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16 May, 2020

85 Min Read

Baltic travel bubble

GS-II : International Relations International issues

Baltic travel bubble

  • The Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have opened their borders to one another, creating a coronavirus "travel bubble".
  • Anybody arriving from outside the zone however must self-isolate for 14 days.
  • This is the first "travel bubble" in Europe since nations began shutting their borders earlier this year in response to the coronavirus outbreak.
  • European Union officials are now trying to encourage other countries to end restrictions on movement as concerns grow about the economic impact of the lockdown. The Baltic states expect their economies to shrink by up to 8% this year.
  • Under the new rules, anyone who has not travelled outside the Baltic states in the past two weeks is not infected and has not been in contact with somebody who has tested positive may travel freely to the other nations.
  • The sparsely populated Baltic states have not been as badly affected by the pandemic as some of their European neighbours.
  • Germany has begun to partially reopen and has said it plans to open all its borders on 15 June provided the new case number does not worsen.

Source: IE/BBC

Virtual courts - worldwide


Virtual courts - worldwide

India: online hearings in SC, HCs

  • The Supreme Court and High Courts have resorted to virtual courtrooms, arguing that physical hearings are not necessary for meeting the constitutional stipulation of “open” courts.
  • Now, with 100 Mbps Internet speed, advocates have been appearing working from home on virtual screens, and some important cases have been heard. The Supreme Court uses email and messaging services for filing of matters and conducting business.
  • Supreme Court passed a seven-page order explaining the reason for moving online: “The Supreme Court of India and all High Courts are authorised to adopt measures required to ensure the robust functioning of the judicial system through the use of video conferencing technologies; and Consistent with the peculiarities of the judicial system in every state and the dynamically developing public health situation, every High Court is authorised to determine the modalities which are suitable to the temporary transition to the use of video conferencing technologies.” District courts too have been directed to move to virtual courts.

Virtual courts in other countries

  • There is a huge backlog of cases, with about 80 million pending in Brazil and about 30 million in India.
  • Virtual courts have been hearing cases in Brazil, UK, China, Singapore, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Peru and Hungary.
  • The South African and Ugandan judiciary is using Zoom, while New Zealand is using Microsoft teams for virtual hearings.
  • A Court in Nova Scotia, Canada, has suggested that even tele-warrants and PDFs be made acceptable.

Other means

  • The US Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments via telephone.
  • In Norway, a criminal court only read written submissions (no one was heard) before passing an order in a rape case
  • Courts in Germany continue to operate physically, but the Federal Court is closed to outsider.
  • France has restricted court work to certain categories of cases.
  • Israel’s Supreme Court too had stopped hearing non-urgent matters, but from May 3 has started hearing more matters, including criminal cases.
  • Argentina’s Supreme Court had suspended all court activity but is now providing a minimal level of service.

Is future virtual?

On April 16, the Hague Conference on Private International Law announced the Guide to Good Practice on the Use of Video-Link under the 1970 Evidence Convention.

A community set up during the First International Forum on Online Courts in December 2018, with 300 people from 26 countries, has grown into Remote Courts Worldwide. It has noted digital courts in some form are operational in five continents, and full return to offline may be difficult.

Source: IE

NIPER-Guwahati designs innovative 3D products to fight COVID-19


NIPER-Guwahati designs innovative 3D products to fight COVID-19

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research - Guwahati (NIPER-G) have come out with two products of help in the fight against the pandemic outbreak of COVID-19 .

  1. The first product is a 3D-printed hands-free object that could be used to help open or close doors, windows, drawers (both vertical and horizontal), and refrigerator handle, or press elevator buttons, and laptop/desktop keyboards, including turning the switch buttons on/off.

The researchers came up with the design for the fabrication of the 3D-printed object after detailed analyses of several resources for risk measurement and on how viruses spread through bare hands. The face shield is also easy to design and it is possible to have rapid development of prototypes.

It is also low cost, easy to wear, has good chemical stability, non-fragile and is easy to clean with the existing sanitizers or any alcoholic disinfectant.

  1. The second product is a 3D-printed antimicrobial face-shield to control the spread of novel coronavirus. It was designed after a thorough study to understand how viruses spread through oral, ophthalmic, olfactory and other body cavities

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research

NIPERs are Centres of Excellence institutes of under the Department of Pharmaceutical, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers. The seven institutes are functional at Ahmadabad, Hyderabad, Hajipur, Kolkata, Guwahati, Mohali, and Raebareli.

Source: PIB

Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana (PMKSY)


Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana (PMKSY)

The Central Sector Scheme - SAMPADA (Scheme for Agro-Marine Processing and Development of Agro-Processing Clusters) was approved by the cabinet in May 2017 for the period of 2016-20 coterminous with the 14th Finance Commission cycle. The scheme has now been renamed as the "Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana (PMKSY)".

It is an umbrella scheme incorporating ongoing schemes of the Ministry like Mega Food Parks, Integrated Cold Chain and Value Addition Infrastructure, Food Safety and Quality Assurance Infrastructure, etc. and also new schemes like Infrastructure for Agro-processing Clusters, Creation of Backward and Forward Linkages, Creation / Expansion of Food Processing & Preservation Capacities.


The objective of PMKSY is to supplement agriculture, modernize processing and decrease Agri-Waste.

Under PMKSY the following schemes are to be implemented.

  • Mega Food Parks
  • Integrated Cold Chain, Value Addition and Preservation Infrastructure
  • Creation/Expansion of Food Processing/Preservation Capacities
  • Infrastructure for Agro Processing Clusters
  • Scheme for Creation of Backward and Forward Linkages
  • Food Safety & Quality Assurance Infrastructure
  • Human Resources and Institutions

Financial Allocation

PMKSY with an allocation of Rs. 6,000 crore is expected to leverage investment of Rs. 31,400 crore, handling of 334 lakh MT agro-produce valuing Rs. 1,04,125 crore, benefit 20 lakh farmers and generate 5,30,500 direct/ indirect employment in the country by the year 2019-20.


  • The implementation of PMKSY will result in creation of modern infrastructure with efficient supply chain management from farm gate to retail outlet.
  • It will provide a big boost to the growth of food processing sector in the country.
  • It will help in providing better prices to farmers and is a big step towards doubling of farmers’ income.
  • It will create huge employment opportunities especially in the rural areas.
  • It will also help in reducing wastage of agricultural produce, increasing the processing level, availability of safe and convenient processed foods at affordable price to consumers and enhancing the export of the processed foods.


Economic package announced by Finance Minister

GS-III : Economic Issues Economic bailout plan

The economic package announced by Finance Minister

Part of: GS-III- Economy- Bailout plan (PT-MAINS-PERSONALITY TEST)

This whole initiative is called Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan. She said, PM Modi in his address to the nation had outlined his vision for a self-reliant India and exhorted the Indians to become vocal about our local products.

The Finance Minister said this vision was laid out after wide consultations with several sections of society. She said the focus will be on the factors of production, labour, land, liquidity and law.
She said it will improve the ease of doing business. The intention is to build and take local brands to a global level. She said Self-reliant India does not mean cutting off from the rest of the world.

1st tranche


Giving details about the package, Nirmala Sitharaman announced 3 lakh crore rupees of Collateral-free Automatic Loans for Businesses, including MSMEs. She said, to provide stressed MSMEs with equity support, Government will facilitate the provision of 20 thousand crore rupees as subordinate debt.

She also said that 50 thousand crore rupees equity infusion for MSMEs through Fund of Funds will be operated through a Mother Fund and few daughter funds. She said, this will help to expand MSME size as well as capacity. The Finance Minister also said that definition of MSMEs has been revised and investment limit will be revised upwards and additional criteria of turnover is also being introduced.

PDF reforms

The Finance Minister also announced that Statutory PF contribution by employers has been reduced to 10 per cent from 12 per cent for three months from June to August to provide 6,750 crore rupees liquidity relief. For NBFCs, housing finance companies and Micro Financial Institutional reforms

Ms Sitharaman announced a sum of 30 thousand crore rupees for Non-Banking Financial Companies, Housing Finance Companies-HFCs and Micro Finance Institutions under a special liquidity scheme Further, 45 thousand crore rupees partial credit guarantee scheme 2.0 was also unveiled for NBFCs, HFCs, and MFIs with low credit rating to help them extend loans to individuals and MSMEs.

Tax reforms

In a major announcement by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) and Tax Collected at Source (TCS) have been reduced by 25 per cent till 31st March of next year. This decision will increase the cash flow by over 50 thousand crore rupees benefitting common people. The date for filing the Income Tax return for the last financial year has also been extended till 30th November, while the last date for filing tax audits has been extended from 30th September to 31st October.

Contract reforms

Providing relief to the construction companies, Central agencies like Railways, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways and Central Public Works, has been asked to grant an extension of six months for the completion of work covering construction and other related contracts.

Real estate reforms

In a relief to real estate developers, Finance Minister also informed that the deadline for completion of projects will be extended by up to six months, treating the coronavirus outbreak as an event of 'force Majeure under the realty law RERA. Finance Minister informed that the Urban Development ministry will issue an advisory to all the States and Union Territories to treat the Covid-19 period event as force majeure. The move will benefit the real estate sector and agencies which have been entrusted to complete civil work.

For power sector

In a relief to Power Distribution companies, Finance Minister announced a liquidity flow of 90 thousand crore rupees to the PFCs and RECs. Vivaan se Vishwas scheme has also been extended up to 31st December without the obligation of any extra payment.

2nd tranche

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman unveils the second set of relief measures under Aatma-Nirbhar

For migrants and the urban poor, the government announced affordable rental accommodation.

Government-funded housing in cities will be converted into Affordable Rental Housing Complexes under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, while both Government and Private bodies will be incentivized to develop Affordable Rental Housing Complexes on their land.

Under the MUDRA scheme, small businesses will be revamped through the 1,500 crore rupees interest subvention scheme. The government will also provide interest subvention of two per cent for the next 12 months for beneficiaries of the MUDRA-Shishu loan Yojana.

Benefitting the street vendors, a special credit facility of five thousand crore rupees has been announced. The decision aimed at benefitting over 50 lakh street vendors will also provide an initial working capital of up to 10 thousand rupees to the vendors.

Ms Sitharaman informed that Government is committed to spurring employment creation across the country. In it’s this endeavour, Funds from the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA) have been channelized to generate employment in the tribal areas of the country. The Minister informed that proposals worth six thousand crore rupees to help generate employment for tribals for afforestation and plantation-related works are already under the pipeline.

In a major relief to middle-income families, the government also extended the Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS) up to March next year. This move is seen to benefit around 2.5 lakh families and will also lead to an investment of over 70 thousand crores in the housing sector. Investment in the housing sector arising out of this decision will further help in the creation of jobs and will also stimulate demand for steel, cement, transport, and other construction material.

Ms. Sitharaman also enumerated a series of relief packages introduced by the government for rural India, since the onset of COVID-19 in the country. She informed that the government has sanctioned 25 lakh new Kisan Credit Cards with a loan limit of 25 thousand crore rupees.

Liquidity support has been extended to farmers by the 63 lakh loans amounting to 86 thousand 600 crores. She asserted that the refinancing of 29 thousand 500 crores by NABARD to cooperative banks and Regional Rural Banks in March and support of four thousand 200 crores provided under the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund has boosted the rural economy. She also made a reference to the efforts to reach out to the urban poor by permitting states to utilize the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF). These funds amounting to nearly 11 thousand crores were utilized to set up shelters for migrant labourers and provide them with food and water

Finance Minister said, the Central Government is supporting a number of Self-Help Groups, which are indulged in the production of masks and sanitisers. She said, seven thousand 200 new self-help groups have been formed since 15th March to create employment opportunities.

Ms Sitharaman said the government is supporting migrant labourers who have returned to their home states by creating work under the MNREGA. Over two crore 30 lakh people have been given employment under this scheme across the different village panchayats in the country.

She also made a mention the hike in the Average wage rate of the labourers to 202 rupees from 182 in the last Financial Year. She informed that a special drive has been undertaken to enrol returning migrants and provide them jobs under the MNREGA.

The Minister also highlighted some of the measures already in place to benefit workers in the country including universalization of rights of minimum wages and their timely payment, issuance of appointment letters for all workers, and annual health check-ups for all employees among others.

3rd tranche

The Minister said the third tranche, would focus on infrastructure and building capacities in agriculture and allied activities.

Creation of 1lakh crore agriinfrastructural Fund

  • This fund will be used for setting up cold chains and post-harvest management infrastructure.
  • The Minister also announced a 10,000 crore rupee scheme for the formalisation of micro food enterprises, MFEs.
  • The scheme will be launched to help 2 lakh MFEs by adopting cluster-based approaches such as mango in Uttar Pradesh, Kesar in Jammu and Kashmir, bamboo shoot in North-East, chilli in Andhra Pradesh, and tapioca in Tamil Nadu.
  • This fund would help in reaching untapped export markets in view of improved health consciousness.
    She said that in the last two months of lockdown, several measures have been taken to support farmers, including minimum support price purchases of 73,300 crore rupees.

The government will also launch a 20,000 crore rupees Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana for the development of marine and inland fisheries. Of this, 11,000 crore rupees will be earmarked for activities in marine, inland fisheries and aquaculture while 9,000 crore rupees for infrastructure creation such as fishing harbours, cold chains and markets. This will provide employment to over 55 lakh persons and double exports to one lakh crore rupees.

The Finance Minister said the ongoing National Animal Disease Control Programme for Foot and Mouth Disease and Brucellosis will look at 100 per cent vaccination of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, and pigs against Foot and Mouth Disease at an outlay of 13,343 crore rupees.

In addition to this, a 15,000 crore rupees Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund was announced to support private investment in dairy processing, value addition and cattle feed infrastructure.

The government has launched a 4,000 crore rupees fund to promote herbal cultivation in about 10 lakh hectares of area. The scheme will help generate 5,000 crore rupees income for farmers. Along the bank of Ganga, a corridor of medicinal plants will be developed over 800 hectares of area.

Another 500 crore rupees have been earmarked for beekeeping initiatives, helping 2 lakh beekeepers.

The government extended Operation Greens from tomato, onion and potato to all fruits and vegetables by providing an additional fund of 500 crore rupees. This money would go into providing subsidies on transportation from surplus to deficient markets as well as on storage including cold storage. Ms Sitharaman said the scheme will prevent distress sales by farmers.
The Finance Minister also announced an amendment to Essential Commodities Act to enable better price realisation for farmers. The amendment will be largely towards de-regulating certain crops, like potatoes, cereals, and onions. No stock limit shall apply for food processing units, value-addition corporations, and exporters.

Source: PIB

Model Contract Farming Act, 2018


Model Contract Farming Act, 2018

With a view to integrate farmers with bulk purchasers including exporters, agro- industries etc. for better price realization through mitigation of market and price risks to the farmers and ensuring smooth agro raw material supply to the agro industries, a “Model Contract Farming Act” has been prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare for circulation to the States for its adoption.

Farmer’s producer organizations (FPO’s) have a major role in promoting Contract Farming and Services Contract. On behalf of farmers they can enter into agreement with the sponsor.

Title of the Act

The final Model Act is titled "The State/UT Agricultural Produce and Livestock Contract Farming and Services (Promotion & Facilitation) Act 2018".

Salient features of Model Contract Farming Act, 2018

  • The Act lays special emphasis on protecting the interests of the farmers, considering them as weaker of the two parties entering into a contract.
  • In addition to contract farming, services contracts all along the value chain including pre-production, production and post-production have been included.
  • "Registering and Agreement Recording Committee" or an "Officer" for the purpose at district/block/ taluka level for online registration of sponsor and recording of agreement provided.
  • Contracted produce is to be covered under crop / livestock insurance in operation.
  • Contract framing to be outside the ambit of APMC Act.
  • No permanent structure can be developed on farmers’ land/premises
  • No right, title of interest of the land shall vest in the sponsor.
  • Promotion of Farmer Producer Organization (FPOs) / Farmer Producer Companies (FPCs) to mobilize small and marginal farmers has been provided.
  • FPO/FPC can be a contracting party if so authorized by the farmers.
  • No rights, title ownership or possession to be transferred or alienated or vested in the contract farming sponsor etc.
  • Ensuring buying of entire pre-agreed quantity of one or more of agricultural produce, livestock or its product of contract farming producer as per contract.
  • Contract Farming Facilitation Group (CFFG) for promoting contract farming and services at village / panchayat level provided.
  • Accessible and simple dispute settlement mechanism at the lowest level possible provided for quick disposal of disputes.
  • It is a promotional and facilitative Act and not regulatory in its structure.


Resident Indians remit record $18.75 bn in FY20

GS-III : Economic Issues Remittances

Resident Indians remit record $18.75 bn in FY20

Resident Indians remit record $18.75 bn in FY20; travel, education LRS dominate

Liberalised remittance scheme (LRS)

Under the RBI’s liberalised remittance scheme, resident individuals are allowed to remit up to $250,000 in a financial year under various heads including current account transactions such as going overseas on employment, studies overseas, emigration, maintenance of close relatives, medical treatment among others.

The residents can also transfer money for capital account transactions under LRS including opening of foreign currency account overseas with a bank, purchase of property and making investments in units of mutual funds, venture capital funds among others.

LRS restricts buying and selling of foreign exchange abroad, or purchase of lottery tickets or sweep stakes, proscribed magazines and so on, or any items that are restricted under Schedule II of Foreign Exchange Management (Current Account Transactions) Rules, 2000.

You also can’t make remittances directly or indirectly to countries identified by the Financial Action Task Force as “non co-operative countries and territories".

The remittance in FY20 takes the total over the past six years to $58 billion.

According to data released by the RBI, the remittance in FY20 jumped 36 per cent over the previous high of $13.78 billion remitted in FY19.

Sources in the banking industry say while study-related remittance has been growing.

It is important to note that as domestic consumption, private investment continued to witness slowdown in FY19 and FY20 after the IL&FS crisis in September 2018, which resulted in a liquidity crisis for NBFCs and credit availability in the economy, the outward remittance by resident Indians continued to rise at a fast pace.

Remittance under the LRS scheme has been rising exponentially over the last six year and the outflow in FY20 was 17 times of what it was in FY14.

While it amounted to $1.3 billion in FY15, it jumped to $4.6 billion in FY16. In FY19 resident Indians sent $13.78 billion under the scheme.

A look into the LRS data for the FY20 shows that while travel accounted for $6.94 billion worth of remittance, those for the purpose of study amounted to $4.99 billion. The other two major heads were maintenance of close relatives ($3.4 billion) and gift ($1.9 billion).

A closer look at the data released for the month of March 2020 shows that month saw the lowest overall monthly remittance under the LRS scheme in at least 12-months as it amounted to $1.35 billion. The previous low was in April 2019 when Indians remitted a total of $1.28 billion. In February 2020, resident Indian remitted $1.68 billion.

Despite a dip in March, the financial year 2019-20 ended with record outflows of $18.75 billion, taking the aggregate over the last six-years at $58 billion.

By comparison, over the last six financial years, the foreign portfolio investors accounted for net inflow of $64.8 billion — 12 per cent higher than the LRS outflows.

Source: IE

Monetary, regulatory support can help agri industry account for 20% of exports by 2025

GS-III : Economic Issues Agriculture

Monetary, and regulatory support can help Agri industry account for 20% of exports by 2025


  • The monetary and regulatory support announced for the agricultural industry by the Finance Ministry on Friday has the potential to help double the share of this sector in the country’s basket of exports to around 20 per cent by 2025, according to some experts.
  • The strengthening of post-production facilities like cold chains, storage infrastructure and farm-gate projects will not only address wastages but will also improve unit realisation of our agricultural products.
  • India’s exports dropped over 60 percent in April due to supply chain disruptions and low demand in the wake of the ongoing pandemic.


  • The announcements have come at an opportune time, as the world is apprehensive of importing edible products from China.
  • The announcements have also addressed some “key bottlenecks” faced by exporters in the agricultural sector, according to FIEO. For instance, the removal of inter-state movement restrictions is a “big” relief as it will help in fulfilling export commitments and capitalise on export opportunities.
  • Another positive move is the amendments to the Essential Commodities Act, which imposed stock limits on products like edible oils, oilseeds, pulses, onions, potatoes and cereals.
  • The amendments will help in “better” price realisation for farmers, but will also help them stock sufficient quantities for timely delivery.
  • In agricultural exports, we can easily achieve a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 30 per cent in the next five years. Right now agricultural products contributed only around 10 per cent of India’s total export basket.

Source: IE

Agriculture Export Policy,2018

GS-III : Economic Issues Agriculture

Agriculture Export Policy,2018

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the Agriculture Export Policy, 2018. The Cabinet has also approved the proposal for the establishment of a Monitoring Framework at the Centre with Commerce as the nodal Department with representation from various line Ministries/Departments and Agencies and representatives of concerned State Governments, to oversee the implementation of Agriculture Export Policy.

Vision:” Harness export potential of Indian agriculture, through suitable policy instruments, to make India global power in agriculture and raise farmers’ income.”


The objectives of the Agriculture Export Policy are as under:

  • To double agricultural exports from present ~US$ 30+ Billion to ~US$ 60+ Billion by 2022 and reach US$ 100 Billion in the next few years thereafter, with a stable trade policy regime.
  • To diversify our export basket, destinations and boost high value and value added agricultural exports including focus on perishables.
  • To promote novel, indigenous, organic, ethnic, traditional and non-traditional Agri products exports.
  • To provide an institutional mechanism for pursuing market access, tackling barriers and deal with sanitary and phyto-sanitary issues.
  • To strive to double India’s share in world agri exports by integrating with global value chain at the earliest.
  • Enable farmers to get benefit of export opportunities in overseas market.

Elements of Agriculture Export Policy:

The recommendations in the Agriculture Export Policy have been organised in two categories – Strategic and Operational – as detailed below:


Policy measures

Infrastructure and logistics support

Holistic approach to boost exports

Greater involvement of State Governments in agri exports

Focus on Clusters

Promoting value-added exports

Marketing and promotion of “Brand India


Attract private investments into production and processing

Establishment of strong quality regimen

Research & Development


Source: IE

Defence Testing Infrastructure Scheme

GS-III : Internal security Internal security

Defence Testing Infrastructure Scheme

  • The projects under the scheme will be provided with up to 75% government funding in the form of a ‘Grant-in-Aid’.

  • Defence Testing Infrastructure Scheme (DTIS) is launched with an outlay of? 400 crore for creating state-of-the-art testing infrastructure for the domestic defence and aerospace manufacturing sector.
  • The Scheme would run for the duration of five years and envisages setting up six to eight new test facilities in partnership with private industry.
  • This will facilitate indigenous defence production, consequently, reducing imports of military equipment and helping make the country self-reliant.
  • The projects under the scheme will be provided with up to 75% government funding in the form of ‘Grant-in-Aid’; the remaining 25% of the cost will be borne by the Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV), whose constituents will be Indian private entities and State Governments.
  • The SPVs under the scheme will be registered under the Companies Act, 2013 and shall also operate and maintain all assets under the scheme in a self-sustainable manner by collecting user charges.
  • The equipment and systems tested will be certified as per appropriate accreditation.
  • While a majority of test facilities are expected to come up in the two Defence Industrial Corridors (DICs), the scheme is not limited to setting up such facilities in the DICs only.

Defence Industrial Corridors

In pursuance to the budget announcement (2018-19), it has been decided to set up two Defence Industrial Corridors in the Country, one in Uttar Pradesh and another in Tamil Nadu.

Investments of approximately Rs 3,700 crore were announced by Ordnance Factory Board (OFB/Defence Public Sector Undertakings (DPSUs) & Private Industries for Uttar Pradesh Defence Corridors and investments of approx Rs 3,100 crore were announced by OFB/DPSUs & private industries for Tamil Nadu Defence Corridor.

Further, Government has also appointed a consultant for the preparation of policy and Detailed Project Report (DPR) for these two Defence Corridors. Incentives to private players and foreign companies are provided under the respective state policies.

Source: TH

INLCU L57- Landing Craft Utility (LCU) MK-IV class


INLCU L57- Landing Craft Utility (LCU) MK-IV class

INLCU L57 is commissioned into the Indian Navy on 15 May 2020 at Port Blair. INLCU L57 is the seventh Landing Craft Utility (LCU) MK-IV class to be inducted into the Indian Navy. The ship has been indigenously designed and built by M/s Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE), Kolkata. The commissioning of INLCU L57 is yet another manifestation of the country’s indigenous design and ship-building capability.

About INCLU L57

The LCU MK-IV ship is an amphibious vessel with a designated primary role of transporting and deploying Main Battle Tanks, Armoured Vehicles, troops and equipment from ship to shore.

Based at the Andaman and Nicobar Command, these ships can be deployed for multi-role activities like beaching operations, search and rescue, disaster relief operations, supply and replenishment and evacuation from distant islands.

the ship, displacing 830 tonnes, is capable of transporting various kinds of combat equipment such as Main Battle Tanks Arjun, T72 and other vehicles.

The ship is fitted with state-of-art equipment and advanced systems, like Integrated Bridge System (IBS) and Integrated Platform Management System (IPMS).

It is anticipated that the induction of these ships will contribute to the nation’s maritime security needs, in consonance with the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s drive for ‘Make in India’.

Source: PIB

Indian Coast Guard Ship (ICGS) Sachet and two interceptor boats (IBs) C-450 and C-451

GS-III : Internal security Internal security

Indian Coast Guard Ship (ICGS) Sachet and two interceptor boats (IBs) C-450 and C-451

Indian Coast Guard Ship (ICGS) Sachet and two interceptor boats (IBs) C-450 and C-451 have been commissioned.

The ICGS Sachet, the first in the series of five offshore patrol vessels (OPVs) has been designed & built indigenously by Goa Shipyard Limited (GSL) and is fitted with state-of-the-art navigation and communication equipment.

Indian Coast Guard is the fourth largest Coast Guard in the world, it has established itself as a reliable force. It not only protects our coastline and coastal community, but also protects economic activities, and the maritime environment in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

The Raksha Mantri acknowledged that the sea can become a medium of any kind of threats sponsored by anti-national elements. Therefore it is extremely important to develop a collaborative and cooperative approach among all stakeholders.

He expressed confidence that the Coast Guard Ships being inducted from today onwards will add to their strength and help in addressing the challenges related to maritime terrorism, drug trafficking, smuggling, maritime law enforcement and the search and rescue of threatened mariners.

About Sachet

The 105-metre-long ship ‘Sachet’ displaces approximately 2,350 tons and is propelled by two 9,100 KW diesel engines designed to attain a maximum speed of 26 knots, with an endurance of 6,000 nautical miles.

The sustenance and reach, coupled with the latest equipment and systems, provide her with the capability to perform the role of a command platform and undertake tasks to fulfil the ICG charter.

The ship is designed to carry a twin-engine helicopter and four high-speed boats and one inflatable boat for swift boarding and search & rescue operations.

The ship is also capable of carrying limited pollution response equipment to undertake oil spill pollution response at sea.

‘Sachet’ meaning alert is a projection of the will and commitment of ICG ‘to be ever vigilant for serving and protecting the maritime interest of the Nation.

It is for the first time in Indian maritime history that a ship was commissioned through a digital medium, maintaining a strict protocol of social distancing in the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Interceptor Boats C-450 and C-451

The IBS C-450 and C-451 are indigenously designed & built by Larsen & Toubro Shipyard Hazira, and fitted with the latest navigation and communication equipment.

The two 30-metre-long boats are capable of achieving speeds in excess of 45 knots and are designed for high-speed interception, close coast patrol and low-intensity maritime operations.

The quick response capability of the IBs makes it an ideal platform to respond to and thwart any emerging maritime situation.

The ships, on joining the Coast Guard fleet, will be deployed extensively for Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) surveillance, coastal security and other duties as enshrined in the Coast Guard charter of duties, to safeguard the maritime interests of the Nation.

With the commissioning of these ships, the ICG has reached a landmark of 150 ships & Boats and 62 aircraft.

Further, 40 ships are in various stages of construction at different Indian Shipyards and 16 advanced light helicopters are under production at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Bengaluru, which will provide added strength to the surveillance capabilities of ICG to deal with the ever-dynamic maritime challenges.

Achievements of ICG

The ICG has to its credit of saving about 400 lives at sea, 4,500 lives as part of assistance rendered to civil authorities and undertook 32 medical evacuations in the year 2019 alone. The deterrence created by the ICG is not limited to the Indian waters, but collaboration with friendly littoral states as per provisions of bilateral cooperation agreements resulted in successful apprehension and seizure of drugs in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).

The real-time information sharing, close coordination and understanding between ICG and other international agencies have been the key success of these operations.

Hawkeye vigil of the Indian EEZ has ensured seizure of Rs 2,000 crore contraband, and detainment of 30 foreign fishing vessels with 119 miscreants for fishing illegally in Indian waters during the same period.

Source: PIB

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Lockdown syndrome: On the virus-induced economic crisis Introduction Official data capturing the economic impact of the nationwide lockdown are starting to pour in slowly. The country’s industrial output, as measured by the Index of Industrial Production (IIP), contracted by 16.7% in Mar

Keeping Asia-Pacific afloat-Solutions for sustainable Marine Economy

Keeping Asia-Pacific afloat By, Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana is Executive Secretary of ESCAP Thriving marine environment For generations, the Asia-Pacific region has thrived on our seas. The seas provide food, livelihoods and a sense of identity, especially for coastal communities in the

Chitra GeneLAMP-N

Chitra GeneLAMP-N The Chitra GeneLAMP-N was developed by the Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST), Thiruvananthapuram The Chitra technology uses a method called Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP). The objective, like that of the gold-stand

Poumai Naga Tribe

Poumai Naga Tribe The Poumai Naga is one of the major Naga tribes in the northeastern state of Manipur in India. The Poumai predominantly live in the Senapati District of Manipur, though there are villages in Nagaland state. The Poumai speak their own language, Paula, and are generally Ch

Post-lockdown guidelines | Work from home may stay for government staff

Post-lockdown guidelines | Work from home may stay for government staff In a post-lockdown scenario, the Centre will continue with staggered and variable work hours and the Personnel Ministry has floated a draft consultation paper to adopt the best work from home practices for Central government

6.5-km two-lane tunnel road to Wayanad

6.5-km two-lane tunnel road to Wayanad gets the nod The government has given the nod for a ?658-crore two-lane tunnel road in the Anakkampoyil-Kalladi-Meppadi corridor that would run parallel to the landslip-prone Thamarassery pass that links Kozhikode to Wayanad. The 6.5-km tunnel will be t

Perumon bridge and Naluchira bridge

Perumon bridge and Naluchira bridge The Cabinet has also given the nod for a 39.9-crore Perumon bridge across Ashtamudi Lake in the Kollam district. The proposed bridge will link Perumon and Munrothuruthu. The 34.39 crore Naluchira bridge across the Pampa river to link Thottappally and Na

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban)

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) Programme launched by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (MoHUPA), in Mission mode envisions provision of Housing for All by 2022, when the Nation completes 75 years of its Independence. The Mission seek

14 May,2020
Desert Locusts

Desert Locusts Context Agriculture Minister Shri Narendra Singh Tomar interacts with Pesticide Industry representatives on the Desert Locust Control. Central and State Governments are working together on the Desert Locust Control measures and have been able to check its spread. New machines

Liquidity lifeline: On Nirmala’s MSME package

Liquidity lifeline: On Nirmala’s MSME package Introduction The first tranche of announcements made by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman under the Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan on Wednesday is impressive indeed. Focus areas The measures announced will go a long way in lifting the

Provide income support, restore jobs

Provide income support, restore jobs By, Radhika Kapoor and R. Nagaraj work with the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), New Delhi and the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR), Mumbai, respectively Introduction Following the adage, &l

A plan to revive a broken economy

A plan to revive a broken economy By, Prabhat Patnaik is Professor Emeritus, Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. Jayati Ghosh is a professor of economics at JNU. Harsh Mander is a human rights worker, writer and teacher Introduction Despit

FORCE (‘Fiscal Options and Response to Covid-19 Epidemic’)

FORCE (‘Fiscal Options and Response to Covid-19 Epidemic’) A group of 50 IRS officers thought it their duty to help the government in this hour of crisis. They prepared a report titled ‘Fiscal Options and Response to Covid-19 Epidemic’, or FORCE, and submitted it to the go

New habits-COVID-19

Forced to adopt new habits-COVID-19 Overcoming inertia Starting new habits is tough and requires overcoming inertia. Most of the time humans like maintaining the status quo. The majority of us don’t change the default settings when we buy a new mobile phone. Nor we do change the d

BIO International Convention

BIO International Convention The BIO International Convention is hosted by the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO). India is represented by the Minister of State for Science and Technology and Earth Sciences. The key benefits of attending the BIO International Convention are access

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA),2010

FCRA Context A decision by the U.S. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to donate $3.6 million to Indian labs and research agencies to assist in countering COVID-19 pandemic could run into delays, given that the agency has been placed on a “watch list” since Decemver 20

TIR Convention

TIR Convention India became the 71st country to ratify the United Nations TIR (Transports Internationaux Routiers) Convention. TIR Convention is an international transit system under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). It came into force in 1975. The T

RERA Act,2016

RERA Act,2016 Objectives of RERA Enhance transparency and accountability in real estate and housing transactions. Boost domestic and foreign investment in the real estate sector. Provide uniform regulatory environment to ensure speedy adjudication of disputes. Promote orderly growth t


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