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19 Nov, 2019

13 Min Read

Representation in Rajya Sabha


Syllabus subtopic: Parliament and State Legislatures – structure, functioning, conduct of business, powers & privileges and issues arising out of these.

News: On the occasion of its 250th session, Rajya Sabha MPs have made the following suggestions:

  1. Giving all States, irrespective of their population and size, an equal number of seats in the Rajya Sabha.
  2. All members, irrespective of their parties’ strength in the House, the same amount of time to speak in debates.

Prelims focus: Rajya Sabha- elections, composition and functions.

Mains focus: significance of Rajya sabha, issues, challenges and solutions.

Need for Rajya Sabha:

  1. The Upper House of the Indian Parliament traces its direct history to the first bicameral legislature introduced in British India in 1919 as a consequence of the Montagu-Chelmsford reforms.
  2. Unlike the US Senate which ensures equal representation for all federal units (each state having two representatives), India’s Rajya Sabha does have more members from populous states.
  3. Even though Indian states are ‘mere administrative units’ which don’t enjoy a constitutionally-assured permanence, their continued existence over all these years and the constitutional separation of power has given them the nature of autonomous units in their own spheres. Therefore, the ‘state-wise’ identity cannot be ruled out completely.
  4. India’s Rajya Sabha has equal powers to the Lok Sabha except for money bills, where it has no jurisdiction.

Arguements that favour abolishing Rajya Sabha

  1. The contemporary argument against it comes from two primary angles:
  2. The first one suggests that a Lok Sabha that has representation from several regional parties more than adequately represents a federal country.
  3. The second argument charges that the Rajya Sabha has become a haven for losers in elections, crony capitalists, compromised journalists and party fundraisers.

What can be done?

It is virtually impossible to abolish the Rajya Sabha without adopting a new Indian Constitution. The bicameral nature of the Indian Parliament is likely to be interpreted as a “basic structure” of the Indian Constitution, rendering it incapable of being amended. Even if this were to be tested, it would be ensnared in a judicial process for a very long time. It is much more practical to try and reform the Rajya Sabha than seeking to abolish it.

Reforms needed:

  1. Have members of the Rajya Sabha be directly elected by the citizens of a state. This will reduce cronyism and patronage appointments.
  2. This step should be combined with equal representation for each state (say, five members) so that large states do not dominate the proceedings in the House.
  3. This streamlined Rajya Sabha should remain deliberative, but there should be deadlines set for responding to bills initiated in the Lok Sabha.

Source: The Hindu

Haryana’s Panchayati Raj amendment

GS-II : Haryana

Syllabus subtopic: Parliament and State Legislatures – structure, functioning, conduct of business, powers & privileges and issues arising out of these.

News: The Haryana Cabinet has taken an in-principle decision to bring an amendment in Section 31 of the Haryana Panchayati Raj Act, 1994, allowing devolution of powers to the Gram Sabha to ban liquor within the local area of a Gram Panchayat.

  • The quorum of the Gram Sabha meeting for passing such a resolution shall be one-tenth of its members.

Prelims focus: About panchayati raj

Mains focus: Issues associated with their functioning, need for more powers.

About Gram sabha

  • The term Gram Sabha is defined in the Constitution of India under Article 243(b).
  • Gram Sabha is the primary body of the Panchayati Raj system and by far the largest.
  • It is a permanent body.
  • The power to annul a decision of the Gram Sabha rests with the Gram Sabha only.


  1. Persons, those who are above 18 years of age.
  2. Living in the village.
  3. Whose names are included in the electoral rolls for the Panchayat at the village level.

Powers and functions:

Constitution mentions that Gram Sabha exercises such powers and performs such functions at the village level as the Legislature of a State may, by law, provide.

Important and specific functions of Gram Sabha:

  1. To help implementation of the development programmes and schemes of the Panchayat.
  2. To identify beneficiaries for different programmes and schemes. However, if the Gram Sabha fails to identify such beneficiaries within a reasonable time, the Gram Panchayat shall identify the beneficiaries.
  3. To solicit support — in cash or kind or both and voluntary labour — from the public for community welfare programmes.
  4. To support the programmes of mass education and family welfare.
  5. To promote unity and harmony among all sections of the society in the village.
  6. To seek clarification from the Mukhiya, Up-Mukhiya and other members of the Gram Panchayat about any particular activity, scheme, income and expenditure.
  7. To discuss and recommend appropriate action with regard to reports of the Vigilance Committee.
  8. Other related matters brought to the notice of the Gram Sabha.
  9. To consider levy of taxes, rates, rents & fees & enhancement of rates thereof.
  10. To consider all such matters as may be referred by the Gram Panchayat for its decision.

Source: The Hindu

Why Satellite Internet is the New Space Race


Syllabus subtopic: Awareness in the fields of IT, Space, Computers, robotics, nano-technology, bio-technology and issues relating to intellectual property rights.

News: SpaceX, the world’s leading private company in space technology, has launched 60 satellites into the low earth orbit, under the Starlink network project

Prelims focus: Different orbits, about the Starlink network project.

Mains focus: Significance of the project and challenges present.

About Starlink Project:

  • The Starlink network is one of several ongoing efforts to start beaming data signals from space.

  • Under the project, the company intends to evolve into a constellation of nearly 12,000 satellites.

  • The aim is to provide low-cost and reliable space-based Internet services to the world.

  • The project announced in 2015, has now 122 satellites in the orbit.

Significance of the project:

The project ensures that reliable and uninterrupted Internet services are universally available in every part of the globe.

  • Currently, about 4 billion people, more than half the world’s population, do not have access to reliable Internet networks.
  • And that is because the traditional ways to deliver the Internet — fibre-optic cables or wireless networks — cannot take it everywhere on Earth.
  • In many remote areas, or places with difficult terrain, it is not feasible or viable to set up cables or mobile towers.
  • Signals from satellites in space can overcome this obstacle easily.

Why use low earth orbit (LEO) instead of geostationary?

Geostationary orbit is located at a height of 35,786 km over the Earth’s surface, directly above the Equator. Satellites in this orbit move at speeds of about 11,000 km per hour, and complete one revolution of the Earth in the same time that the earth rotates once on its axis. To the observer on the ground, therefore, a satellite in geostationary orbit appears stationary.

Advantages: Signals from geostationary orbit can cover a very large part of the Earth. Signals from one satellite can cover roughly a third of the planet — and three to four satellites would be enough to cover the entire Earth. Also, because they appear to be stationary, it is easier to link to them.


  • There is a time lag — called latency — between a user seeking data, and the server sending that data.
  • And because data transfers cannot happen faster than the speed of light (in reality, they take place at significantly lower speeds), the longer the distance that needs to be covered the greater is the time lag, or latency.
  • A transmission from a satellite in geostationary orbit has a latency of about 600 milliseconds.

How low earth orbit seeks to solve this issue?

A satellite in the lower orbit, 200-2,000 km from the Earth’s surface, can bring the lag down to 20-30 milliseconds, roughly the time it takes for terrestrial systems to transfer data.

Concerns over LEOs:

Owing to their lower height, their signals cover a relatively small area. As a result, many more satellites are needed in order to reach signals to every part of the planet.

Other issues include: Increased space debris, increased risk of collisions, and the concern of astronomers that these constellations of space Internet satellites will make it difficult to observe other space objects, and to detect their signals.

Source: Indian Express

IMD World Talent Ranking- 2019

GS-III : Economic Issues Others

IMD World Talent Ranking- 2019

Syllabus subtopic: Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization of resources, growth, development and employment.

News: The 2019 World Talent Ranking was released.

Prelims focus: About the rankings

Mains focus: Issues and concerns highlighted by the report.

About the rankings:

  • It is released by the International Institute for Management Development (IMD). IMD is a business education school based in Switzerland.

  • The ranking is based on the performance in three main categories — investment and development, appeal and readiness.

Performance of countries:

  • The top of the table is still led by European small and mid-size economies. These countries all share high levels of investments in education and a superior quality of life.
  • Switzerland in the first and Denmark in the second position firmly lead the ranking for the seventh year in a row, followed by Sweden, Austria and Luxembourg.

India’s performance:

  1. India has slipped 6 places to 59 rank.
  2. This is due to low quality of life and expenditure on education.
  3. India is also lagging behind fellow BRICs countries – China ranked 42nd on the list, Russia (47th) and South Africa (50th).
  4. India also witnessed one of the sharpest declines among Asian economies owing to low quality of life, negative impact of brain drain, and the low priority of its economy on attracting and retaining talents.
  5. The drop is a combination of several factors including expenditure on education (per student) and the quality of education which may be linked to the GDP growth.
  6. There are other issues such as the effectiveness of the health system and women’s participation in the labour force.

Source: Indian Express

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