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14 Jun, 2021

30 Min Read

G7 Summit at Cornwall, UK

GS-II : International organisation Major International Organizations

What is G7?

G7 is a Group of the 7 most advanced economies as per the International Monetary Fund. They are Canada, USA, UK, France, Germany, Italy and Japan.

47th G7 Summit 2021

  • The 47th G7 Summit is scheduled to be held between June 11 and 13, 2021 in the United Kingdom.
  • It is the first physical G7 summit to be held in two years and will take place in Carbis Bay, Cornwall, the UK.
  • The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has also been invited to be a part of the Summit.
  • The Objective of the 47th G7 Summit is to unite leading democracies to help the world build back better from the coronavirus and create a greener, more prosperous future. It shall aim at:
  1. Leading the global recovery from the Novel Coronavirus while strengthening resilience against future pandemics.
  2. Promoting future prosperity by championing free and fair trade.
  3. Tackling climate change and preserving the planet’s biodiversity.
  4. Championing globally shared values.

Outcomes of the 47th G7 Summit

Outcomes of G7 Summit

  • G7 leaders agreed on Sunday to raise their contributions to meet an overdue spending pledge of $100 billion a year to help poorer countries cut carbon emissions and cope with global warming, calling on other developed countries to join the effort. But campaigners said firm cash promises were missing.
  • Alongside plans billed as helping speed infrastructure funding in developing countries and a shift to renewable and sustainable technology, the world’s seven largest advanced economies again pledged to meet the climate finance target.
  • But climate groups said the promise made in the summit’s final communique lacked detail, most importantly a figure for the increases.
  • Germany said it would boost its contribution by 2 billion to 6 billion euros ($7.26 billion) a year by 2025 at the latest.
  • In the communique, the seven nations — the U.S., Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan — reaffirmed their commitment to “jointly mobilise $100 billion per year from public and private sources, through to 2025”.
  • “Towards this end, we commit to each increase and improve our overall international public climate finance contributions for this period and call on other developed countries to join and enhance their contributions to this effort.”
  • There was a clear push by leaders at the G7 summit in southwestern England to try to counter China’s increasing influence in the world, particularly among developing nations.
  • The leaders signalled their desire to build a rival to Beijing’s multi-trillion-dollar Belt and Road initiative but the details were few and far between.
  • G7 countries account for 20% of global carbon emissions, and we were clear this weekend that action has to start with us.
  • “And while it’s fantastic that every one of the G7 countries has pledged to wipe out our contributions to climate change, we need to make sure we’re achieving that as fast as we can and helping developing countries at the same time.”
  • Developed countries agreed at the UN in 2009 to together contribute $100 billion each year by 2020 in climate finance to poorer countries, many of whom are grappling with rising seas, storms and droughts made worse by climate change. That target was not met, derailed in part by the pandemic that also forced Britain to postpone the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) until later this year.
  • The G7 also said 2021 should be a “turning point for our planet” and to accelerate efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions and keep the 1.5 Celsius global warming threshold within reach.

Outcomes of the 47th G7 Summit: Indian perspective

  • India is a “natural ally” to work with the world’s richest G7 countries to fight against threats of authoritarianism, said Prime Minister Narendra Modi, speaking at a special outreach session for guest countries on “Open Societies and Open Economies” at the G7 summit that ended in Corbis Bay, U.K.
  • Marking out the need for a “free, open and inclusive” Indo-Pacific, officials also said the government will study U.S. President Joseph Biden’s proposal for a “Build Back Better World” (B3W) initiative, seen as a counter to China’s trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative, that was endorsed by the G7, keeping in mind the principles of “transparency and inclusion”.
  • However, in a departure from the main 25-page G7 communique, which was issued by U.S., U.K., Germany, France, Canada, Italy and Japan, and contained negative references to China on the issue of its aggression in the East and South China Sea, and human rights issues in Xinjiang, MEA officials said Chinese aggression “was not raised” at the outreach meetings with guest countries Australia, South Korea and South Africa, and that there are “other forums” where it is being discussed.
  • The communique also made a strong call for a “timely, transparent, expert-led, and science-based WHO-convened Phase 2 COVID-19 Origins study including, as recommended by the experts’ report, in China,” that India had also called for in a statement during the World Health Assembly last month.
  • Mr. Modi also called on “tech companies and social media platforms” to ensure a “safe cyber environment” for all, a statement significant given the government’s recent regulatory issues with Facebook, Twitter and other tech companies.

Source: TH

New Critically Endangered Tree species discovered in Andaman Islands

GS-III : Biodiversity & Environment Flora

New Critically Endangered Tree species discovered in the Andaman Islands

  • A 15-metre-tall tree that belongs to the genus of the coffee family has recently been discovered in the Andaman Islands by a team of researchers from India and the Philippines.
  • The new species, Pyrostria laljii, is also the first record of the genus Pyrostria in India, the researchers said.
  • Plants belonging to the genus Pyrostria are usually found in Madagascar, but the recently discovered species is new to science.
  • The tree is distinguished by a long stem with a whitish coating on the trunk and oblong-obovate leaves with a cuneate base and was first reported from the Wandoor forest in South Andaman.
  • The other places in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands where the tree could be located are the Tirur forest near the Jarawa Reserve Forest and the Chidia Tapu (Munda Pahar) forest.
  • Pyrostria laljii has been assessed as ‘Critically Endangered’ based on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List criteria.
  • While the genus Pyrostria is not found in India, there are several genera from the family Rubiaceae that are common in India.
  • These plants, including cinchona, coffee, Adina, hamelia, Ixora, galium, gardenia, mussaenda, rubia, morinda, have a high potential for economic value. More studies should be carried out to ascertain whether Pyrostria laljii could have some economic value.
  • Another physical feature that distinguishes the tree from other species of the genus is its umbellate inflorescence with eight to 12 flowers.

Source: TH

Inflation and Industrial output data.

GS-III : Economic Issues Inflation

Inflation and Industrial output data.

The latest retail inflation and industrial output data from the National Statistical Office (NSO) offer some relief from the pall of gloom cast by the relentless second wave of the COVID19 pandemic.

The recent statistics

  • Provisional headline inflation slowed to a three-month low of4.29% in April, helped by softer food prices and a statistical base effect. The rate using an imputed index for the year earlier period was 7.22%.
  • Index of Industrial Production (IIP) estimates show all three sectoral constituents of the index-mining, manufacturing and e suffered effecting, which accounts for 77.6% of the IIP, saw production shrink 12.6% from March, and contributing to a 13% sequential contraction in overall industrial output.
  • The output of capital goods and consumer durables also lagged the corresponding 2019 levels by 14.3% and 11.6%.
  • Consumer non-durables, comprising household essentials, witnessed an almost 11% contraction from March, testifying to the demand destruction that has accompanied the second wave.
  • A separate NSO release showed March industrial output jumped by22.4%, benefiting again from the fact that the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) had posted an 18.7% contraction in March 2020, when the economy was halted by the start of a nationwide lockdown.
  • Composite PMI Output Index slid from 55.4 in April to 48.1 in May indicating a moderate reduction in activity. New vehicle registrations more than halved in May from the previous month, another tell-tale sign of the demand drought.
  • A closer look at the inflation data reveals a substantial cooling in the prices of cereals, milk and milk products, vegetables, and pulses and products.
  • While both cereals and vegetables saw a deflationary trend widen to 2.96% and14.2%, respectively, dairy products, which have the second largest weight in the food and beverages category, also slid into deflation territory at 0.13%.
  • And price gains in pulses, having been stubbornly stuck in the double digits over an 18month stretch, decelerated into single digits to reach a 20month low of 7.51%.
  • The combined impact slowed inflation across the food and beverages group by more than 250 basis points to 2.66%.
  • Still, the same Consumer Price Index data also point to persistent price pressures that could potentially fan faster inflation in the coming months, especially at time when the socioeconomic burden of the crippling pandemic and the impact of the lockdown that several States are resorting to is yet to be fully gauged.
  • Price gains in meat and fish quickened to 16.7% and was little changed at 10.6% in the case of eggs, while inflation in oils and fats accelerated almost 100 basis points to25.9%.
  • Transport and communication also remained in the double-digit range at 11.04%, despite benefiting from the virtual freeze in the pump prices of petroleum products that coincided with last month’s Assembly elections.
  • Now, with global crude oil starting to firm again and local petrol and diesel prices resuming their upward trajectory, the prospect of haulage costs —for transporting goods from factory and farm gates — rising in the near term is very real.
  • The rising international commodity prices and the outlook for inflation gets even more cloudy.
  • Industrial production numbers may also provide cheer only for a limited period, aided in no small measure by output having cratered in the first few months of the last fiscal.
  • HIS Markit’s PMI survey for April showed new orders and output having slowed to eight month lows, and with the pandemic triggered factory shutdowns threatening supply disruptions, industrial production and inflation face challenges. Policymakers must stay vigilant to ensure price stability even as measures to bolster demand are the need of the hour.

For more on economic impact due to pandemic

Source: TH

IIT Ropar develops nation's first power-free CPAP device 'Jivan Vayu'


IIT Ropar develops the nation's first power-free CPAP device 'Jivan Vayu'

  • Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar has developed a device ‘Jivan Vayu’ which can be used as a substitute of a CPAP machine.
  • What is Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)?
  1. CPAP is a treatment method for patients having breathing problems during sleep called sleep apnea.
  2. The machine uses mild air pressure to keep the airways open for easy breathing.
  3. It is also used to treat infants whose lungs have not fully developed.
  4. The machine blows air into the baby's nose to help inflate his or her lungs. The treatment is all the more necessary during early stages of the Covid-19 infection.
  5. It reduces lung damage and allow patients to recover from the inflammatory effects.
  • However, this is Nation’s first such device which functions even without electricity and is adapted to both kinds of oxygen generation units like O2 cylinders and oxygen pipelines in hospitals.
  • These provisions are not available in otherwise existing CPAP machines.
  • Fulfilling all the medically required parameters, this leak-proof, low-cost CPAP delivery system, “Jivan Vayu’ is designed for a 22mm CPAP closed circuit tube. It can even be customized as per the size of the tube. Since it can run during power failures, this can be used to safely transport a patient.
  • It has an inbuilt viral filter at the air entrainment end which has a viral efficacy of 99.99%. The viral filter ensures that the air does not bring in any pathogens from the environment.
  • The device has been manufactured using 3D printing and has also been tested mechanically.
  • ‘Jivan Vayu’ can deliver high flow oxygen (20–60 LPM) while maintaining a continuous positive pressure of up to 20 cm H2O. The device is designed to maintain an FiO2 of above 40% with a PEEP (positive end-expiratory pressure) of 5-20 cm H2O.

Figure 1: Jivan Vayu breathing circuit for CPAP therapy delivering a positive pressure of up to 20cm H2O and accelerated flow rate of up to 60 LPM

Source: PIB

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