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25 Nov, 2023

32 Min Read

Udayarpalayam Palace

GS-I : Art and Culture Art and Culture

Udayarpalayam Palace was once an impregnable seat of power in Tamil Nadu but now is a refuge for pigeons and bats.

  • It is a 5 acre palace that resembles the Thirumalai Nayakkar Mahal of Madurai.
  • Location - Udayarpalayam in Ariyalur district, Tamil Nadu.
  • Built in18th century by the then Zamindars.
  • Architecture - South Indian secular architecture.
  • The foundation is made of granite boulders and pillars.
  • The palace includes
    • Lakshmi Vilasam (A court hall)
    • Krishna Vilasam (Hall for dance and music concerts)
    • Marriage hall
  • Stucco images - The skeleton of every image (dancers and others) was made of wood, covered with cloth over which plastering was done and final touches were given with lime and sand paste.

Rulers of Udayarpalayam

  • Udayarpalayam rulers lived as poligars.

Palaiyakkarars, or Poligar, in Andhra and Tamil Nadu refers to the holder of a small kingdom (palayam) as a feudatory to a greater sovereign.

  • Genealogy – The names of the rulers start with the title Kachi, indicating that they had migrated from Kancheepuram.
  • 1st ruler - Kachi Yuvarangappa Kalakka Tola Udayar.
  • CurrencyUdayarpalayam puthupanam [new money].
  • Political scenario – They submitted to the Mughals when they took Gingee and paid Peshkash (tribute).
  • During Anglo-French struggle, they supported British.


Transgenders in Armed Forces

GS-II : Governance Rights issue

The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019 and its implications are being examined by the Indian Armed Forces in order to determine potential employment opportunities for transgenders.

Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019

Legal recognition

It recognizes transgender individuals as a third gender and recognizes their right to self-identification based on their gender identity.

Social justice

It prohibits discrimination against transgenders in education, employment, healthcare, and access to public spaces.

Institutional support

It mandates the creation of welfare boards at the State levels, which will be responsible for facilitating access to social welfare schemes for transgender persons.

Certificate of identity

Transgenders can obtain a certificate of identity, which will enable them to access various services and entitlements as per their self-identified gender.

Health care

It provides for the establishment of separate hospitals and clinics to provide healthcare services to transgenders.

Criminal offence

It criminalizes offences against transgenders including physical, sexual, emotional, and economic abuse.


It provides for the punishment of those who force transgenders into begging or those who deny them access to public places such as parks, hospitals or restaurants.

What about the joint study group formed regarding this aspect?

The Armed Forces, at present, don't recruit transgenders or people identifying as homosexuals.

  • Study group- It was constituted by the Principal Personnel Officers Committee (PPOC).
    • PPOC comprises top officers of the 3 services (Army, Navy and Air Force)
  • Head- Directorate General of Armed Forces Medical Services, the tri-service medical organisation of Armed Forces.
  • Aim- To deliberate on the implications of the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019 and suggest a way forward for its implementation in the defence forces.

Why there is a need to include transgenders in armed forces?

  • Social inclusion- This is a positive step as trans community has faced societal discrimination and marginalisation in many ways, including access to social equality, social rights, education, and employment opportunities.
  • Breaks the stigma- Excluding transgender people from military service reinforces social stigma and inequality.
  • Employment opportunity- As per National Human Rights Commission study in 2018, it was found that 96% of transgender individuals face employment discrimination, resulting in their limited access to decent career opportunities.
  • Limited accessibility- The 1st ever study on the rights of transgenders unveiled that around 92% of transgender individuals lack access to engage in economic activities within the nation, with even qualified individuals being denied employment opportunities.
  • Lessons to India- A study on the impact of allowing transgender people to serve openly in US military suggests that embracing diversity can enhance the effectiveness and viability of the armed forces.
  • Legal framework- Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act 2019 stipulates that both government and private entities are prohibited from engaging in discriminatory practices against transgender individuals in areas pertaining to employment, such as recruiting and promotion.
  • Duty- All citizens have a duty to serve their country, hence transgenders have the right to perform duty to serve their country.
  • Transgender suitability- There is no factual evidence to support the claim that transgender people are unfit for military service.

Transgender Status in Mughal era- They had high positions and respect and served as harem guards and royal aides.

Transgender oppression by British- The British colonisers disliked and misunderstood transgender people and designated them as a “criminal tribe and withheld the civil rights.

What are the challenges in including them in armed forces?

  • Distinct recruitment- Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF), as well as the army and police forces, employ a distinct psychological approach to administration.
  • Recruitment of transgenders in the CAPF may encounter challenges due to practical considerations related to unconventional command philosophy.
  • Training prerequisite- Following a period of familiarisation and pre-induction training alongside soldiers will be challenging for transgenders.
  • Conservative outlook- Indian Army as an institution has not undergone significant modernization with respect to LGBTQcommunities.
  • Differential rights- Supreme Court ruling in 2014 and 2018 with respect to transgender person may not be applicable to Indian Army as certain rights afforded to civilians may not extend to members of the armed forces.
  • Article 33- Fundamental rights of armed forces personnel may be subject to limitations as determined by legislation enacted by the Parliament.
  • This implies that the Army Act, Navy Act, and Air Force Act have the capacity to curtail various liberties that are typically afforded to non-military individuals.
  • Administrative constraints- Indian Army may face difficulties such as housing and other infrastructure of transgender people.

Steps taken regarding Inclusion of Transgenders

  • Gender identity- In 2014, Supreme Court in the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) case acknowledged transgenders as third gender within the framework of Indian Constitution.
  • Yogyakarta Principles- Quoted in 2014 Supreme Court ruling, it provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and promoting human rights in relation to gender.
  • Struck Section 377 of IPC- In 2018, Supreme Court rendered Section 377of Indian Penal Code as null and void, therefore eliminating the criminalization of homosexuality.
  • Progressive approach- Kerala High Court upheld the rights of transgender persons to self-determination and non-discrimination, and directed the army to amend the National Cadet Corps Act, (NCCA) 1948 to include transgender persons within 6 months in NCC.


Israel - Hamas Deal

GS-II : International Relations Israel-Palestine conflict

Recently, the mediation efforts facilitated by Qatar, Egypt and the United States between Israel and Hamas resulted in an agreement for a humanitarian pause for 4 days, subject to extension.

  • Deal – 50 hostages could be freed in return for 150 Palestinian women and teenagers in Israeli detention.
  • Israeli warplanes would not fly over southern Gaza for 6 hours each day.
  • Each day of the pause, Israel and Hamas will receive lists of the hostages and prisoners to be released.
  • Mediation – Qatar, the US, Egypt, etc.
  • Implementation - International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) would be designated to receive the hostages.

ICRC is an independent and neutral organization whose mandate stems from the Geneva Conventions of 1949. It was established in 1863 to help people affected by conflict and armed violence and promote the laws that protect victims of war.

  • Opposition to ceasefire – Israel, and its allies opposes ceasefire as it will allow Hamas to regroup.

Humanitarian Pause



Temporary cessation



Mutual negotiation

Unilateral or mutual


Humanitarian purposes

Political process

Time period

Limited to a defined period

Longer-term arrangement


Limited to a specific area

Relatively larger part

Military gains

It doesn’t affect it

It affects it


25 years of the International Space Station (ISS)

GS-III : S&T Space

International Space Station (ISS), a place of peaceful collaboration for science, has completed more than 140,000 Earth orbits in its journey of 25 years.

  • ISS is a multi-nation construction project that is the largest single structure humans ever put into space.
  • Origin – Mainly a creation of USA and later Russia was invited to participate.
  • Operated by – 5 agencies
    • Canadian Space Agency (CSA)
    • The European Space Agency (ESA)
    • The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
    • The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
    • The State Space Corporation “Roscosmos”
  • Size – Measures 109 meters (357 feet) end-to-end.
  • Location – At Low Earth Orbit (430 kilometers)

Among the 1st “live-in” astronauts were Bill Shepherd of NASA and Roscosmos cosmonauts Yuri Gidzenko and Sergei Krikalev.

  • Components – It consists of
    • Zarya Control Module – Russia based component that was launched in 1998 for supplying fuel storage, battery power, and serving as a docking zone for other vehicles
    • Unity Node 1 module – US based component
  • It passes over our heads 16 times every 24 hours (orbiting Earth every 90 minutes at a speed of 8 kilometers per second.
  • Achievements - Its discoveries have benefitted drug development, new water purification systems, methods to mitigate muscle and bone atrophy and lead to innovations in food production.
  • Future of ISS - NASA, CSA, and the ESA have committed to operate till 2030, while Russia has said that it will withdraw after 2024 to focus on building its own space station around 2028.

NASA plans to spend up to $1 billion to build the US Deorbit Vehicle (USDV) to deorbit ISS.

Tiangong Space Station

China launched three astronauts to its Tiangong space station which is China’s first in-orbit crew rotation.

  • The 3 astronauts were carried by the Shenzhou-15 spacecraft will live and work on the Tiangong space station for 6 months.
  • Shenzhou-15 (Divine Vessel) mission was the last of 11 missions needed to assemble the ‘Celestial Palace’.
  • Tiangong is China’s permanent space station that will operate in low-Earth orbit at an altitude from 340 km to 450 km.
  • Tiangong Space Station is named after the Chinese word for ‘heavenly palace’ or ‘celestial palace’.
  • The station has a designed lifespan of at least 10 years.
  • The Chinese space station has 3 modules
    1. Tianhe core module (heavenly river)
    2. Crew module and the laboratory cabin modules Wentian (quest for heavens) and
    3. Mengtian (dreaming of heaven).
  • Tiangong weighs about 66 tons with all 3 modules.
  • China has planned a Xuntian space telescope which will co-orbit with Tiangong, with a slightly different orbital phase.

China will have the only spaces station in orbit after ISS expires in 2024.


Global DPI Repository (GDPIR) and Social Impact Fund

GS-III : Economic Issues Infrastructure

India has launched 2 new initiatives - Global DPI Repository and Social Impact Fund, to advance Digital Public Infrastructure in Global South.

Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) is a set of shared digital systems to deliver and provide equitable access to public and / or private services to drive development, inclusion, innovation and respect human rights and fundamental freedoms.

  • Global DPI Repository (GDPIR) – A virtual repository of DPI, voluntarily shared by G20 members and beyond.
  • Developed by – Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY)
  • Aim - To bridge the knowledge gap in the choices and methodologies required for the design, construction, deployment, and governance of DPIs.
  • To showcase the information in a standardized format by incorporating elements such as maturity scales, source codes and governance frameworks.

Currently, the GDPIR features 54 DPIs from 16 countries.

Social Impact Fund (SIF)

  • It is envisioned as a government led, multistakeholder initiative to fast-track DPI implementation in the global south.
  • Aim – To offer a platform for all stakeholders to contribute to this fund and help accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) through DPIs.
  • To provide upstream technical and non-technical assistance to countries in developing DPI systems.

The SIF India has pledged an initial commitment of 25 million USD.


Investor Risk Reduction Access (IRRA)

GS-III : Economic Issues Investment

Recently launched Investor Risk Reduction Access (IRRA) platform acts as a ‘safety net’ for investors registered with SEBI.

  • Need – There is rise in instances of glitches in trading members’ systems making the investors with open positions at risk.
  • Launched by – SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India)
  • Developed by – It has been jointly developed by all the stock exchanges of India
    • BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange)
    • NSE (National Stock Exchange)
    • NCDEX (National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange Limited)
    • MCX (Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd)
    • MSE (Metropolitan Stock Exchange of India)
  • Objectives
    • To reduce risks faced by investors during technical glitches at both the primary and disaster recovery site.
    • To provide an opportunity to square off/close their open positions and cancel pending orders.
  • Working
    • It can be invoked by trading members or suo moto by stock exchanges.
    • It downloads trades information from all the trading venues.
    • It sends SMS/email to investors with IRRA access link over an Internet-based Based Trading (IBT) web URL and an app.
    • Investors can access through a secure login system using their Unique Client Code (UCC) or investor’s PAN number.
  • Reverse migration - Based on the trading member’s request and confirmation from all exchanges, the IRRA will be shut down and enable to resume business from the original trading system.
  • Only 1 reverse migration will be allowed during a trading day.
  • Limitations – It is not meant for taking fresh positions or orders, and is not available for algo trading, Institutional clients.

Squaring off is a trading style that, day trade investors use to make profit from the market volatility.


Global Carbon Budget

GS-III : Biodiversity & Environment Climate Change

India needs to secure a fair and equitable share of the global carbon budget at COP 28, as it is a key factor for limiting global warming.

What is a global carbon budget?

  • Global Carbon Budget - It is the amount of CO2 that humanity can emit while still having a chance to contain global warming within 1.5°Celsius compared with preindustrial levels, as advocated by the Paris Agreement.
  • It is taken from the atmosphere, regional carbon emissions, CO2 emissions from land usage, carbon emissions from man-made projects in many forms.
  • It is produced under the umbrella of Global Carbon Project (GCP).
  • It is part of the greater carbon cycle and the ways in which the Earth’s reservoirs of carbon are added to and subtracted from.
  • The budget is estimated to be around 1 trillion tonnes of carbon.
  • Need- To understand how CO2 emissions (both natural and manmade) are contributing to the changes in the Earth’s environment.

As per Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Sixth Assessment Report (IPCC AR6), every 1,000 billion tonnes of CO2 in emissions causes an estimated 0.45°Celsius rise in the global surface temperature.

What is the significance of global carbon budget?

  • Limits global warming- It establishes how much CO2 can be emitted without exceeding the temperature goals of the Paris Agreement.
  • Set targets- It helps to set emissions reduction targets in a fair and effective way, based on the scientific evidence and value judgments.

IPCC AR6 has shown that almost four-fifths of the global carbon budget stands depleted and only a fifth remains to meet the target set in the Paris Agreement.

  • Clean energy- It encourages the development of alternative energy resources and more efficient ways to use energy, by making carbon-emitting fuels more expensive.
  • Fund- It generates revenue that can be used to fund clean-energy technologies, compensate the affected people, or reduce other taxes.
  • Climate science- It will help countries to stay within the remaining warming limit.
  • Road to net zero- Governments can measure how well they are doing in reducing their climate impact.
  • Impetus to CBDR- It boosts Common But Different Responsibilities (CBDR) that was formalized at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro.

How does the carbon budget matter for India?

  • Carbon inequality- Developed countries have appropriated a disproportionately larger share of the global carbon budget to date.
  • South Asia, including India, has low historical and per capita emissions compared to North America and the world.
  • Carbon equity- Developed countries should take more responsibility for reducing emissions and provide finance and technology to developing countries.
  • India must recognize its fair share of the carbon budget as a strategic national resource, and demand it at the COP28 climate talks.
  • Development- It is the first defence against climate change, India has made progress in reducing poverty and providing food security to millions of people, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic.

As per NITI Aayog- U.N. Development Programme’s Multidimensional Poverty Index Report 2023 review, India has been able to lift more than 135 million poor out of poverty in less than 5 years (2015-2021).

  • Non-discriminatory- Developed countries have pressured developing countries to phase out coal, but have failed to do so themselves.

Climate Friendly Initiatives of India

  • International Solar Alliance-It was a joint effort by India and France to mobilize efforts against climate change through deployment of solar energy solutions launched in 2015.
  • Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure-It is an international climate initiative by India in 2019 to promote resilient climate-proof critical infrastructure in member countries.
  • Global Biofuel AllianceIt is an alliance driven by India, the United States, and Brazil, to accelerated adoption of biofuels, creating new biofuels, setting globally recognized standards, identifying global best practices, and ensuring industry participation.
  • LiFE mission- Lifestyle for Environment is an international mass movement to protect and preserve the environment launched in COP 26 at Glasgow in 2021.

Paris Agreement

  • It is a legally binding international treaty on climate change.
  • Launch year- In 2015 and was adopted by 196 countries.
  • Aim- To limit the global average temperature rise to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, and pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5°C.
  • Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) - Since 2020, countries submit national climate actions to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in order to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement.



GS-II : International Relations India and its neighborhood

  • The 17th edition of Joint Military Exercise SURYA KIRAN between India and Nepal conducted in Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand recently.

It is an annual event and conducted alternatively in the two countries.


National Gopal Ratna Awards

GS-III : Economic Issues Animal Husbandry

  • It is one of the highest National Awards in the field of livestock and dairy sector to be conferred as a part of National Milk Day celebration 2023.
  • Aim - To motivate farmers to rear indigenous breeds, increase their population, and improve their production and productivity.

National Milk Day is celebrated every year on November 26 to honor the birth anniversary of Dr. Verghese Kurien (Father of White Revolution).


Krishi Sakhis (Farmer's Friends)

GS-III : Economic Issues Agriculture

  • Ministry of Rural Development and the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare jointly launched training of Krishi Sakhis for promotion of Natural Farming.
  • Krishi Sakhis are Community Agriculture Care Service Providers (CASPs).
  • They are trained para extension professionals and practicing farmers at the grass root level.

The Krishi Sakhis initiative was launched under the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural Livelihoods.



GS-III : Economic Issues Agriculture

  • CREAMS is a laboratory that monitors crop conditions in extreme weather, established in 2013 by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi.
  • CREAMS provides data on the number of Active Fire Events (AFE) caused by burning paddy crop residue.
  • CREAMS also provides data on stubble-burning incidents in northern India.

In 2023, the number of stubble-burning incidents in Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, and NCR areas of Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh decreased from 13,964 in 2022 to 6,391.



GS-II : Governance RTI

  • The Central government recently exempted the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) from the ambit of the Right to Information Act (RTI), 2005.
  • CERT-In, established in 2004, is the national nodal agency for responding to computer security incidents as and when they occur.
  • It functions under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.
  • According to RTI Act, organisations listed under Schedule II of RTI Act are exempted.

With this, there are 27 other intelligence and security organisations such as the IB, R&AW, Directorate of Enforcement, National Technical Research Organisation that are exempt under RTI.


Bannerghatta National Park (BNP)

GS-III : Biodiversity & Environment Conservation

  • Bannerghatta National Park (BNP) was declared in 1974.
  • It is situated in Bengaluru, Karnataka and borders with Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary in the South and with Javalagiri Reserved Forests in the Tamil Nadu State on its South-Eastern boundaries.
  • There are 4 ranges in the national park, namely, Anekal, Bannerghatta, Harohalli and Kodihalli wildlife ranges.
  • Bannerghatta’s Sloth Bear Rescue Centre completes 18 years.

Sloth Bear

  • A Sloth Bear (Melursus ursinus) is an omnivorous mammal that can live up to 40 years.
  • Sloth bears are the only bears to routinely carry their young on their backs and are native to India, Sri Lanka and Nepal.
  • Conservation Status
    • IUCN - Vulnerable
    • CITES - Appendix I,

Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 - Schedule I (Highest Protection)


Australia-India Leadership Dialogue (AILD)

GS-II : International Relations Australia

  • The 6th annual Australia India Leadership Dialogue 2023 held in Melbourne, Australia recently.
  • The Australia India Leadership Dialogue is the premier forum for informal diplomacy between Australia and India.
  • The dialogue used Bridges of Bharosa (trust) as one of its themes.
  • It provides an opportunity to deepen mutual understanding between Australian and Indian leaders.

It also paves way for addressing Australia-India bilateral relations in the wider context of the Indo-Pacific region.


Guru Nanak

GS-I : Art and Culture Religion

  • Guru Nanak Dev (1469–1539) was the founder of Sikhism.
  • He was born in Talwandi (now Nankana Sahib, near Lahore).
  • Nanak was a Bhakti saint who preached that the most important form of worship is Bhakti, or devotion to Waheguru.

Guru Nanak Jayanti, also known as Gurpurab, is the birth anniversary of Guru Nanak


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