vietnam5%
Fields must be flooded under 10-12 cm deep water at sowing time. The fields must be level with mud walls to retain water. |
High Humidity 100-200 cm
Combination: Wheat, sugarcane barley |
Methods of Cultivation: Broadcasti Drilling, Trans-plantation Japanese method3 |
WB15.7%> UP15% > PN11%> TN8%> AP7.5%> BH6.5% |
No month should have less than 12 cm of rainfall. |
In Areas<100cm rain. 40% rice crop is under irrigation |
Ideal soils: Deep fertile clayey loams
Acidic/ Alkaline soils also. |
Eastern regions, East of 75 cm isohyet |
India33%> Thai20%> USA8%> Vietnam6%> Pak5%> China |
Crops |
Conditions of Growth |
T/R/H1 |
Significance |
Trade |
Wheat |
It’s a Temperate crop. Grown in rabi Season.
It is sown in the Start of winter and harvested in the Start of summer.
Temperature: Winter 10-15°c Summer 21-26°c
Top prodn : China21%> India> Russia> USA> France> Canada
Extensive, mechanized and require comparatively less labour.
Requires cool climate with moderate rainfall. Avg 75cm
Combination Wheat is often grown with gram, barley, mustard, lentil, peas and rapeseed. |
Mid latitude grassland |
Indian prodn : UP33%> MP20%> PN18%> HR>RJ>BH World2nd in production(22%). |
Doesn’t tolerate: Sudden rise in temperature at the time of maturity. |
Irrigation: In areas of less than 50 cm annual rainfall, irrigation is necessary for its successful growth. |
Soil Well drained fertile, friable loams and clay loam are the best suited soils. It also grows well in the black soil of Deccan plateau. |
World Trade : Russia17% USA16% Canada14% France11% & Australia. |
Coarse Cereals
Crops |
Conditions of growth |
T/R |
Other |
Significance |
Trade |
Maize |
Kharif |
21-35 °c |
Combination: Inter culture with Pulses vegetables oil seeds |
6% of TCA
Doesn’t tolerate: Long dry spell or >100cm rain is harmful. |
50-100 cm
Soil Fertile well drained alluvial or red loams free from coarse materials and nitrogen rich soils . |
Used both as food and fodder |
Indian prodn : KA>MP> TL> MAH> TN> Weightage In Total Agri Production3% |
Millets |
Conditions of growth |
T/R/H1 |
Significance |
Trade |
Jowar/ Sorghum |
Grown in Plain Areas+ gentle slopes upto1200m ht. Loamy, Sandy, Clayey deep regur and alluvium |
26-33°c R>30cm
Doesn’t tolerate: T<16°c R>100cm |
Grown both as Kharif and Rabi
4.7 M Ha TCA
Grown in areas without irrigation |
Top prodn : USA25%> India21%> Mexico> China Indian prodn : MH36%> KA22.8%> MP11.5%> TN8%> AP6% World Trade: USA> BRAZIL> ARGENTINA |
Bajra Bull Rush Millet |
Poor Light Sandy Soils, Black and Red, Upland Gravely Soils |
25-30°c 40-50 cm
Kharif Combinations: Cotton, Jowar Ragi. |
Used as Food+ Fodder |
Indian prodn : RJ45%>UP22%>GJ10%> HR
Ragi |
Red, Light black, Sandy Loams, Well drained Alluvial Soils |
20-30°c 50-100 cm |
KR73%>UK7%>TN>MH |
Barley |
Altitude: Plains to 1300 m Light Clay & Alluvial Soils are best suited |
High Heat & High Humidity required. 10-15°c 75-100cm |
Production declined by >50% |
Beer and Whiskey manufacture |
Conditions of growth |
T/R/H1 |
Other |
Significance |
Production |
Pulses |
Gram,Tur, Moong,Urad, Masur, Kulti,Matar, Khesri, Moth. |
Rotated with other crops to restore soil fertility. Capacity to fix atm nitrogen. |
Vegetable Proteins to vegetarian population. |
Gram |
Rabi season Ideal Soils: loamy |
20-250c 40 to 50cm |
Combination: Wheat, Barley, Linseed, Mustard. Mixed Cropping checks gram blight to some extent. |
37% of all pulses. 30% of total area of pulses
MP45%> KA12%> RJ11% > MH10%
Tur | Kharif Crop | Mixed with other kharif crops like cotton, jowar, bajra, ragi, maize, groundnut. | 2nd most important pulse after gram |
MP25%> MH20%> KA10% |
Crops |
Condition |
Production |
Distribution |
Trade |
Other |
dried leaf of a bush
Tropical and sub-tropical. Hot and humid climate. T: 20°-30°C R: 150-300cm Prolonged dry spell is harmful
High humidity, heavy dew and morning fog favour rapid development of leaves
To increase the yield, dose of N- fertilizers like ammonium sulphate should be applied to soil.
High Rain, No stagnancy. Well drained, deep, friable loams.
Forest soils rich in humus and iron content.
600- 1,800 m from msl. |
India is the 3rd largest producer (17.1%) of tea in the world. Next to China and Turkey.
AS (40% of tea area & 44% tea prodn) WB(25% area and 22% tea prodn) TN,KR,KA accounts for 25% prodn, 25% area. |
Assam: Brahma-putra Valley; Sadiya to Golapara. Surma Valley
WB: Duars of Kooch Behar Darjelling Jalpaiguri
TN,KR,KA: Nilgiri, Cardamom, Palani, Anamalai
UK,HP: Dehradun Almora Garhwal, Kangra, Mandi. |
Imported from:
Competition with: Sri Lanka, China, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, African countries like Kenya
Exports to: Russia, U.K, US, Germany, Australia, Afghanistan, Iraq Egypt. World Trade: China(32%) India(12%) Sri lanka 11% |
In Darjeeling- P,K nutrient rich soil gives special flavour to tea.
Labour intensive crop
Requires cheap skilled labour,
10M people derive their livelihood from tea.
Women are over 50% of the total workforce |
Coffee |
Hot and humid climate T: 15°C and 28°C R:150 to 250 cm
Grown on Hill slopes at elevations from 600 to 1,600m above msl.
Shade loving plant. Dry weather is necessary at the time of ripening of the berries.
N & E slopes are preferred as they are less exposed to strong afternoon sun and SW monsoon winds
Well drained, rich friable loams with Humus and minerals like iron and calcium.
Does not tolerate: frost, snowfall, T>30°C, strong sun shine, Water Stagnancy
India is 7th largest producer of coffee in the world after Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Mexico
India produces 3.5% of world's coffee. Production is shared by three states namely KA, KR & TN.
Indigenous to Abyssinia Plateau (Ethiopia) Brought to Baba BudanHills in 17thC, later spread to Chikmagalur, Waynad, Shevoroy Nilgiris, Araku. |
Exports to: U.K., U.S.A., Russia, Australia& Iraq.
Chennai, Mangalore and Kozhikode are the chief ports of export.
Brazil-1st (25%)> Vietnam (17%)> Colombia (7%). India-7th in exports
Employment to 2.5M people. Arabica and Robusta are the two main variety of coffee accounting for 49% & 51% of area under coffee. |
Elastic solid taken from latex of many tropical trees. |
Yields latex in 5-7 years. Requires hot and humid climate with T : 25°-35°C R: 200 cm.
Deep well drained loamy soils on the hill slopes at elevation 300 to 450 m above msl.
Does not tolerate: Dry spell, and low temperatures, Elevation >700m.
Small holdings constitute 88% of area with Average productivity greater than that of estates. |
India(3rd) natural rubber prodn (9% of worldOutput) next to Thailand & Indonesia,
Entire rubber is produced in KR,TN,KA.
KR(92%) of total rubber production |
Potential Regions: NE region, parts of WB, OD, MH and KA
Main districts: Kottayam, Kollam, Ernakulam Kozhikode |
Exports to: Iran(43%)> China(24%)>Brazil(5%)
Top exporting Countries: Thailand, Indonesia, Cote’d’Ivore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar.
Imported from: Thailand, Indonesia, , Vietnam, Malaysia |
Hevea brasiliensis is an important variety.
Uses: Pencil Eraser, Tyre manufacture to many other industrial products. |
Crops |
Conditions of growth |
T/R/H |
Significance |
TCA²/Production |
Trade |
Horti culture |
1st in Exports in Banana, Mango, Cashew Among first 10 in Citrus Fruits, pineapple, apple. 1st in global production of cauliflower, 2nd in onion 3rd in cabbage |
Increase Land Productivity, exports Employment Generation, Nutritional Security. |
Contributed 30% to GDP from agri- culture. TCA:23.78MHa |
10% of global prodn of fruits. 2nd largest producer of fruits
Cashew |
Tropical crop
Poor RockySoils ,laterite ,Sandy soils |
Temp: 16-250c R: 50-350 cm.
Cashew nut, fruit, Shell oil is used in paints varnishes. Jams, Syrup, Wine. |
Introduced by Portugese.
1st in world prodn & exports (90% of world demand). Exports to USA, Russia, UK, Germany. |
Mango |
Tropical Clayey loams |
20-300c 75-250 cm. Monsoon Areas |
1000s of varieties in india |
Pickles, Squash etc., |
1st world prodn(54%) & export Top States: UP>BH>AP>WB Exported to: Bangladesh>UAE>Saudi> UK |
Banana |
Tropical and Sub-Tropical Rich well drained soil +Ample moisture +humus |
20-300c 150 cm.
World’s most traded fruit (15% of total fruits exported) |
3rdin total fruit producing area 1stin India’s total fruit prodn 29% of world prodn TN>GJ>MH> AP>KA
1stin India’s total fruit prodn. 1/3 rd of total fruits produced in the country Exported to: UAE>Saudi> Iran>Kuwait |
Apple |
Temperate 21-240c 1500-2700m Altitude |
Loamy Soil + organic matter + good drainage. Must not have hard sub strata and water logging. |
Replaced millet increasing the income level |
HP: Kullu, Kinnaur, Shimla, JK: Kashmir UK |
It’s fruit that is most exported from india. |
Strawberry |
Temperate 160c |
Submerged under 10 cm slowly moving water for three months |
Hilly areas of HP, UK, |
Other Temperate Fruits |
Peach, Pear, Apricot,
Almond, Walnut |
Peach is highly perishable than apple. Hence its Costly and require Fast transportation. |
COOL climate, mist cloudiness allow pear production in Nilgiris |
HP,UK, Kashmir Valley, Kumaon-Garhwal. |
Temperate Fruits contribute 8% in total agri exports
Vegetables |
Throughout the year Short Duration |
175 different types in all. But only 5 crops constitute 60% of total production (TOP+Cabbage+ Cauliflower) |
More jobs created than in cereal cultivation. |
More vegetable prodn result in more cereal production, hence more income generation |
1st in the world prodn
Non Food Grains
Cash Crops |
Conditions of growth T/R/H |
Significance |
Other |
Trade |
Cotton |
Kharif crop requires 6 to 8 months to mature. T: 21-30 oc R: 50-100 cm Tropical and sub-tropical areas Slow Growth<20oC
Does not tolerate: Frost Need 210 frost free days Moist weather and heavy rainfall at the time of boll-opening and picking are detrimental, due to pests and diseases.
80% of the total irrigated area under cotton is in PN, HR, GJ, RJ
Soils: A. deep black(regur)) of the Deccan Plt and the Malwa Plt & GJ. B. alluvial soils of the Satluj-Ganga Plain and C. red and laterite soils of the peninsular region.
Exhausts fertility of soil. Hence needs regular application of manures. |
2nd most important crop. Combination: Mixed with other kharif crops such as maize, jowar, ragi, sesamum, castor, groundnut and some vegetables.
Lot of cheap and efficient labour is required.
Grown over 8.6% of net sown area. All the three species of cotton are grown.
Grown in 3 agro-ecological zones, viz.. Northern (PN,HR,RJ), Central (GJ,MH,MP) and Southern zone (AP,TN,KA).
Cotton yarn and fabrics exports - 23% of India’s total textiles and apparel exports.
In 2018-19, prodn was 28.70 M bales. |
About 1/3rd of the total area under cotton cultivation is irrigated. TN, it is grown both as a kharif and as a rabi crop
Types of Cotton On the basis of the length, strength & structure of fibre. Long staple cotton- (24 to 27mm)- superior quality. This is of 50% of total cotton prodn. Grown in PN,HR,MH,TN,MP. Medium staple 20 - 24 mm. 44% prodn RJ,PN,TN,MP,UP Short staple-inferior <20 mm long. 6% of total prodn. UP,AP,RJ,HR
3rd largest producer of cotton after China and the U.S.A.
Prodn GJ(32%) MH(21%) TS(13%) AP(8%)
Imported from: USA, Russia, UAR, Sudan & Kenya.
Jute |
Hot and Humid T: 24°C-35°C, R:120-150 cm 80 to 90 per cent relative humidity. 8-10 months to mature
Soils: Light sandy or clayey loams.
Cheap Labour, Large quantity of water are necessary for growing and processing the fibre. |
High demand due to Cheap, soft, strong, long, lustre and uniformity of its fibre.
Competition due to substitutes like- plastic products, synthetic fibres, paper package etc |
Rapidly exhausts the fertility of soil. Hence soils replenished annually by the silt-laden flood water of the rivers are best suitable. Retting Process (immersed in flood water or ponds for 2-3 weeks) |
Prodn: 56% of world> Bangladesh(25%)
WB74% BH15% AS8% |
Sugar cane |
Belongs to bamboo family Indigenous to India. Hot and humid climate T: 21°-27°C and R:75-150 cm. Largest value of production among all the commercial crops. Long duration crop and requires 10 to 18 months to mature Suitable soils include loams, clayey loams, black cotton soils, brown or reddish loams and even laterites. Soil should be rich in N2, Ca, K. |
Uses: a. In manufacturing alcohol. b. Bagasse(the crushed cane residue)- To manufacture paper or as fuel in the mills. c. Substitute for petroleum products. d. also used as fodder.
Distribution: a. Satluj-Ganga Plain: PN to BH, contributing 60% of total prodn. b. Black soil belt-MH to TN, c. Coastal AP |
2/3rd of produce is used in making gur & khandsari and only 1/3rd of it goes to sugar factories.
High rainfall results in low sugar content crop. Deficiency in rainfall -fibrous crop
Exhausts fertility of soil quickly. Its cultivation requires heavy manures and fertilizers. |
India is: 1st in consumption, 1st in area under sugarcane, 2nd in Prodn after Brazil. World Exports: 1st Brazil, 2nd Thailand. States prodn: UP(41%) MH(20%) KA(10%) TN(7%), AP, BH,GJ |
Tobacco |
Sub-tropical and tropical Climates, T: 16-350c R: 100cm Grown in rotation with other crops.
Manufacture of: Cigarette, Bidi, Cigar, Cheroot and Hookah., Insecticides.
Introduced by Portuguese.
Production and Distribution: AP(42%), GJ(30%), UP(16%), KA(8%)
90% of tobacco export trade is handled by Chennai, followed by Kolkata Mumbai Visakhapatnam |
World prodn India(11.25%) is the 3rd after China and Brazil., followed by USA, Malawi, Indonesia. Exports to: 2/3rd Exports to Russia, UK followed by Japan Egypt Srilanka Nepal |
Top 3 states in Production of different Oil Seeds
Source: Khullar Economic Survey
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