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30 Aug, 2022

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Civil Services Reforms in India

GS-II : Governance Civil services reforms

Civil Services Reforms in India

Image Source - civil service India

One of India's most renowned police officers recently argued that the government should implement the "Nitipath" program, which would be similar to Agnipath and the short service commission for military personnel.

The framework of the Scheme

  • After 10, 25, and 30 years of service, officers may be filtered out.
  • By doing this, the top-heavy structure would be fixed, and a culture of excellence and public service would be fostered.
  • The amount of apex-level positions and career routes does not limit the government's ability to hire four times as many applicants at the entry-level.
  • We can have 4,000 officers enter service each year as opposed to the 600–1,000 individuals currently being appointed to the AIS.
  • After a performance evaluation after the fourth year, just 25% of them will be kept.


  • As a result, there will be a large influx of young, enthusiastic officers at the junior levels, who will have significant incentives to perform well and gain experience working for the government.
  • The top 4,000 all-India rank holders' average quality won't change noticeably from that of the top 1,000. Therefore, a four-year review period will give the government access to more information than just test and interview results.
  • After serving in the government for four years, employees will have promising job opportunities. It is highly possible that many people may willingly decide to depart and pursue further education or independent work. The broader economy will gain from the inclusion of such a young, qualified, and experienced managerial cadre.
  • A path to a semi-structural reform of India's administrative apparatus will be made possible by the implementation of performance reviews and exit filters every five years.
  • People who may have been rejected at lower levels but have since distinguished themselves can be admitted again under a lateral entrance scheme.

Area of reform

Conversion of ICS into IAS:

  • After the conversion of ICS into IAS following Independence, it failed to incorporate a more indigenous element.
  • This was due to the fact that there were no real attempts to connect IAS with our unique, mostly Indian ideology of public administration.
  • As a result, the only difference between ICS and IAS was in the abbreviations.
  • Even after Independence, the governing principles of notable Indian leaders like Arya Chanakya, Rajendra Chola, Harihara and Bukka of Vijayanagara, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, or Sayajirao Gaikwad were still generally disregarded.

Unnecessary and Excessive Security Measure:

  • To begin with, the sturdy firewall that shields employees of the civil service need to be reviewed.
  • One almost never looks back, never looks around, and more crucially, never looks inside after joining the elite club of civil workers.
  • Their superiority complex and arrogance affect their thinking, and more concerningly, this security blanket gives them a sense of permanence in power relative to their politician employers, making them oblivious to and careless about people's expectations.

Lack of Systematic Mechanism:

  • It is also necessary to have a built-in system to assure periodic de-thick-skinning through reinstalling a sense of purpose and motivation. Overprotective security encourages callousness and carelessness.
  • The idealistic strugglers of yesterday quickly integrate themselves into the "establishment" of today.
  • Regularly holding creative exams that are experienced- and knowledge-based may assist to prevent this.
  • Several civil service officers' actions demonstrate their complete contempt for accountability and transparency.

Lack of Specialization:

  • Administrative staff members are tasked with handling a variety of problems that call for specialized knowledge.
  • How can a secretary for steel and mining today tackle a task for a secretary for culture tomorrow?
  • Although generalists are important, it would be practical to divide IAS officers into at least four to five distinct groups in the modern world, such as finance, infra development and natural resource management, education-culture, and social ministries like social justice, labor, women and children, etc.
  • This would increase the domain knowledge on the table and equip the officers to make better informed and perceptive decisions.


  • This is a national programme for building the capacity of the civil service, called Mission Karmayogi (NPCSCB). It is a thorough overhaul of the system for enhancing capacity at the individual, institutional, and system levels for effective public service delivery.
  • Reforming Lateral Entrance: Lateral entry refers to the selection of individuals from the private sector for government administrative positions despite their lack of participation in or selection inside a bureaucratic structure.
  • This is significant because public service delivery systems would not function properly today without highly qualified and driven professionals in charge of administrative matters.
  • e-Samiksha: A real-time online system for tracking choices made by the government at the highest level regarding the execution of significant government programs and projects.
  • Citizen Charters: The government has mandated that all Ministries and Departments have Citizen Charters, which are routinely updated and evaluated.
  • The National Conference on e-Governance gives the government a forum to interact with specialists, and intellectuals from business and academia, and to share experiences related to e-Governance programs.
  • CPGRAMS, or Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System:
  • The National Informatics Center (Ministry of Electronics and IT [MeitY]) created an online web-enabled system in collaboration with the Directorate of Public Grievances (DPG) and Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG).
  • The CPGRAMS offers the option to file a complaint online from any location. It allows the citizen to follow their complaint online as it is being investigated by the relevant departments and also allows DARPG to keep track of the complaint.

Way ahead

  • The state institution in charge of managing public affairs has new issues that reforms are a logical reaction to; at the heart of such an endeavor is the effort to strengthen administrative capabilities in the altered environment.
  • The emphasis must be on external accountability mechanisms like citizen charters, social audits, and encouraging outcome orientation among civil officials because civil servants are accountable to political executives, and this causes the politicization of civil services.
  • Governmental capability generally lags behind socioeconomic progress everywhere in the world.
  • In India, there is a severe and expanding governance gap. It will take enough talent, with the right incentives and training, to bridge it.

Also, Read - Digital Economy in India

Source: The Hindu

Jan Dhan Yojana Achievements

GS-II : Government policies and interventions Government Schemes & Programmes

Jan Dhan Yojana Achievements

Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY): Achievements so far

Image Source - saran division

The National Mission for Financial Inclusion known as Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) recently concluded eight years of successful operation.

Since its commencement, more than 46.25 crore beneficiaries have deposited money through PMJDY, totalling Rs. 1,73,954 crores.

What is Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)?

  • The Pradhan Mantri The National Mission for Financial Inclusion is known as Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY).
  • It guarantees cheap access to financial services such as banking, savings, deposit accounts, remittance, credit, insurance, and pension.
  • The cornerstone of people-centred economic efforts has been PMJDY.
  • All of these programs, including Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT), Covid-19 financial aid, PM-KISAN, increased wages under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGA), and life and health insurance coverage, begin with the provision of bank accounts for every adult, which PMJDY is almost done with.


  • Ensure affordable access to financial products and services.
  • Use of technology to increase reach and reduce costs.

Basic principles of the plan:

  • Finance for the unbanked: Simple KYC, e-KYC, account opening in camp mode, no balance, and no fees are required for the opening of a basic savings bank deposit (BSBD) account.
  • Protecting the unprotected: issuing indigenous debit cards with free accident insurance coverage of Rs. 2 lakhs that can be used for cash withdrawals and payments at merchant locations.
  • Filling the funding gap: Other financial products include micro-credit, micro-pension, micro-overdraft, and micro-insurance.

Pillars of the Scheme

  • Branch and banking correspondents provide universal access to banking services.
  • Basic savings bank accounts come with an Rs. 10,000 overdraft capacity available to all qualified adults.
  • Promoting saves, using ATMs, preparing for credit, obtaining insurance and pensions, and using simple mobile phones for banking are all part of the financial literacy program.
  • To give banks some protection against defaults, the Credit Guarantee Fund was established.
  • Insurance: On accounts opened between August 15, 2014, and January 31, 2015, accident coverage of up to Rs. 1,00,000 and life coverage of Rs. 30,000 are available.
  • Plan for pensions in the unorganised sector.

The important strategy used in PMJDY is based on prior knowledge:

  • Instead of the previous techniques of opening accounts offline with vendor technology lock-in, accounts are now opened online in the core banking system of banks.
  • RuPay debit card interoperability or Aadhaar-enabled payment system interoperability (AePS).
  • Business correspondents with a fixed point.
  • e-KYC and/or simplified KYC procedures in place of onerous KYC requirements

Achievements of the Scheme

Approach to digital banking:

  • In the banks' main banking system, new accounts are opened online.
  • Instead of "Every Household," the emphasis is now on "Every Unbanked Adult."

Business correspondents with a fixed point.

  • e-KYC or simplified KYC in place of onerous KYC requirements.
  • PMJDY Expansion with New Features
  • The phrase "Every Household" is replaced with "Every Unbanked Adult."

Insurance for a RuPay Card

  • For PMJDY accounts opened after August 28, 2018, the free accidental insurance coverage on RuPay cards rose from Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 2 lakh.
  • By using the RuPay debit card or the Aadhaar-enabled Payment System, interoperability is made possible (AePS).

Improved overdraft facilities:

  • Overdraft (OD) limit increased from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000, with an additional Rs. 2,000 allowed (without conditions).
  • OD's upper age limit has been raised from 60 to 65 years old.

App called Jan Dhan Darshak:

  • In order to give citizens a platform for finding banking contact points such as bank branches, ATMs, Bank Mitras, Post Offices, etc. around the nation, the Jan Dhan Darshak App was launched.

Increased Financial Inclusion:

  • Within 10 days of the Covid-19-related nationwide lockdown, ex-gratia payments were credited to more than 20 crore women's PMJDY accounts.
  • As of August 10, 2022, PMJDY Accounts were 46.25 crore, up from 14.72 crores in March 2015.
  • Out of the 46.25 crore PMJDY accounts in existence as of August 22, 37.57 crores (81.2%) are active.
  • Zero balance accounts make up just 8.2% of PMJDY accounts.
  • In the period of August 22 to August 15, deposits climbed by around 7.60 times while accounts increased by 2.58 times.

The formalization of the financial system

  • It gives the poor a way to transfer their savings into the legal system and a way to send money to their families in rural areas, freeing them from the control of predatory money lenders.

Leakage Prevention:

  • DBTs through PM Jan Dhan accounts have made sure that each rupee reaches its intended recipient and stop systematic leakage.
  • Streamlined DBT transactions
  • The qualifying recipients receive their DBT on time thanks to close monitoring to prevent DBT failures in collaboration with the DBT Mission, the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), banks, and numerous other Ministries.
  • Digital transactions: From 978 crore in FY 2016–17 to 7,195 crore in FY 2021–22, there were more digital transactions overall.
  • The overall number of financial transactions using the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) surged from 1.79 crores in FY 2016–17 to 4,596 crore in FY21

Jan Dhan Darshak App

In order to give citizens a platform for finding banking touchpoints like as bank branches, ATMs, Bank Mitras, Post Offices, etc. around the nation, a mobile application was established.

On the GIS App, more than 8 lakh financial touchpoints have been mapped.The Jan Dhan Darshak App's services could be used in accordance with the requirements and convenience of regular people.

This software is also used to locate villages that are 5 kilometres away from banking touchpoints yet do not have any.

The concerned SLBCs then assign these identified villages to various banks for the opening of banking outlets.

Financial Inclusion

  • The process of ensuring vulnerable groups, such as weaker parts and low-income groups, have inexpensive access to financial services and timely and adequate financing when needed is known as financial inclusion.
  • Financial inclusion is a crucial component of the development process in a multiethnic nation like India. Since the country's independence, the joint efforts of succeeding governments, oversight bodies, and civil society have contributed to widening the country's financial inclusion net.
  • Since a transaction account enables people to keep money and send and receive payments, having access to one is the first step toward greater financial inclusion.
  • An account for transactions acts as a doorway to additional financial services.

Way ahead

  • Make an effort to guarantee that PMJDY account holders are covered by microinsurance programs.
  • It will be attempted to cover eligible PMJDY account holders under PMJJBY and PMSBY.
  • The same has already been stated to banks.
  • Promoting the use of digital payments, such as the RuPay debit card, among PMJDY account holders by setting up acceptance infrastructure throughout India
  • enhancing account holders' access to microcredit and micro-investments such as flexi-recurring deposits, etc.

Also, Read - Swachh Sagar, Surakshit Sagar campaign

Source: PIB

Swachh Sagar, Surakshit Sagar campaign 

GS-II : Government policies and interventions

Swachh Sagar, Surakshit Sagar campaign

Image Source - India Science

The Clean Coast Safe Sea Campaign, also known as Swachh Sagar, Surakshit Sagar, began on the Indian Coasts.

About Clean Coast Safe Sea Campaign

  • A 75-day citizen-led initiative is being run to collectively improve ocean health.
  • A cleanliness initiative called "Swachh Sagar, Surakshit Sagar/Clean Coast Safe Sea" will be carried out along the whole coastline of India in collaboration with other charitable groups and the local community.

Involved ministries

  • Along with numerous departments of the centre and state governments, non-governmental organisations, and educational institutions, this campaign will involve the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Climate Change (MoEFCC), the National Service Scheme (NSS), the Indian Coast Guard, and the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA).


  • There will be an effort to increase public awareness of the harm that plastic causes to the environment and the threat that declining ocean health poses to the ecological balance.

3 overarching strategy objectives:

  • Consume Cautiously
  • Sort household trash and
  • Dispose of it responsibly.

Mitram Eco

  • A smartphone app called "Eco Mitram" has been released to raise awareness of the initiative and to encourage regular people to sign up voluntarily for the beach cleaning effort.

Other comparable steps:

UN campaign for "Coastal Clean Seas"

  • India has endorsed the UN's "Coastal Clean Seas" initiative.
  • Numerous initiatives that directly relate to the "Swachh Bharat" concept have been embraced and have shown to be very beneficial

Day of the Global Coastal Cleanup

  • Every year on the third Saturday in September, people all across the world observe International Coastal Cleanup Day.

India has implemented a statewide ban on single-use plastic beginning on July 1st, 2022, due to the risks posed by plastic trash.


  • Sustainable Development Goal 14 and its target 14.1
  • These initiatives are a broad approach to support efforts to prevent pollution from both land-based and offshore activities, in line with Sustainable Development Goal 14 and its target 14.1.
  • It seeks to prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution by 2025.

Also, Read - Exercise VAJRA PRAHAR

Source: PIB

Digital Economy in India UPSC

GS-III : Economic Issues eCommerce

Digital Economy In India

Image Source - Inc42

A comprehensive legislative framework for the digital economy is being developed by the government.

About digital economy

The information and communications technology that enables the global network of economic activity, commercial transactions, and professional relationships is known as the "digital economy" (ICT).

The economy based on digital technologies is a brief summary of it.

The fourth industrial revolution

  • The transition from the third to the fourth industrial revolution is reflected in the digital economy.
  • The transition from analogue electronic and mechanical devices to digital technology, often known as the third industrial revolution or the digital revolution, occurred in the latter half of the 20th century.
  • The fourth industrial revolution expands on the digital revolution as modern technology keeps bridging the real world and the virtual one.

Advantages of The Digital Economy

  • Productivity increases as a result of the digital economy because businesses may now employ technology to automate many tasks and procedures.
  • Technology can be used by businesses to enhance their goods and services and boost competitiveness. Because of this, commercial competition has intensified.
  • Cost savings: Digitization has enabled firms to automate jobs that formerly required manual labour. Due to decreasing operating expenses for firms, consumers now pay less for goods and services.
  • Better and more practical items are now available to clients thanks to digitized enterprises, who can also give them more affordable pricing. Customers may now shop whenever and wherever they want thanks to new business models like e- and m-commerce.
  • Employment prospects have increased as a result of the emergence of new enterprises in the digital economy. New job positions have also been developed and distributed globally.
  • A higher quality of life is now possible thanks to the global reach of the digital economy. People now have the ability to balance their personal and professional lives, which has improved their quality of life.
  • Transactions are completed more quickly thanks to the digital economy because firms can now employ online payment options.
  • Efficiency gain: By eliminating manual tasks that are prone to error, firms Innovation: As organizations and their processes become more digital, new products and services are developed as well as new ways for them to run.
  • Transparency has increased as a result of the digital economy because companies may now utilize technology to communicate information with their clients.
  • Communication has been improved as a result of the digital economy's increased connectivity. Businesses can now communicate with customers more successfully. They now have a variety of avenues, such as social media, email, and SMS, via which they can communicate with their clients have become more efficient as a result of process digitization.

Initiatives by the Government

  • DigiLocker: This cloud-based platform for issuing, exchanging, and verifying critical documents or certifications was introduced in 2015.
  • MyGov: This platform was introduced in 2014 in an effort to improve communication between the public and the government.
  • BharatNet: It was established to offer 100 Mbps internet connectivity to all 250,000 Gram Panchayats (GPs) in the nation.
  • Smart Cities: In 2015, a plan to use various technologies to make all Indian cities smart cities was launched.
  • Post Offices are being digitalized.
  • Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna
  • Digital India Program

Policy Roadmap for Telecom and IT Sector

Telecom is the first dimension. The writing of a new telecom bill to replace legislation passed in 1885 and 1930 is nearly complete.

The Bill for data protection will come in second.

Third, India is creating a complete digital India Act to replace the IT Act from 2000.

A national data framework is one of the policy frameworks that has been uploaded for review.

Data security with social media:

The concepts of data security and privacy are now widely accepted on a global scale.

Any social media network or app that has privacy issues will be held accountable.

Rollout of 5G:

India would start exporting telecom technologies to other countries by the following year.


  • The digital gap is one of the most significant drawbacks of the digital economy. This divide exists between people with and without access to technology. As a result, there is now a new kind of inequality throughout the world.
  • Cybercrime: As technology is used more frequently, cybercrime has also risen. This is due to the fact that fraud, money laundering, and identity theft are now crimes that may be committed by criminals using technology.
  • Data protection: Businesses run the danger of having their consumer data stolen or exposed as they gather more and more information about their clients. This may result in a decline in customer and business trust.
  • Unemployment: As firms replaced human labour with technology, the digitalisation of the economy has resulted in job losses in several areas. In several industries, unemployment has increased as a result.
  • Privacy worries: As companies gather more information about their customers, there are worries about how this information might be used improperly.
  • Heavy investments are needed in technology for the digitalization of businesses. Small businesses may not have the resources to invest in technology, thus this is a barrier for them.
  • Monopoly: The digitalization of the economy has resulted in the establishment of a small number of large, extremely strong enterprises. This has led to monopolies in some industries.

Way ahead

  • Utilizing current emerging technologies, such as IoT and predictive analytics, can help businesses engage with current and potential customers more effectively, be more responsive, and operate more efficiently.
  • Organizations, whether they are for-profit companies, service providers like healthcare systems, or charity and governmental institutions, will need innovative leaders and staff if they want to compete in the years to come.
  • Learn more about developing or utilizing emerging technologies, or risk falling behind as the digital economy develops.

Also, Read - National Forensic Science University

Source: The Hindu

National Forensic Science University


National Forensic Science University

The Union Home and Cooperation Minister recently spoke at the National Forensic Science University's First Convocation (NFSU).

Image Source - Shiksaha.com

About National Forensic Science University

  • In order to meet the severe scarcity and the rising need for forensic experts in India and around the world, it was formed by the Indian government in 2020.
  • The National Forensic Sciences University is the first and only university in the world devoted to forensic, behavioural, cybersecurity, digital forensics, and associated sciences. It has the status of an Institution of National Importance.
  • Its campuses have been established outside of Gujarat, Bhopal, Goa, Tripura, Manipur, and Guwahati.


  • To address the severe forensic expertise gap in both the nation and the world.
  • help improve and increase safety in the world.
  • to do research in the fields of criminology, forensic science, security, and behavioural science.


  • Investigation-based education.
  • to deliver High-Quality, Internationally Recognized Education.
  • The newest centres of excellence
  • Three Centers of Excellence and a new campus have been added to the university.
  • The DNA Center of Excellence.
  • the Cybersecurity Center of Excellence.
  • the Forensic and Investigative Psychology Center of Excellence

Forensic Science

  • In forensic science, crimes are investigated or potential evidence for court cases is examined using scientific procedures or skills.
  • From anthropology and wildlife forensics to fingerprint and DNA analysis, forensic science encompasses a wide range of fields.
  • A crucial component of the criminal justice system is forensic science.
  • To produce unbiased conclusions that can aid in the investigation and prosecution of crime perpetrators or clear an innocent person of suspicion, forensic scientists examine and analyze evidence from crime scenes and other locations.
  • Indian forensic science: In Kolkata, India, the first Central Fingerprint Bureau was founded in 1897 and began operations in 1904.
  • Under the Department of Biotechnology, a cutting-edge Center for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD) has been built in Hyderabad.
  • Numerous police agencies, forensic institutes, and wildlife departments are now using DNA profiling to identify people and animals from biological fluids and tissue samples in criminal cases including homicide, suicide, sexual assault, terrorist activity, wildlife forensics, and other crimes.
  • India is home to more than 80 colleges and universities, including the National Forensic Science University in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, and Rashtriya Raksha University in Lavad, Gandhinagar, where the School of Forensic Science & Risk Management also provides instruction, research, and training to the students, Police, and Paramilitary forces for security.

Issues with Indian Forensic Science

False Convictions:

  • Erroneous convictions based on subpar forensic evidence are the most worrisome problems in forensic science.
  • DNA tests allowed for the release of nearly 318 prisoners who had been wrongfully convicted based on flawed forensic evidence.
  • Lack of scientific certainty
  • Lack of research
  • Lack of a well-defined code of ethics

Lack of certification of the experts

  • Non-available databases and non-availability of error rate statistics for all the techniques


The Himachal Pradesh Police Act of 2007 is a statute.

  • The statute gives the Director of Forensic Science the authority to recommend to the State Police Board and the state government the establishment of forensic facilities in the state for scientific research.
  • Additionally, it stipulates that within six months the state will offer the required financial help for the same; however, if this is not possible, justifications must be put in writing.
  • The statute also made it essential for investigative agencies to gather and submit forensic evidence for forensic analysis in criminal proceedings.
  • Facilities for scientific questioning, investigation and the appropriate equipment will be created by the director general of police in cooperation with the director of forensic science.

Acts of 2020 establishing the National Forensic Science University and Rashtriya Raksha University

  • Two Acts were passed by the Indian government in September 2020:
  • In Gandhinagar, Gujarat State, the National Forensic Science University (NFSU) Act 2020 NFSU was established.
  • 2020 Rashtriya Raksha University Act
  • At Laval, Dahegam, and Gandhinagar in Gujarat State, RRU has been developed and constructed.
  • Rashtriya Raksha University's mission is to advance and offer top-notch instruction and research in the fields of risk management, law enforcement, security, and artificial intelligence.

Way forward

  • If quick, efficient justice is to be delivered to the country's average citizen, India urgently needs to enhance its forensics capabilities.
  • The types of samples that the investigating officers send to the labs for examination have a direct impact on the quality of the forensic reports.
  • As a result, the investigating police should be required to complete forensic training.
  • In order to prevent the report quality from suffering due to a lack of experience and the most up-to-date technology, there should be uniform technology and expertise throughout all testing Forensic Laboratories in India.

Also, Read - Jan Dhan Yojana Achievements

Source: The Hindu


GS-II : International Relations Others

Exercise VAJRA PRAHAR 2022

The 13th edition of the joint US-Indian exercise Vajra Prahar 2022 was just completed at Bakloh (Himachal Pradesh).

image Source - Current Affairs Adda 247

Key Highlights

  • The United States and Special Forces India alternate hosting the annual exercise.
  • The military forces of a nation's special forces are responsible for conducting clandestine, anti-terrorist, and other specialized missions.


  • The 21-day cooperative training gave the Special Forces from both countries the chance to train in joint conditions in accordance with the United Nations Charter for Airborne Missions, Special Operations, and Counter-Terrorism operations.
  • A 48-hour validation period followed the first phase's training for both contingents' combat conditioning and tactical level special missions training exercises. The operation was divided into two phases.


  • When viewed against the backdrop of the current international situation, the exercise VAJRA PRAHAR with the US Special Forces is noteworthy in terms of the security issues faced by both Nations.
  • The joint military exercise has increased bilateral defence cooperation between India and the USA as well as the long-standing camaraderie between the special forces of the two countries.

Other Exercises between India and the USA

  • Exercise Tiger Triumph (Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief exercise)
  • Cope India (Air Force).
  • Malabar Exercise (Quadrilateral naval exercise of India, USA, Japan and Australia).
  • Red Flag (US’ multilateral air exercise).

Also, Read - National Sports Day 2022

Source: The Indian Express

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