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17 Sep, 2022

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 India Discrimination Report 2022: Oxfam India

GS-I : Social issues Gender issue

India Discrimination Report 2022: Oxfam India

  • According to a recent Oxfam India Report, discrimination in India is the sole cause of the job imbalance that affects women in rural areas and 98 per cent of those in urban areas.
  • Based on government data on employment and labour from 2004–2005 through 2019–2020, the report's conclusions.

Important Points:

  • The proportion of the working-age population that actively participates in the labour market, either by working or looking for a job, is known as the labour force participation rate (LFPR).
  • In India, it fell from 42.7% in 2004–05 to 25.1% in 2021, indicating that women are leaving labour despite the country's significant economic growth over that time.

Men and Women's Pay Gap:

  • In 2019–20, 60% of all males aged 15 and older worked regularly for a salary or on their own, compared to 19% of girls in the same age group.
  • Discrimination in the workplace: Women who work as casual employees make around Rs. 3,000 less than their male counterparts.
  • Rising discrimination against SC/ST: Self-employed SC/STs earn Rs 5,000 less than non-SC/STs, and discrimination is responsible for 41% of this difference.
  • Gender discrimination in rural and urban areas: In India, structural gender discrimination leads to significant salary gaps between men and women under "normal circumstances."
  • The data for the years 2004–2005, 2018–19, and 2019–20 provide evidence for this. Between 50% and 70%, there are significant wage discrepancies for temporary employees in both rural and urban locations.

Discrimination Causes

  • Prejudices in society and among employers are to blame for the lower pay for women.
  • Having little access to the education system and the workforce.
  • A sizable portion of highly qualified women desires employment due to societal obligations or domestic duties.
  • A sharp decline in women's informal employment in cities throughout the first quarter of the pandemic.

Constitutional Provisions against Discrimination

  • Equality Before the Law: According to Article 14 of the Indian Constitution, no one should be denied treatment as an equal before the law or the equal protection of the laws on Indian territory.
  • All individuals, whether citizens or non-citizens, statutory corporations, businesses, registered societies, or any other sort of legal person, are granted the right.
  • Discrimination Is Prohibited: According to Article 15, no citizen may be subjected to discrimination solely on the basis of their religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth.
  • Equality of Opportunity in Public Employment: Article 16 of the Indian Constitution guarantees everyone the same chances while applying for jobs or being appointed to public positions.

Suggestions/Next Steps

  • Uphold laws that safeguard the right to equal pay and working conditions.
  • Work to actively encourage women to enter the workforce by measures such as wage increases, skill upgrades, job reservations, simple return-to-work alternatives, particularly following maternity leave, and the ability to work from home, whenever it is feasible.
  • We must make sure that men and women share domestic chores and childcare responsibilities more fairly.
  • Establishing "living wages" in place of minimum wages, especially for all undocumented workers, and formalising contractual, temporary, and casual employment as much as possible


  • The goal of Oxfam, a coalition of 20 independent nonprofit organisations, is to reduce worldwide poverty.
  • It was started in 1942, and Oxfam International was in charge.
  • Since 1951, Oxfam has operated in India. It first arrived in India in response to the famine in Bihar.
  • In 2008, Oxfam India separated from its parent organisation to become an Indian NGO.
  • It is a sizable nonprofit organisation with a wide range of endeavours.
  • HQ: Nairobi, Kenya.
  • A world where the economy is centred on the needs of people and the environment. where girls and women can live without fear of abuse or discrimination. where the climate emergency is under control. and in nations with inclusive governance structures that enable accountability for individuals in positions of authority.

Also, Read - Pacts with the Armed Tribal Groups of the Northeast

Source: The New Indian express

Indo-Pacific Trilateral Framework

GS-II : International Relations France

India, France to set up Indo-Pacific Trilateral Framework

India and France recently decided to increase their collaboration in the Indo-Pacific organisation.

Image Source - En. trend

Details about the news

Trilateral Indo-Pacific framework:

  • Recently, France and India decided to create a trilateral Indo-Pacific framework to implement development initiatives.
  • In separate trilateral agreements with Australia and the United Arab Emirates, India and France also made the decision to increase cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region.

Indo-Pacific region as a whole:

  • A comprehensive Indo-Pacific strategy that aims to offer practical answers for maritime security, regional cooperation, climate change adaptation and mitigation, biodiversity protection, and healthcare is shared by France and India.

Food crisis & Ukraine war:

  • Both countries made the decision to deepen strategic cooperation and committed to collaborating closely to address urgent global concerns including the food crisis brought on by the Ukraine war.
  • The "terrible effects" of the war will be addressed by cooperation between France and India.

France supports India on International organizations/platforms:

  • France offered India's impending G20 presidency its complete support.
  • India's permanent seat in the UNSC:
  • France vowed to keep up the pressure on the UNSC to give India a permanent seat.

India and France Relations:

Strategic partnership:

  • The two nations established a strategic partnership in 1998. In addition to their close and developing bilateral connection, this cooperation is symbolic of their shared perspectives on a number of international issues.
  • Since 1998, when India conducted nuclear tests and the entire world was against us, France has stuck by India through thick and thin.
  • France has persisted in endorsing both the United Nations reforms and India's bid for permanent membership in the Security Council.
  • In order for India to join the Wassenaar Arrangement, Australia Group, and Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), France's backing was essential (AG).
  • France is still in favour of India joining the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG)


  • France is a favoured partner in this region, and a Joint Strategic Vision for Collaboration in the Indian Ocean Region, which was signed by both nations in 2018, provides a framework for cooperation in this area.

Economic cooperation:

  • India and France have significant economic and commercial relations as well as bilateral investments, especially in fields like IT corridors, smart cities, railroads, capital and trade exchanges, skill development, etc.


  • The India-France strategic alliance is built on cooperation in the field of defence.
  • The two nations conduct an annual interaction on defence at the ministerial level since 2018.
  • The three services also regularly conduct defence drills, such as Exercise Varuna (Navy), which is slated to take place in 2020, and Exercise Shakti (Army), which was most recently held in India in November 2019.
  • Purchase of Rafale aircraft: On September 23, 2016, in New Delhi, an intergovernmental agreement was reached to allow India to purchase 36 Rafale fighter aircraft (30 fighter and 6 training) in flyaway condition.

Project P-75 Scorpene:

  • In October 2006, a contract with DCNS (Naval Group) for six Scorpene submarines was struck.


  • Our two countries' strategic alliance has always been centred on space.
  • With ISRO and the French Space Agency (CNES) conducting numerous cooperative research programmes and satellite launches, India and France have a long history of cooperation in the sphere of space dating back more than 50 years.

Environment and renewable energy:

  • PM Modi introduced the International Solar Alliance (ISA) at the UN Climate Change CoP21 in 2015, and France is one of its founding members.

Cooperation in the fields of science, technology, and education:

  • The Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advance Research (CEFIPRA), based in New Delhi and founded in 1987, plays a significant role in the field of science, technology, and engineering by identifying and funding joint proposals for research projects.
  • France is also supporting India in the Jaitpura Nuclear power plant project, in Maharashtra.

In the fight against terrorism:

  • India and France have vowed to collaborate in order to get the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism (CCIT) adopted by the UN.

Way Forward

  • India and France are progressively collaborating in new fields, such as climate change, security in the Indian Ocean region, the International Solar Alliance, and sustainable growth and development, among others.
  • India has a considerable following among French citizens in terms of culture.
  • Since 2016, the Indian Embassy in Paris and other French towns has organised the International Day of Yoga, which has garnered praise from the public and extensive press coverage.
  • Additionally, year-long celebrations have been planned to mark the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi's birth and the 550th anniversary of Shri Gurunanak Devji.

Also, Read - The financial Stability and Development Council

Source: The new India Express

Pacts with the Armed Tribal Groups of the  Northeast

GS-III : Internal security Northeast Issues

Pacts so far with Armed Tribal Groups in the North East

Between the Government of India, Assam, and eight armed indigenous groups, a historic deal has recently been reached.

The deal was signed in order to put an end to Assam's long-running Adivasi and tea garden workers' issue.

Important Points

Tripartite Agreement:

  • The Assam government and eight armed tribal groups in Assam struck an agreement with the central government.
  • Birsa Commando Force (BCF), Adivasi People's Army (APA), All Adivasi National Liberation Army (AANLA), Adivasi Cobra Military of Assam (ACMA), and Santhali Tiger Force (STF) are the organisations that signed the pact.
  • The final three organisations are offshoots of the BCF, AANLA, and ACMA.


  • Assume responsibility for achieving the political, educational, and economic goals of the Assamese tribal population.
  • The goal of this agreement is to not only protect but also strengthen the social, cultural, linguistic, and group identity.

Principal Elements of Pact:

  • According to the agreement, a special package worth Rs 1,000 crore (Rs 500 crore from the Centre and Rs 500 crore from the Assam government) will be given over five years.
  • To facilitate the quick and targeted development of tea estates, a Tribal Welfare and Development Council was established.
  • The agreement also includes provisions for the welfare of armed cadres, including their rehabilitation and resettlement.
  • The position of the Centre is that Assam and the northeast should be free of drugs, terrorism, disputes, and underdeveloped.
  • The disturbed zones under the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) have decreased from a significant portion of the northeast due to the improvement in the security situation.

Recent Insurgency Statistics:

  • Since 2014, some 8,000 rebels have given up their weapons and integrated into society.
  • The fewest insurgent occurrences have occurred in the past 20 years in 2020.
  • There has been a 74% decrease in insurgency events in 2021 as compared to 2014.
  • In the same time frame, there has been an 89% decrease in the number of civilian deaths and a 60% decrease in security force fatalities.

Northeast and AFSPA

  • The AFSPA is currently absent from over 60% of Assam.
  • In Manipur, six districts and 15 police stations were removed from the outer ring of the troubled area.
  • Only three districts and two police stations in one district in Arunachal Pradesh still adhere to the AFSPA.
  • The disturbed area notification was taken down from 15 police stations across seven districts in Nagaland.
  • The AFSPA was totally repealed in Tripura and Meghalaya.

Efforts were taken by the Government for Peace in North East India

2019 NLFT Agreement:

  • Since 1997, the National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT) has been prohibited from engaging in unlawful activities by the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act of 1967 due to its operations across international borders from camps.
  • 88 cadres and 44 weapons were turned over in accordance with the NLFT Agreement 2019.


  • The Tripura, Mizoram, and Assam regions of Northeast India are home to the Bru or Reang population. They are acknowledged as a Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group in Tripura.
  • On January 16, 2020, a historic agreement was made to end the 23-year-old Bru-Reang refugee crisis, resulting in the relocation of more over 37,000 internally displaced people to Tripura.

BODO Accord

  • In Assam, the Bodos are the largest community of the designated Scheduled Tribes, according to the Bodo Accord 2020.
  • Since 1967–1968, they have been requesting a Bodo state.
  • The Bodo Accord, which was signed on January 27, 2020, resulted in the surrender of 1615 cadres and a sizable cache of weapons and ammunition in Guwahati on January 30, 2020, resolving the five-decade-old Bodo dispute in Assam.

The Karbi Anglong Agreement 2021,

  • It which was reached to end the protracted conflict in the Assamese Karbi districts, more than 1000 armed cadres abandoned violence and integrated into society.

Assam-Meghalaya Inter-State Boundary Agreement of 2022 (AMISB Agreement 2022)

  • It was signed on March 29, 2022, to resolve the conflict over six of the twelve sections of the interstate boundary between the two states.

Other Developments in North East:

  • Developmental projects in North East include the Dhubri Phulbari Bridge, National Bamboo Mission, Mahabahu-Brahmaputra Inland Waterway Project, and NE Road Sector Development Scheme.
  • International projects include the Kaladan Multimodal Transit Project, the Act East Policy (Agartala-Akhaura Rail Link), and the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) Corridor.
  • Cultural: Tribal Festivals, North Eastern Cultural and Information Center.

Value of the NE Region:

National Security:

  • The region and its neighbouring nations share a border.
  • The Siliguri Corridor connects the landlocked NE region with the rest of India.

Act East Policy:

  • Myanmar, a country in South-East Asia, is physically adjacent to the North Eastern Region.
  • As a result, it might serve as the "Gateway to SouthEast Asia" for India.

Energy Resources:

  • The North-Eastern region offers enormous potential for hydroelectric energy due to the existence of the Brahmaputra and its tributaries.
  • Similar to that, it has served as a source of natural gas and crude oil through the Digboi oil fields.
  • The Arakan Basin has been identified to contain potential deposits of both oil and natural gas.

Resources for Agriculture:

  • The North Eastern region is endowed with natural resources that are vital to the nation's economic development.
  • Assam tea plantations, bamboo, etc. are a few examples.


  • Because of its lush green scenery, different tribal cultures, clean air, pleasant climate, and distinctive geography, the North Eastern region has the potential to become a major tourist destination.
  • It can be used as a resource for both rural and ecotourism.
  • The North Eastern Region, with its wildlife sanctuaries and parks, excellent scenic beauty, waterfalls, woods, and other natural features, is perfect for both passive and active ecotourism.

Also, Read - Indian Social Entrepreneurship

Source: The Hindu

Financial Stability and Development Council

GS-III : Economic Issues Fiscal Policy

Financial Stability and Development Council

Image Source - India Education Dairy

Recently, the Financial Stability and Development Council's 26th meeting was presided over by the Union Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs (FSDC).

What are the main points of discussion?

  • The council placed a strong emphasis on issues such as improving the effectiveness of the current financial and credit information systems, early warning indicators for the economy and how prepared we are to deal with them, and governance and management concerns in systemically important financial institutions.
  • It was underlined that the government and authorities must continuously evaluate the financial sector's risks, financial conditions, and market developments in order to take prompt, appropriate action to reduce any vulnerabilities and strengthen financial stability.
  • The council noted the planning for the financial sector concerns that will be discussed during India's 2023 G20 Presidency.

About FSDC

  • It was established in 2010 by Executive Order as a non-statutory apex council under the Ministry of Finance.
  • FSDC was initially proposed by the Raghuram Rajan group on banking sector reforms in 2008.
  • Its members comprise the chiefs of all financial sector regulators (RBI, SEBI, PFRDA, and IRDA), the finance secretary, the secretaries of the departments of economic affairs (DEA), financial services (DFS), and the chief economic adviser. It is chaired by the Finance Minister.
  • In 2018, the government reorganised FSDC to include the Secretary of the Department of Electronics and Information Technology, the Chairperson of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI), and the Minister of State in charge of the Department of Economic Affairs (DEA).
  • The Governor of the RBI is in charge of the FSDC sub-committee.
  • If necessary, the Council may call for the attendance of specialists.


  • To improve inter-regulatory coordination, institutionalise financial sector development, and strengthen the system for preserving financial stability.
  • To keep an eye on the macroprudential control of the economy. It evaluates how well-functioning major financial conglomerates.

Also, Read - Qutb Shahi Tombs

Source: PIB

Indian Social Entrepreneurship

GS-IV : Ethics Ethics in Private and Public Relationships

Indian Social Entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship is gaining importance as it helps firms and governments make informed decisions about global socioeconomic and environmental challenges.

Social entrepreneurs: Who are they?

  • It is a structure that combines the notion of a business with the principles of a philanthropic nonprofit organisation.
  • In order to address social injustices, business models centred on affordable goods and services must be developed.
  • The entire investment is focused on the social and environmental mission, which aids in the success of economic efforts.
  • As change agents who use novel ideas to produce major change, social entrepreneurs are often referred to as social innovators.
  • They identify the issues and use their approach to create change.
  • Along with socially responsible investing (SRI) and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investing, social entrepreneurship is a developing trend.

Why are Social Entrepreneurs Important?

  • Social entrepreneurs mostly concentrate on addressing social issues. They start innovation by utilising the resources at their disposal to create social structures in response to societal issues.
  • Social Entrepreneurs as Change Agents: Social entrepreneurs act as change agents in society, influencing others to advance humankind.
  • They serve as social change agents as well as powerful catalysts in society.
  • Change the Situation: They take on the job of generating and maintaining societal value, actively seeking out new opportunities while continuously innovating, adapting, and learning.
  • Increased Accountability: They take risks without being constrained by available resources and show increased accountability to their constituents.
  • Improve People's Lives: For many of the same reasons that people find business entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs so compelling, people are drawn to social entrepreneurs like Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus. These extraordinary individuals come up with brilliant ideas and against all odds succeed in creating new products and services that dramatically improve people's lives.
  • They are also playing a crucial part in the inclusive recovery and community reconstruction at the local level, which is helping to create an inclusive society.

What role may social entrepreneurs play in India's success story?

No longer Without Profit:

  • The development sector in India has experienced a rapid shift, leading to the emergence of social enterprises that are wholly for-profit businesses and are no longer limited to "no-profit" or "low-profit" endeavours.
  • Without donations or subsidies, these for-profit social companies can make enough money to support their operations.

Investing in social impact:

  • The nation's social entrepreneurs are being supported, praised, and cultivated for their capacity to satisfy India's most difficult developmental requirements.
  • The Impact Investors Council (IIC) estimates that more than USD 9 billion has been invested in over 600 impact firms that have a positive impact on 500 million lives in India.
  • Its mission is to encourage private capital to bridge the social investment gap in the country while developing an impact investment asset class.

Deepening Social Innovation Movement:

  • Today’s social entrepreneurs have become elemental innovators and dynamic problem-solvers contributing to India’s development.
  • These enterprises are looking for strategic collaborations, both domestic and international, to innovatively solve unique problems.
  • Extensive use of technology and rapid digitalisation initiatives by the government have further facilitated their innovation streak.

Support of Government:

  • Government support for startups along with the announcement and impending launch of the Social Stock Exchange has paved the way for a more positive atmosphere for social entrepreneurship in India..
  • With the recent announcement of the framework for a social stock exchange by the Securities and Exchange Board of India, social
  • Entrepreneurs would be able to raise more money and exponentially increase their impact and reach.

Sustainability and a Multi-Dimensional Approach:

  • Governments and corporations alike are realising the significance of sustainability.
  • The business models of social entrepreneurs have traditionally focused on the sustainability framework.
  • The government and corporate entities are not only prepared to borrow ideas from their business models and use those lessons, but also to assist these businesses in growing.
  • In addition, a multifaceted strategy must be used to close the socioeconomic gaps that exist in society.

Way ahead

  • These supporters of social issues may be trusted to take on more responsibility and be granted a major portion of the economy in the Amrit Kaal (the 25-year period from 2047). They are motivated by purpose, vision, value, and ethos to have a significant socioeconomic impact.
  • Through their annual Social Entrepreneur of the Year (SEOY) India Award, the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, a sister organisation of the World Economic Forum, and the Jubilant Bhartia Foundation have fostered social entrepreneurship in India for more than ten years. The 13th iteration of the prize is called the SEOY Award India-2022.

Also, Read - Indo-Pacific Trilateral Framework

Source: The Hindu

Qutb Shahi Tombs

GS-I : Art and Culture Architecture

Qutb Shahi Tombs

Tourists will be able to visit Hyderabad's rebuilt Qutb Shahi tombs complex, which would support Hyderabad's bid to become a UNESCO World Heritage City.

Image Source - Telangana Today

Concerning Qutb Shahi Tombs

  • These tombs, which were constructed by the Qutub Shahis, are regarded as some of Hyderabad's oldest historical sites.
  • Located next to the renowned Golconda Fort in the Ibrahim Bagh (garden precinct). They can be found near Banjara Darwaza, which is a kilometre north of Golconda Fort.
  • They contain the tombs and mosques built by the successive monarchs of the Qutub Shahi dynasty.
  • They contain the tombs and mosques built by the successive monarchs of the Qutub Shahi dynasty.
  • They are domed structures built on a square base surrounded by pointed arches, a distinctive style that blends Persian and Indian architectural forms. The tombs are structures with intricately carved stonework and are surrounded by landscaped gardens.

Qutub Shahi Dynasty

  • (1518–1687), rulers of the kingdom of Golconda in the southeastern Deccan of India was one of the five successor states of the Bahman kingdom.
  • After the collapse of the Bahmani Sultanate, the Qutb Shahi dynasty was established in 1512 AD by Sultan-Quli Qutb-ul-Mulk, better known though less correctly referred to in English as "Quli Qutb Shah".
  • In 1636, Mughal emperor Shah Jahan forced the Qutb Shahis to recognize Mughal suzerainty and pay periodic tributes.
  • The dynasty came to an end in 1687 during the reign of its seventh sultan Abul Hasan Qutb Shah, when the Mughal ruler Aurangzeb arrested and jailed Abul Hasan for the rest of his life in Daulatabad, incorporating Golconda into the Mughal empire.
  • The kingdom extended from the parts of modern-day states of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and Telangana.
  • The Golconda sultanate was constantly in conflict with the Adil Shahis and Nizam Shahis.

Also, Read - the GI tag gets Odisha’s Rasagola

Source: PIB

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