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20 Jan, 2023

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Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2022

GS-II : Governance Education

Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2022

  • ASER, a comprehensive citizen-led household survey, has been published. It offers a picture of children's education and learning in rural India.
  • The pandemic's effects on education are highlighted in the NGO Pratham's 17th Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2022.

Findings of report:

Enrollment overall:

  • For the past 15 years, the enrollment rate for students aged 6 to 14 years has been above 95%. Despite the pandemic-related closure of some schools, overall enrollment climbed from 97.2% in 2018 to 98.4% in 2022.
  • Enrollment in government schools: From 65.6% in 2018 to 72.9% in 2022, the percentage of kids (aged 6 to 14) enrolled in government schools climbed significantly.
  • The percentage of girls aged 11 to 14 who are not enrolled in school nationwide in 2022 is 2%. Only in Uttar Pradesh does this number hover around 4%; in all other states, it is lower.

Basic Reading and Arithmetic Skills:

  • In India, young children in Classes 3 and 5 had much less proficiency in basic reading and math.
  • For most grades nationwide, children's fundamental math proficiency levels have fallen below levels from 2018. But compared to basic reading, the decreases are less abrupt and the picture is more complex.
  • Children's proficiency in reading basic English sentences has been roughly constant across the country for students in Standard V (from 24.7% in 2016 to 24.5% in 2022). For kids in Standard VIII, there have been slight improvements (from 45.3% in 2016 to 46.7% in 2022).

Student and teacher attendance:

  • The attendance of pupils and teachers has not significantly changed at the All-India level. Between 2018 and 2022, the average teacher attendance rate grew significantly, from 85.4% to 87.1%. Over the past few years, the average student attendance has been steady at 72%.

School Resources:

  • In 2022, 68.4% of schools had functioning girls' restrooms, up from 66.4% in 2018.
  • Over the same time period, the percentage of schools with access to drinking water went from 74.8% to 76%, and the percentage of schools where students use books outside textbooks increased from 36.9% to 44%.
  • From 26.4% in 2018 to 30.5% in 2022, more children in Standard I through VIII nationwide enrolled in paid private tuition programs.

About ASER:

  • An annual household survey conducted by citizens called the ASER tries to determine whether or not school-age children in rural India are enrolled and whether they are receiving instruction.
  • Since 2005, ASER has been done annually in all of India's rural districts. It is India's biggest citizen-led survey.
  • Urban areas are not included in the ASER because it is a rural study. ASER 2022 provided estimates of children's enrollment status and basic skills at the district, state, and national levels for almost 700,000 kids in over 19,000 villages across 616 districts in India.
  • At the national, state, and district levels, ASER surveys offered representative estimates of the enrollment status of children aged 3–16 and the basic reading and math skills of children aged 5–16.
  • ASER has significantly contributed to the fact that the topic of learning is now front and center in conversations and debates about education in India.
  • Numerous papers, including the World Bank's 2018 World Development Report and the NITI Aayog's Three-Year Action Agenda for 2017-18 to 2019-20, have incorporated ASER data.

Source: The Indian Express

World Economic Forum 2023

GS-II : International Relations International issues

World Economic Forum 2023

The 2023 Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF), held in Davos, Switzerland, has ended.

Regarding the Annual Meeting:

  • The World Economic Forum's annual gathering was in its 53rd year.
  • 52 heads of state or government are among the 2,700 leaders from 130 nations who have gathered for the gathering.
  • This year's topic was "Cooperation in a Fragmented World," which was set against the backdrop of the conflict in Russia and Ukraine, climate change, and a shifting international political landscape.

What will be the highlights of the Davos Summit in 2023?

Trade Ministers' Coalition on Climate:

  • Over 50 nations have joined a new Coalition of Trade Ministers on Climate to advance global cooperation on trade, the environment, and sustainable development.
  • Stakeholders emphasised the importance of free trade all around the world. The free trade system, which has promoted global economic progress and increased human freedom, remains a worldwide public benefit that cannot be abandoned, even in the current fragmented global economic landscape.
  • Giving to Amplify Earth Action (GAEA) is a global initiative led by the WEF and supported by more than 45 partners. It aims to finance new and existing public, private, and philanthropic partnerships (PPPPs) in order to help raise the $3 trillion in annual funding necessary to achieve net zero, stop the loss of the environment, and restore biodiversity by the year 2050.
  • Global Collaboration Village: The WEF has announced the launch of the Global Collaboration Village, its own metaverse platform.
  • It is claimed that more effective communication between global leaders will be possible in the digital environment, which is created to seem like the real town of Davos where the organisation meets once a year.

Chief Economists Outlook:

  • A cautious tone was set in the WEF’s Chief Economist's Outlook, which was released. According to the study, two-thirds of respondents believed that a worldwide recession will occur in 2023.
  • It examines the main economic developments, including inflation, growth prospects, and monetary and fiscal policies.
  • The World Economic Forum Chief Economists Outlook, January 2023 finds that growth prospects remain anaemic and the risk of a global recession is high.
  • The IMF expects around a third of the global economy to enter a recession in 2023 and it has cut its forecast of global GDP for the year to 2.7%.
  • Businesses face a "triple challenge" at the start of 2023, according to the report: continued high prices of key inputs, alongside tightening monetary policy and weakening demand.
  • A new 100-day target for the pandemic response was established by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness and Innovations (CEPI).
  • To hasten the creation of vaccines and other biologic pandemic defences, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the governments of India and Norway, and the World Economic Forum established CEPI in 2017. Its headquarters is in Oslo, Norway.

India at the 2023 Davos

  • By 2035, India will have the third $10 trillion economy, according to the Center for Economics and Business Research (CEBR).
  • Leaders from around the world praised India's physical and digital infrastructure prowess as well as its capacity to draw foreign investment through programmes like Product-Linked Incentives (PLI). However, they also emphasised the need for labour and land market reforms
  • In order to collaborate on the urban transformation agenda, the forum and the Maharashtra Institution for Transformation (MITRA) struck a collaboration.
  • In Telangana, the forum also opened its first thematic centre focused on healthcare and life sciences.
  • Additionally, Telangana and Allox Advance Materials Pvt Ltd signed a contract to establish a production facility for C-LFP (Lithium Iron Phosphate) active battery materials.

About The World Economic Forum:

  • The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a nonprofit organisation situated in Geneva, Switzerland that was founded in 1971.
  • It is recognised as the international organisation for public-private partnership by Swiss authorities.
  • The organization's mission is to impact the agendas of nations, regions, and industries by collaborating with leaders in business, politics, academia, and other spheres of society.

Additional Important Lessons from the Annual Meeting:

  • Reopening in China: The bullish outlook has been boosted by China discontinuing its Zero-Covid Policy and reopening its businesses. However, doing so would increase its energy usage, which would raise energy prices.
  • Friendshoring: As the major trading powers of the United States, Europe, and China pushed their new industrial policies, the World Trade Organization urged the economies to be wary of friendshoring. (Friendshoring means :The technique of moving supply chains to nations with less danger of disruption from political unrest).
  • Ukraine-Russia War: Ukraine sought additional financial aid to reconstruct after the war as well as more military assistance to fight its war against Russia.
  • Everyone was in agreement that more funding and green energy were required to combat climate change.

Source: The Indian Express

IL-38 Aircraft

GS-III : S&T Defense system

IL-38 Aircraft

  • Indian Navy's IL-38 Aircraft will take part in the 74th Republic Day celebrations at the Kartavya Path for the first time and perhaps the last time.
  • It will be among the 50 aircraft including 9 Rafales of the Indian Air Force- will take part in the event.

What is an IL-38 Aircraft?

  • IL-38 is a maritime reconnaissance aircraft that was commissioned into the Indian Navy in 1977 and remained a formidable air asset throughout its service life for nearly 44 years.
  • It was with the induction of IL 38 aircraft that the Navy moved into the arena of airborne Long Range Maritime Reconnaissance (LRMR) combined with long-range anti-submarine search and strike, anti-shipping strike, electronic signal intelligence and distant SAR.
  • The IL 38 is an all-weather aircraft with a huge operational range and a high endurance. having flown for about 10,000 hours in total.

Source: The Indian Express

Schools of Eminence Project

GS-II : Governance Education

Schools of Eminence Project

The Schools of Eminence were recently introduced by the Punjab Chief Minister.

Major Points:

  • With a focus on grades 9 to 12, the project will improve 117 state-run schools in 23 districts.
  • Along with using cutting-edge teaching techniques, students will receive coaching for professional tests in addition to career-related counseling.


  • Rethinking education in public schools, focusing on kids' overall development and training them to be responsible citizens.

Built upon five pillars:

  • Modernized infrastructure,
  • Academics,
  • Management of human resources,
  • Co-curricular pursuits, sports, and
  • Community engagement.


  • The project would be funded with 200 crore rupees from the government's budget.


  • The endeavour might be a "revolutionary" step toward securing the students' bright futures.
  • Teachers must play a crucial role in bringing about qualitative change in the education sector as they serve as nation builders.
  • It is a significant step in the direction of making Punjab a true leader in education.

Read Also: Jal Jeevan Mission

Source: The Indian Express

Operation Alert Exercise

GS-III : Internal security Border Areas

Operation Alert Exercise

The Border Security Force (BSF) recently began a seven-day drill called "Ops Alert."

Major takeaways:

  • Beginning on January 21 and running through January 28, approximately.
  • From Sir Creek (a marshy area) to the Rann of Kutch in Gujarat and the Barmer district of Rajasthan, which is on the international border between India and Pakistan.
  • As part of the drill, the BSF will conduct special operations in the "Harami Nalla," creeks, and forward and depth regions.
  • As part of the exercise, it has also scheduled public engagement programmes.


  • To increase security along the border between India and Pakistan in the Barmer and Kutch districts of Gujarat.
  • During the Republic Day celebrations, these actions are being taken to "thwart any malign intents of anti-national elements."

Government Efforts:

  • For the first time, concrete "permanent vertical bunkers" are being built to house BSF troops directly at the strategically important Sir Creek and Harami Nalla marshland area in order to increase security.
  • In light of the ongoing influx of Pakistani fishermen and fishing boats into the area, the Union Home Ministry has approved a Rs 50 crore fund for the construction of eight multi-story bunkers and observation stations along the Bhuj sector.

About Sir Creek:

  • Sir Creek was formerly known as Ban Ganga, and it bears the name of a British representative.
  • It is a 96 km long stretch of water in the Rann of Kutch marshes that is under dispute between India and Pakistan.
  • It connects to the Arabian Sea and generally separates Pakistan's Sindh Province from Gujarat's Kutch area.
  • India contends that the line of demarcation should be in the middle, whereas Pakistan claims the entire width of the estuary.

The Harami Nalla:

  • It’s the other name for the Sir Creek area.
  • The region, a 22-kilometre long and around 8 km wide marshy tract, is usually passable.

Source: Times Of India

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