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22 Jan, 2021

28 Min Read

Donald Trump and Presidential Transitions

GS-II : International Relations U.S.A

Donald Trump and Presidential Transitions

  • After one of the most contentious elections and presidential transitions in recent history, it was a relatively scaled-back inauguration ceremony that finally placed 46th President of the U.S. Joe Biden in the Oval Office.
  • The devastating human and economic toll of the COVID-19 pandemic, combined with deep partisan rancour and the bitter aftertaste of the Capitol building attack earlier this month, meant that Inauguration Day was less a flamboyant extravaganza than a quiet celebration of multicultural America reasserting itself.
  • There could have been no greater symbol of that assertion than the swearing-in of Kamala Harris, his running mate of Indian and African descent, as Vice-President — the first woman ever to hold that position. Mr. Biden’s predecessor, Donald Trump, chose to not attend the event, making him only the fourth President to do so.

  • Nevertheless, bipartisan goodwill was present on the dais before the Capitol building, as Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts administered the oath of office to Mr. Biden, including former Vice-President Mike Pence, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and former President George W. Bush.
  • It was bipartisanship and societal healing that appeared to be the theme of Mr. Biden’s speech, as he vowed to unite all Americans to fight the foes they faced, of “Anger, resentment, hatred. Extremism, lawlessness, violence. Disease, joblessness, hopelessness”.
  • To the world, he committed to lead “by the power of our example”.
  • It was a demonstration of not only power but political intent when, on his first day in office, Mr. Biden expediently reversed a range of Trump-era actions by issuing 17 executive orders and directives to cancel the U.S.’s exit from the Paris Climate Agreement and WHO, include non-citizens in the census count, protect immigrants under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals programme from heightened risk of deportation, revoke the “Remain in Mexico” policy, halt construction of the infamous southern border wall and end the egregious “Muslim ban”.
  • While these decisive actions may have felt like a balm to Democrats, he would do well to remember, as he goes about dismantling the Trump legacy, that 74 million people voted for his opponent, and Mr. Trump has encouraged them to believe that the election was stolen.
  • If the Capitol building attack was an indication of the unhinged rage seething below the ostensibly peaceful transfer of power, it may not be long before the America of economically disenchanted white privilege again rears its head in a manner that today’s political victors find unsavoury.
  • The fact that the White House, Senate and House of Representatives are now firmly in the grip of Democrats should not be cause for giving up on bipartisan moderation. Or else Mr. Biden’s search for a more perfect Union may take longer.

Source: TH

India – China Border dispute in Arunachal Pradesh

GS-II : International Relations Border disputes

India – China Border dispute in Arunachal Pradesh

  • China said its construction of a village across the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Arunachal Pradesh was “beyond reproach” because it had “never recognised” Arunachal.
  • India’s Ministry of External Affairs said earlier this week it was aware of the construction “along the LAC”.
  • This followed a report showing satellite images of the village, built between November 2019 and November 2020 and located a couple of kilometres across the LAC, beyond what India sees as the border separating Arunachal Pradesh and Tibet, on the banks of the Tsari Chu river in Upper Subansiri district in Arunachal.
  • Indian officials said this area has been under Chinese control since 1959. There are close to two dozen spots along the entire length of the LAC in all sectors where India and China do not agree on their alignment.
  • Indian officials said China had earlier built permanent construction of military barracks in this area. The construction of the village has been seen by analysts as a move to bolster China’s claim to the area, and part of a broader recent push by China to build civilian settlements in disputed frontier areas, which it has also done with Bhutan.
  • The Chinese Foreign Ministry said that China’s “position on Zangnan [or South Tibet, as China refers to Arunachal] region is consistent and clear”. “We never recognised the so-called Arunachal Pradesh,.
  • “China’s development and construction activities within our own territory is normal. This is beyond reproach as it is in our territory.”
  • The Communist Party-run Global Times newspaper, in a report earlier this week, said the area “has never been recognised by the Chinese government”.
  • “China and India haven’t demarcated the borderline of this area yet. So they cannot accuse China of building a village on the Indian side,”.
  • That is in large part because China has refused to exchange maps showing its LAC perception in the eastern sector, leaving unclear the extent of its claims on what is under its control. There is no doubt that the Tsari Chu basin is an inherent part of China’s territory” said the Chinese side.
  • The site of the village is close to where China had attacked an Assam Rifles post in 1959, in what is known as the Longju incident, said south India-based Tibet scholar Claude Arpi. He said it is at least 2 km south of the McMahon Line, which China doesn’t recognise. After the 1962 war, India stopped patrolling the area.
  • Mr. Arpi said the construction appeared to be part of a programme by China to build what it calls “poverty alleviation” villages. He estimates that under the initiative, launched after a Tibet economic work conference in 2015, some 600 villages have been built, of which around 100 are in border areas. “While the government calls them poverty alleviation villages, some of the villages in border areas are very remote with little economic activity there, so they appear to have a strategic purpose,” he said, adding that people had been moved to some of the new villages from other parts of Tibet, including families of herders, to occupy the newly built houses. Another village built last year, called Pangda, was built 2-3 km inside what Bhutan sees as its territory, in another disputed area.
  • The new village in Arunachal is around 30 km from another well-known border village called Yumai, which made headlines in China in 2017 when President Xi Jinping sent a letter to its residents saying he hoped they “will motivate more herders to set down roots in the border area like gal sang flowers, and become guardians of Chinese territory”.
  • In 2015, the Chinese National Geography magazine reported that “the Tibetan family’s residence there had helped China maintain control of the territory”, said a report in the South China Morning Post. “Yumai would be occupied by India already if the family had decided to leave,” the village’s head was quoted as saying.

Source: TH

Analysis of Whatsapp Privacy Policy

GS-III : Internal security Privacy Vs Security

Analysis of Whatsapp Privacy Policy

  • Data localisation is not the only approach to protecting data privacy.
  • Following an exodus of its users from its messaging service, WhatsApp, to apps such as Signal and Telegram, which promise more privacy options, the Facebook-owned service might have been forced to postpone the date for users to accept its new privacy policy terms to May 15.
  • In just days after the earlier announcement by WhatsApp, Signal has emerged as the leading app on “app-stores” as Indian users signalled their discomfort with the former’s data sharing policies.
  • WhatsApp, with 459 million users, had emerged as the leading communications application for most Indians.
  • What has caused patrons discomfort is WhatsApp’s ability to seamlessly share user metadata and mobile information with its parent company and social media behemoth, Facebook.
  • Facebook Inc., which also owns Instagram, has sought to integrate the offerings from WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook, with the former acting also as a tool that secures payments for services and ads posted on the latter two applications, beyond its primary use as a messaging service.
  • This integration of three large consumption products is a means to monetise their everyday use by consumers and considering the fact that Facebook’s revenue model uses data on its platform to allow advertisers to target ads toward users, the algorithms would benefit from the WhatsApp data as well.
  • Such data transfer from WhatsApp to Facebook is not possible in regions such as the EU, where data protection laws have stringent restrictions on the storage and transfer of user data.
  • This regionally differential treatment has attracted the attention of the Ministry of Electronics and IT, which has sent WhatsApp a series of queries, including why Indian users would be sharing information with Facebook, unlike in Europe.
  • The onus is also on the Indian government to quickly take up the legislation for robust data protection, which aligns with the recommendations of the Srikrishna Committee, which tried to address concerns about online data privacy in line with the 2018 Puttaswamy judgment.
  • The draft Bill proposed by the government in 2019 diluted some of the provisos, for example, by limiting data localisation in proposing that only sensitive personal data needed to be mirrored in the country, and not all personal data as mandated by the committee.
  • But data localisation as proposed by the committee may not necessarily lead to better data privacy, as it carries the possibility of domestic surveillance over Indian citizens.
  • Privacy is better addressed by stronger contractual conditions on data sharing and better security tools being adopted by the applications that secure user data.
  • The proposed Bill has some of these features, similar to Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation, but it also requires stronger checks on state surveillance before it is passed.

For the features of New Whatsapp Privacy Policy: click here

Source: TH

CoWIN software enhanced for vaccine rollout


CoWIN software enhanced for vaccine rollout

  • An enhancement in Co-WIN software has been introduced to cater to the creation of more session sites, more sessions per site, and a change in site location, which is now allowed.
  • “The enhanced version also allows planning and scheduling the sessions for entire week and works for the enhanced safety of the beneficiaries, tagging of contraindications. These new features are being enabled in vaccinator module,.
  • Health Minister Harsh Vardhan, unveiled an IEC (information, education, communication) campaign with a series of posters to address the issue of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, stating that India is one of the few countries to halt the march of COVID-19 and simultaneously develop a vaccine for COVID-19.
  • The cumulative number of healthcare workers vaccinated against COVID-19 has touched 9,99,065 (till 6 p.m. on Thursday) through a total of 18,159 sessions, according to a provisional report.
  • A total of 4,041 sessions were held till 6 p.m. on Thursday, and 1,92,581 beneficiaries were vaccinated on the sixth day of the nationwide COVID-19 vaccination, said the Health Ministry on Thursday, adding that there are no cases of serious/severe AEFI (adverse event following immunisation) attributable to vaccination till date.

Source: TH

First-ever Khelo India Zanskar Winter Sports Festival begins in Ladakh

GS-I : Art and Culture Places in NEWS

First-ever Khelo India Zanskar Winter Sports Festival begins in Ladakh

Union Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Kiren Rijiju inaugurated the first-ever Khelo India Zanskar Winter Sports Festival on January 21, 2021, at Padum in Zanskar of Kargil district.

The 13-day festival has been organised by the Ladakh UT Administration to promote Zanskar as a winter tourist destination. The Union Sports Minister said that Zanskar used to remain cut off from the rest of the world for 5-6 months due to heavy snow but no more now.

The Union Sports Ministry plans to provide sports facilities in all regions of Ladakh. It aims to promote Ladakh as a centre for Ice Hockey and soon open a centre for archery and polo in two areas in the region.

Source: PIB

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