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22 Apr, 2023

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National Quantum Mission

GS-III : S&T Computers and IT

National Quantum Mission

  • Recently, the National Quantum Mission (NQM) to support scholarly and commercial research and development in quantum technology was approved by the union cabinet, which is presided over by the prime minister.

About National quantum mission

  • From 2023 until 2031, the mission will be carried out by the Department of Science & Technology (DST) under the Ministry of Science & Technology.
  • The goal of the mission is to launch, support, and scale up scientific and industry R&D while also developing a dynamic and creative environment in quantum technology.
  • In addition to fostering the nation's ecosystem and elevating India to a leading country in the development of quantum technologies & applications, this would expedite the economic growth driven by quantum technology.
  • India will become the eighth nation after the US, Austria, Finland, France, Canada, and China to have a dedicated quantum mission with the launch of this mission.

Key characteristics of NQM:

  • With 50–100 physical qubits in five years and 50–1000 physical qubits in eight years, it aims to construct intermediate scale quantum computers.
  • Quantum computers use 'qubits' or 'quantum bits' to process information in the same way as computers use simple binary numbers (1 and 0) to do so.
  • The expedition will aid in the creation of magnetometers with high sensitivity for communications, navigation, and atomic clock precise timing.

The new initiative focuses on developing-

  • Eight years to build intermediate-scale quantum computers on several platforms, including superconducting and photonics, with 50–1000 physical qubits.
  • Secure quantum communications using satellites between ground stations in India over a distance of 2000 km
  • Secure quantum communications over long distances with other nations
  • Multi-node quantum network with quantum memories and inter-city quantum key distribution over 2000 kilometres


  • Quantum technology is the newest frontier in military communication and has the potential to be a game-changer in wars, beyond its major civilian uses in governance and business.
  • India's fledgling efforts to compete with China in the area of quantum communication technology, where the latter is claimed to have made substantial progress, will be aided by the National Quantum Mission.
  • By hacking an adversary country's data and communication networks, a nation with a quantum communication advantage can render it helpless.
  • A nation possessing quantum communication technology can protect its energy, defence, aviation, and other vital infrastructure from attacks by hostile nations.
  • Enhanced AI: Quantum machine learning methods may make it possible to train Artificial Intelligence models more accurately and efficiently.
  • Better Sensing and Measuring: Quantum sensors are capable of detecting minute changes in the environment, which makes them valuable for geological exploration, environmental monitoring, and medical diagnostics.

Quantum technology: what is it?

  • The study of how matter and energy behave at the tiniest scales is known as quantum mechanics, and quantum technology is a branch of science and engineering that deals with these concepts.
  • The area of physics known as quantum mechanics studies how matter and energy behave at the atomic and subatomic scales.

Major concern

  • The cost of quantum computers is exorbitant. Many academics think that the price of the materials used to make them may never be recouped.
  • Programming and controlling quantum computing is very challenging because it necessitates a deep comprehension of intricate quantum concepts.
  • Quantum technology is particularly susceptible to interference from the outside world, such as changes in temperature, magnetic fields, and vibrations.
  • Another potential problem of quantum computing is that it might cause disruptions in current computer designs.
  • Many experts claim that because of its reliance on entanglement and superposition, it is vulnerable to attacks from hackers who are conversant with the technology.
  • In order to secure our communications and financial transactions, remain competitive, advance societal progress, create jobs, support economic growth, and enhance overall quality of life, it has become essential for both the government and businesses to be ready to develop these emerging and disruptive technologies.
  • The National Quantum Mission will enable the nation's technology development ecosystem to compete on a global scale.

Source: The Hindu

India's Science and Technology Innovation Ecosystem

GS-III : S&T Achievements of Indians in S&T

India's Science and Technology Innovation Ecosystem

  • In order to connect and identify prospective young start-ups in India's science and technology innovation ecosystem, the YUVA Portal was recently created.
  • Earlier, the "One Week - One Lab" campaign was introduced. Launched in Haryana's Karnal, the astronomy lab offers possibilities for persons with disabilities to flourish in a variety of skill, art, and craft disciplines.

What recent changes have occurred in the S&T innovation ecosystem in India?

  • Indian superiority in technology, innovation, and start-ups is dominating the world, as the Prime Minister recently highlighted in his speech to the 108th Indian Science Congress.
  • In terms of the most innovative economies worldwide, India is placed 40th out of 132 according to the Global Innovation Index (GII) 2022.
  • Sign Language of India AstroLab: The Indian Sign Language AstroLab promotes accessibility and inclusivity by providing virtual access to instructional materials in Indian sign language. It is outfitted with 65 pieces of equipment, including a huge telescope and audiovisual aids.


  • The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)-National Physical Laboratory (CSIR-NPL) has played a role in standardising measurements of gas and airborne particles for monitoring atmospheric pollution. IST, created using an atomic time scale made up of Cesium atomic clocks and Hydrogen masers, is maintained by CSIR-NPL.
  • The CSIR Labs are experts in several fields of research, including the geology, food, fuel, minerals, and materials, and they help progress science and technology in India.

One Week - One Lab Campaign:

  • The "One Week - One Lab" programme seeks to promote students' scientific temperament as well as raise knowledge of the technologies and services provided by CSIR-NPL.
  • More schools would be included in future encounters after 180 schools in the Delhi-NCR region were exposed to NPL laboratories for various activities.
  • SHRI stands for Science and Heritage Research Initiative.
  • The sound-proofing capabilities of Pattamadai mat, a mat formed by weaving or interlacing korai grass with the cotton threads, have been investigated under the SHRI programme for use in protecting recording studios and classrooms from outside noise disturbances.
  • This could raise interest in the Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, traditional art.


  • Scientists at the IASST have created a biodegradable, biopolymer nanocomposite that can sense relative humidity and can be used as smart packaging materials, particularly for the food industry.
  • NIDHI, or the National Initiative for Developing and Harnessing Innovations
  • A five-year, end-to-end plan is in place to treble the number of incubators and start-ups.

National Start-Up Prizes:

  • Through encouraging innovation and competition, this programme recognises and rewards exceptional start-ups and ecosystem facilitators that contribute to economic dynamism.

Source: Press Information Bureau

Myanmar issue

GS-II : International Relations Myanmar

Myanmar issue

  • The Myanmar government recently requested a 10-month extension to file a countermemorial in response to the complaint alleging that Myanmar violated the International Genocide Convention, but the International Court of Justice (ICJ) recently rejected this request.
  • The lawsuit concerns the atrocities committed by the Myanmar military in 2017 during "clearing" operations in Rakhine state, which led to the eviction of Rohingya people.

What Caused Unrest in Myanmar?

  • Background – In 1948, the nation declared its independence from Great Britain. From 1962 until 2011, when a new administration started restoring civilian control, it was governed by the armed forces.
  • The military government made the decision to move the nation towards democracy in the 2010s. Political rivals were let free, elections were permitted, and the military remained powerful.
  • The National League for Democracy won the 2015 election, which was the first free and fair election in which many parties competed, and established the government, giving rise to optimism that the nation is close to completing its transition to democracy.

Military coup:

  • The NLD won the majority of seats in the legislative vote in November 2020.
  • According to the 2008 military-drafted constitution, the military holds 25% of the total seats in the parliament of Myanmar, and some important ministry positions are also allocated for military appointees.
  • The military declared a state of emergency for a year before to the newly elected parliamentarians in Myanmar convening the first session of Parliament in 2021, citing widespread voting fraud.

Related Issues the UN Has Drawn Attention To

  • Although the military is legally required to protect civilians during hostilities, the corresponding principles of international law have consistently been broken.
  • With over half of the people now living in poverty, Myanmar's economy has crumbled.
  • Since the coup, the military has imprisoned the nation's democratically elected leaders and jailed more than 16,000 people in the months that followed.

The Rohingya Problem:

  • On August 25, 2017, a violent uprising in Myanmar's Rakhine State led to the forced emigration of hundreds of thousands of Rohingya people.
  • Additionally blocked off from Myanmar's pro-democracy movement is the Rohingya group.
  • The pro-democracy movement in Myanmar has encountered many difficulties over the years, such as limitations on the right to free expression and assembly, arbitrary arrests and detentions, censorship, and violence.
What is India's Position Regarding Myanmar?
  • India has expressed worry in recent years regarding Myanmar's human rights status, especially in light of the Rohingya issue.
  • India has urged a peaceful resolution to the problem, respect for human rights, and punishment of those who violate those rights.
  • India has expressed serious worry over recent events in Myanmar, but cutting off its military ties is not a practical solution given that India has important economic and geopolitical ties to Myanmar and its neighbours.
  • Depending on how the situation and geopolitical factors in the region change, India's position on the Myanmar issue may also change.

Source: Indian Express

Seeds in Space

GS-III : S&T Space

Seeds in Space


  • The impact of cosmic radiation, microgravity, and high temperatures on plant genomes and biology is the subject of this organisations' initial feasibility study.


  • Increased radiation alters the genetic makeup of plant seeds, enabling them to adapt to a variety of challenging environmental factors, including higher temperatures, drier soils, diseases, and rising sea levels. Space mutagenesis is the name given to this adaption process.

Cosmic Experiment: Its Importance

  • The effort aims to create new crops that can adapt to climate change and assist increase food security throughout the world.
  • There is an obvious need for creative approaches to increasing food production, as well as more robust crops and sustainable farming practises, with the world's population projected to reach around 10 billion by 2050.
  • Farmers are finding it harder to maintain production as a result of global warming. Political instability and the growing price of basic foodstuffs have made it worse.

Regarding Sorghum & Arabidopsis

  • Sorghum: Sorghum, a member of the millet family, is a heat- and drought-resistant grain that is cultivated for food in many poor nations.
  • The mustard family (Brassicaceae) includes the tiny blooming plant known as Arabidopsis.
  • Its small size, quick life cycle, and easily adaptable genetics make it a popular model organism in plant biology research.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

  • Despite being independent of the UN and having been founded on July 29th, 1957, the organisation submits findings to the UN Security Council and General Assembly.
  • Its responsibility is to safeguard the 1970 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty's core values. India has not ratified the treaty.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
  • The United Nations established this organisation in 1945; it deals with global initiatives to end hunger.
  • HO: Italy, Rome

Source: Down To Earth

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